
Drush version manager (DVM)


Drush Version Manager 2.x


Drush version control system, to manage a variety of Drush versions and provide the ability to switch to specific versions at any time.

This project was inspired by NVM, and was originally written in Bash. It was rewritten in Go in late-2016 and has been improving since.

It came about when attempting to use multiple Drush versions with the use of CI tooling. It has become more important now as Drupal has essentially abandoned the use of drush make.


Drush version manager requires composer, and nothing more.

  • composer


There are three ways to install DVM, but if you're at all familiar with Golang these are very standardised shipping methods.

Option 1: Like any other Go binary

  1. run go get -u github.com/fubarhouse/dvm
  2. Use like any other Go binary.

Option 2: Download a precompiled binary!

  1. Download one of the pre-compiled binaries.
  2. Copy to location in $PATH environment variable.

Option 3: - As an API for use in your Go project

  1. run go get -u github.com/fubarhouse/dvm
  2. Build your own Go binary using the API's from the packages downloaded.


Configurations are loaded via Viper, an example is below.

The default symlink path is $HOME/.dvm/bin/drush. The default value can be overriden in ~/.dvm/config.toml to suit your environment.

path = "/usr/local/bin/drush"


General usage

  dvm [command] [flags]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  install     Install a specific version of Drush
  list        List available or installed Drush versions.
  reinstall   Reinstall a specific version of Drush
  search      Search for available Drush versions using a substring.
  uninstall   Uninstall a specific version of Drush
  use         Initialise or replace an established symlink to the configured location, for a given version of Drush

  --config string      config file (default is $HOME/config.toml)
  -a, --available      List available versions
  -h, --help           help for dvm
  -i, --installed      List installed versions
  -v, --version string Version to target, it does not have a default value.


Operational commands

  • Install: dvm install --version 7.2.0
  • Uninstall: dvm uninstall --version 7.2.0
  • Reinstall: dvm reinstall --version 7.2.0
  • Switch: dvm use --version 7.2.0
  • List Available: dvm list --available
  • List Installed: dvm list --installed

Search examples:

dvm search -s ^9
dvm search -s 9$
dvm search -s 9