
Type-safe Go library for creating and manipulating HTML elements (with htmx helpers).

MIT License

elem-go - Version 0.28.0 Latest Release

Published by chasefleming 2 months ago

🚀 New Features

Introducing Fragment for Grouping Elements

You can now use the Fragment function to group multiple HTML elements together without adding an extra wrapper element to the DOM. This is particularly useful when you want to merge nodes into a single parent without adding unnecessary structure.

Usage Examples

Below is an example of how you can utilize the Fragment function in your Go code:

import (

func main() {
    nodes1 := []elem.Node{
        elem.P(nil, elem.Text("1")),
        elem.P(nil, elem.Text("2")),
    nodes2 := []elem.Node{
        elem.P(nil, elem.Text("3")),
        elem.P(nil, elem.Text("4")),

    content := elem.Div(nil,
        elem.P(nil, elem.Text("0")),

    html := content.Render()

This code will produce the following HTML output:


🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @goring
elem-go - Version 0.27.0

Published by chasefleming 3 months ago

🚀 New Features

Support for Single-Quoted Attribute Values

You can now define attributes with values enclosed in single quotes, avoiding the need for additional escaping when double quotes are used within the attribute value itself.

Usage Examples

Below is an example of how you can utilize single-quoted attribute values in your Go code:

import (

func main() {
    content := elem.Div(attrs.Props{
        "data-values": `'{"quantity": 5}'`,  // Single-quoted attribute value

    html := content.Render()


This code will produce the following HTML output:

<div data-values='{"quantity": 5}'></div>

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @goring
elem-go - Version 0.26.0

Published by chasefleming 5 months ago

🚀 New Features

Seconds and Milliseconds Functions

Seconds(value float64) string

This function returns a string representation of the given time duration in seconds.

secondsValue := styles.Seconds(2.5) // Returns "2.5s"

Milliseconds(value int) string

This function returns a string representation of the given time duration in milliseconds.

millisecondsValue := styles.Milliseconds(500) // Returns "500ms"

HSL and HSLA Functions

HSL(h, s, l int) string

This function returns a string representation of the given HSL color.

hslColor := styles.HSL(120, 100, 50) // Returns "hsl(120, 100%, 50%)"

HSLA(h, s, l int, a float64) string

This function returns a string representation of the given HSLA color.

hslaColor := styles.HSLA(120, 100, 50, 0.5) // Returns "hsla(120, 100%, 50%, 0.5)"

Font Variant Constant

New constant, FontVariant for the font-variant CSS property:

textStyle := styles.Props{
   styles.FontVariant: "small-caps",

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @BreakTos
  • @chasefleming
  • @bsushmith
  • @rxdps93
elem-go - v0.25.0

Published by chasefleming 7 months ago

Introducing StyleManager in elem-go

The latest addition to the elem-go library is here: the StyleManager. This powerful feature enhances the management of CSS styles programmatically with advanced capabilities such as pseudo-classes, animations, and media queries, directly within the Go programming environment. StyleManager is designed to streamline the creation of dynamic and responsive web applications, empowering developers with more control and flexibility over their styling strategies.

StyleManager Features

  • Pseudo-Class Management: Define and apply styles for hover, active, focus, and other pseudo-classes to your HTML elements with ease.
  • CSS Animations: Keyframe animations can now be created within Go, bringing web pages to life.
  • Responsive Design Support: Utilize media queries to adjust styles based on device characteristics, improving mobile responsiveness.
  • Style Deduplication: Optimizes CSS by merging duplicate styles, reducing file size and enhancing load times.
  • Type-Safe CSS Properties: The integration of Go's type system reduces style definition errors, ensuring powerful and predictable styles.


To incorporate StyleManager into your projects, make sure to have the latest version of elem-go:

go get -u github.com/chasefleming/elem-go

Then, import the styles package alongside elem-go in your project:

import (

Usage Examples

Creating a StyleManager

Initialize StyleManager to start creating your styles:

styleMgr := styles.NewStyleManager()

Defining Styles with Pseudo-Classes

Easily apply dynamic hover effects:

buttonClass := styleMgr.AddCompositeStyle(styles.CompositeStyle{
    Default: styles.Props{
        styles.BackgroundColor: "blue",
        styles.Color:           "white",
    PseudoClasses: map[string]styles.Props{
        "hover": {styles.BackgroundColor: "darkblue"},

Implementing CSS Animations

Bring elements to life with custom keyframe animations:

animationName := styleMgr.AddAnimation(styles.Keyframes{
    "0%":   {styles.Opacity: "0"},
    "100%": {styles.Opacity: "1"},
fadeInClass := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{
    styles.AnimationName:    animationName,
    styles.AnimationDuration: "2s",

Responsive Design via Media Queries

Adapt your styles to different screen sizes:

responsiveClass := styleMgr.AddCompositeStyle(styles.CompositeStyle{
    Default: styles.Props{styles.Display: "block"},
    MediaQueries: map[string]styles.Props{
        "@media (max-width: 600px)": {styles.Display: "none"},

Integration with elem-go

Directly integrate your styles with elem-go elements:

html := elem.Div(
    attrs.Props{attrs.Class: responsiveClass},
    elem.Text("Responsive Text"),

html.RenderWithOptions(elem.RenderOptions{StyleManager: styleMgr})

Get Started with StyleManager

Explore the documentation and the example application to see StyleManager in action. StyleManager opens new possibilities for elem-go projects by offering sophisticated styling that aligns with Go's philosophy of simplicity, efficiency, and reliability.

Discover the dynamic and responsive web applications you can create with StyleManager. Happy coding!

elem-go - Version 0.24.0

Published by chasefleming 7 months ago

This update introduces a suite of new functions to the styles sub-package aimed at providing a type-safe approach to generating CSS style strings.

New Features: Type-Safe CSS Value Functions Added

Length and Size Functions

Em(value float64) string and Rem(value float64) string

These functions return a string representation of the given value with the "em" and "rem" units, respectively.

emValue := styles.Em(2.5) // Returns "2.5em"
remValue := styles.Rem(1.5) // Returns "1.5rem"

Pixels(value int) string

This function returns a string representation of the given value with the "px" unit.

pxValue := styles.Pixels(10) // Returns "10px"

Percent(value int) string

This function returns a string representation of the given value with the "%" unit.

percentValue := styles.Percent(50) // Returns "50%"

Viewport Functions

ViewportHeight(value int) string and ViewportWidth(value int) string

These functions return a string representation of the given value with the "vh" and "vw" units, respectively.

vhValue := styles.ViewportHeight(50) // Returns "50vh"
vwValue := styles.ViewportWidth(25) // Returns "25vw"

ViewportMin(value int) string and ViewportMax(value int) string

These functions return a string representation of the given value with the "vmin" and "vmax" units, respectively.

vminValue := styles.ViewportMin(10) // Returns "10vmin"
vmaxValue := styles.ViewportMax(20) // Returns "20vmax"

Color Functions

RGB(r, g, b int) string

This function returns a string representation of the given RGB color.

rgbColor := styles.RGB(255, 0, 0) // Returns "rgb(255, 0, 0)"

RGBA(r, g, b int, a float64) string

This function returns a string representation of the given RGBA color.

rgbaColor := styles.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 0.5) // Returns "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"

Other Functions

Int(value int) string

This function returns a string representation of the given integer value.

intValue := styles.Int(100) // Returns "100"

Float(value float64) string

This function returns a string representation of the given float value.

floatValue := styles.Float(3.14) // Returns "3.14"

URL(url string) string

This function returns a string representation as a formatted CSS URL.

urlValue := styles.URL("https://example.com/image.jpg") // Returns "url('https://example.com/image.jpg')"

Var(name string) string

This function returns a string representation as a CSS variable.

varValue := styles.Var("primary-color") // Returns "var(--primary-color)"
elem-go - Version 0.23.0

Published by chasefleming 8 months ago

🚀 New Features

Merge Added to attrs Subpackage

The Merge method allows for the merging of multiple attrs.Props maps into a single attrs.Props map. This is particularly useful when you need to apply a base set of attributes and then selectively override or add additional attributes under certain conditions. The method accepts a variadic input, enabling the easy combination of any number of attrs.Props maps. Attributes from later arguments will override those from earlier ones if there are any key conflicts.


defaultButtonAttrs := attrs.Props{
    attrs.Class: "btn",
    attrs.Type:  "button",

userButtonAttrs := attrs.Props{
    attrs.Class: "btn btn-primary",
    attrs.ID:    "submitBtn",

mergedButtonAttrs := attrs.Merge(defaultButtonAttrs, userButtonAttrs)

button := elem.Button(mergedButtonAttrs, elem.Text("Submit"))
elem-go - Version 0.22.0

Published by chasefleming 8 months ago

🚀 New Features

Support for <base> Element

The Base function for creating <base> elements has been added. The <base> element specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs in a document.

Example Usage

head := elem.Head(nil, elem.Base(attrs.Props{"href": "https://www.example.com/"}))

⚠️ Breaking Change and Bug Fix

Migration of styles.CSS to elem.CSS

To remove a circular dependency, the previously used styles.CSS method has been moved and renamed to elem.CSS. Projects that previously relied on styles.CSS will need to update their references to the new elem.CSS.

This will also fix a bug where styles.CSS no longer implemented the Node interface.

elem-go - Version 0.21.0

Published by chasefleming 8 months ago

🚀 New Features

New Semantic Elements Added

We've enhanced elem-go with new semantic HTML elements for accessibility. The update includes:

  • elem.Ruby(...)
  • elem.Rt(...)
  • elem.Rp(...)
  • elem.Small(...)
  • elem.Q(...)
  • elem.Cite(...)
  • elem.Abbr(...)
  • elem.Data(...)
  • elem.Time(...)
  • elem.Var(...)
  • elem.Samp(...)
  • elem.Kbd(...)
  • elem.Sub(...)
  • elem.Sup(...)
  • elem.B(...)
  • elem.U(...)

These additions enable more precise content structuring and semantic clarity, covering a range of elements from annotations and text modifications to data representation and emphasis.

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @dreth
  • @liv7c
  • @ahmed-hany94
elem-go - Version 0.20.0

Published by chasefleming 9 months ago

✨ Enhancements

  • New htmx constants: Added extensive support for htmx attributes and hx-on::event attributes using a -- syntax for universal compatibility. This update more closely aligns elem-go with htmx version 1.9.10, enabling developers to implement dynamic web functionalities with improved ease and safety.

  • New Attribute Constants: Introduced new attribute constants for integrity and crossorigin for script elements, enhancing security and resource sharing capabilities in web applications.

  • Style Constant for Object Fit: Added a style constant for object-fit property, allowing for more control over the visual rendering of images and videos, ensuring they fit their containers in a visually appealing manner.

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @dreth
  • @chasefleming
elem-go - Version 0.19.0

Published by chasefleming 9 months ago

🚀 New Features

Added Support for <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, and <hgroup> Elements

Support for the <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, and <hgroup> HTML elements has been added, broadening the scope for semantic text structuring and document outline organization.

Usage Examples

Create a section with nested headings using elem.H4(), elem.H5(), and elem.H6():

sectionContent := elem.Div(nil,
    elem.H4(nil, elem.Text("Section Heading Level 4")),
    elem.H5(nil, elem.Text("Subsection Heading Level 5")),
    elem.H6(nil, elem.Text("Subsubsection Heading Level 6")),

This will output:

    <h4>Section Heading Level 4</h4>
    <h5>Subsection Heading Level 5</h5>
    <h6>Subsubsection Heading Level 6</h6>

Group headings together semantically using elem.Hgroup():

headingGroup := elem.Hgroup(nil,
    elem.H1(nil, elem.Text("Main Title")),
    elem.H2(nil, elem.Text("Subtitle")),

This will output:

    <h1>Main Title</h1>

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @lukasmalkmus
  • @chasefleming
elem-go - Version 0.18.0

Published by chasefleming 9 months ago

🚀 New Features

Added <map> and <area> Element Support

Support for the <map> and <area> HTML elements has been added, enhancing the capability of creating interactive image maps.

Usage Examples

Create a <map> element with elem.Map() and define clickable areas using elem.Area():

imageMap := elem.Map(attrs.Props{attrs.Name: "map1"},
        attrs.Alt: "Area 1",
        attrs.Coords: "34,44,270,350",
        attrs.Href: "#area1",
        attrs.Shape: "rect",

This will output:

<map name="map1">
    <area alt="Area 1" coords="34,44,270,350" href="#area1" shape="rect">

Other Changes

  • Attributes for "shape", "coords", and "usemap" have been added to the attributes subpackage.
  • A new constant for "backdrop-filter" is now available in the styles package.
  • Updated the todo example to use utils.CopyString for optimized memory management in line with Fiber's performance strategy.

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @Olivia5k
  • @mkt95
  • @chasefleming
elem-go - Version 0.17.0

Published by chasefleming 10 months ago

🚀 New Features and Enhancements

Support for <optgroup> Element

The Optgroup function for creating <optgroup> elements has been added. This update allows for better organization in forms with numerous options by grouping <option> elements within <select> dropdowns.

Example Usage

el := Select(attrs.Props{attrs.Name: "cars"},
    Optgroup(attrs.Props{attrs.Label: "Swedish Cars"},
        Option(attrs.Props{attrs.Value: "volvo"}, Text("Volvo")),
        Option(attrs.Props{attrs.Value: "saab"}, Text("Saab"))),
    Optgroup(attrs.Props{attrs.Label: "German Cars"},
        Option(attrs.Props{attrs.Value: "mercedes"}, Text("Mercedes")),
        Option(attrs.Props{attrs.Value: "audi"}, Text("Audi")))

This will render the following HTML:

<select name="cars">
  <optgroup label="Swedish Cars">
    <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
    <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <optgroup label="German Cars">
    <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
    <option value="audi">Audi</option>

Doctype Preamble Now Added With elem.Html

elem.Html now automatically includes the <!DOCTYPE html> preamble at the beginning of the HTML document to ensure compliance with modern web standards and prevent rendering in legacy/quirks mode.

New RenderWithOptions Method for Custom Render Options

The new RenderWithOptions method has been introduced to provide more flexibility in rendering. For instance, if you need to disable the automatic HTML preamble (now included by default in elem.Html), you can do so using this method. This method takes a RenderOptions struct with a boolean option for DisableHtmlPreamble.

Example Usage

options := RenderOptions{DisableHtmlPreamble: true}
htmlString := myHtmlElement.RenderWithOptions(options)

⚠️ Breaking Changes

The public NewElement function has been made private and renamed to newElement. Users relying on this function directly in their code will need to update their usage accordingly. If you require additional elements not currently available in the repository, please create an issue to request them.

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @daenney
  • @webstradev
  • @whisk
elem-go - Version 0.16.0

Published by chasefleming 11 months ago

🚀 New Features

elem.None for Conditional Rendering and Empty Elements

None now simplifies cases where conditional rendering requires either an element or no output at all. The function provides a straightforward way to express the absence of an element without compromising the readability or structure of your code.

In conditional rendering, None serves as an ideal placeholder for cases where no output is required. For example, when using None in conjunction with the If function, it allows for cleaner and more expressive code. Consider a scenario where you need to render a welcome message conditionally:

showWelcomeMessage := false
welcomeMessage := elem.Div(nil, elem.Text("Welcome to our website!"))

content := elem.Div(nil, 
    elem.If[elem.Node](showWelcomeMessage, welcomeMessage, elem.None())

Here, welcomeMessage is only rendered if showWelcomeMessage is true. Otherwise, None ensures that there is no output.

None also makes it straightforward to create explicitly empty elements like <div></div>, useful in various layout and design contexts:

emptyDiv := elem.Div(nil, elem.None())
// Outputs: <div></div>
elem-go - Version 0.15.0

Published by chasefleming 11 months ago

🚀 New Features

Raw HTML Insertion

The Raw function has been added to allow direct insertion of raw HTML content into the document structure. This function is particularly useful for rendering HTML strings as part of the final output, without any modification or parsing. It offers a convenient way to integrate HTML content generated outside the elem-go environment.

Example Usage

rawHTML := `<div class="custom-html"><p>Custom HTML content</p></div>`
content := elem.Div(nil,
    elem.H1(nil, elem.Text("Hello, World!")),
    elem.Raw(rawHTML), // Inserting the raw HTML
    elem.P(nil, elem.Text("More content here...")), 

htmlOutput := content.Render()

NOTE: Users should ensure to sanitize any HTML content from untrusted sources before using the Raw function to prevent security risks like XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.

elem-go - Version 0.14.0

Published by chasefleming 11 months ago

🚀 New Features

Introduction of DataAttr for Custom Data Attributes

This new function enables the addition of custom data attributes to HTML elements.

Example Usage

Div(attrs.Props{attrs.DataAttr("theme"): "cupcake"}, Text("foobar"))
// <div data-theme="cupcake">foobar</div>

Expanded ARIA Attributes for Accessibility

A comprehensive set of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes has been added to the attrs subpackage. For a full list of the new ARIA attributes, see the constants in the attrs subpackage.

Added Various Attributes

Support for step and minlength has been added to our attributes constants.You can access these from the attrs subpackage as attrs.Step and attrs.Minlength.

⚠️ Deprecations

Standardization of Constants in the attrs Package

Several constants have been renamed to adhere to Go's naming conventions.

  • AllowFullScreenAllowFullscreen
  • ReferrerPolicyReferrerpolicy
  • NoValidateNovalidate
  • MaxLengthMaxlength
  • DateTimeDatetime
  • CrossOriginCrossorigin
  • SrcDocSrcdoc
  • IsMapIsmap

Users are advised to update their code to the new standards. The deprecated constants will remain available for a transition period, but will be removed in future releases.

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @whisk
  • @chasefleming
elem-go - Version 0.13.0

Published by chasefleming 12 months ago

🚀 New Features

HTML Comments

This new utility allows you to easily add HTML comments into your generated HTML.

comment := elem.Comment("Section: Main Content Start")
// Generates: <!-- Section: Main Content Start -->

<iframe> Support

You can now integrate <iframe> into your HTML with the new IFrame function.

iframe := elem.IFrame(attrs.Props{
    attrs.Src: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/446E-r0rXHI",
    attrs.AllowFullScreen: "true",
// Generates <iframe allowfullscreen src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/446E-r0rXHI"></iframe>

<audio> and <video> Elements

Enhance your HTML with multimedia content using our new Audio and Video functions.

Audio Example

audio := elem.Audio(attrs.Props{attrs.Controls: "true"},
    elem.Source(attrs.Props{attrs.Src: "audio.mp3", attrs.Type: "audio/mpeg"}),
    elem.Source(attrs.Props{attrs.Src: "audio.ogg", attrs.Type: "audio/ogg"}),
    elem.Text("Your browser does not support the audio tag."),
// Generates <audio controls><source src="audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"><source src="audio.ogg" type="audio/ogg">Your browser does not support the audio tag.</audio>

Video Example

video := elem.Video(attrs.Props{attrs.Width: "320", attrs.Height: "240", attrs.Controls: "true"},
    elem.Source(attrs.Props{attrs.Src: "movie.mp4", attrs.Type: "video/mp4"}),
    elem.Source(attrs.Props{attrs.Src: "movie.ogg", attrs.Type: "video/ogg"}),
    elem.Text("Your browser does not support the video tag."),
// Generates <video controls height="240" width="320"><source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"><source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @whisk
  • @Malay-dev
  • @chasefleming
elem-go - Version 0.12.0

Published by chasefleming 12 months ago

🚀 New Features

Merge Function for styles.Props

Developers can now combine multiple style props objects into one with the new Merge method. This feature is particularly useful for applying conditional styles on top of base styles, depending on state or other factors.

Example Usage

// Example style definitions
baseButtonStyle := styles.Props{
  Padding: "10px 15px",
  Border: "none",
  FontWeight: "bold",

primaryStyles := styles.Props{
  BackgroundColor: "blue",
  Color: "white",

secondaryStyles := styles.Props{
  BackgroundColor: "red",
  Color: "white",

// Merging styles with the new Merge function
primaryButtonStyles := styles.Merge(baseButtonStyle, primaryStyles)
secondaryButtonStyles := styles.Merge(baseButtonStyle, secondaryStyles)

In the Merge function, later style objects take precedence over earlier ones for properties defined in multiple style objects. This allows for fine-grained control over the styling precedence.

Style and CSS Functions for Embedding CSS

Two new functions, Style and CSS, have been introduced to streamline the creation of <style> tags for embedding raw CSS into HTML documents.

Style Function

The Style function creates an *Element struct representing a <style> tag.

Example Usage

// Defining raw CSS content
cssContent := `
    body { background-color: #f0f0f0; }
    h1 { color: #333; }

// Creating a <style> tag with the CSS content
styleTag := elem.Style(nil, styles.CSS(cssContent))

// Creating an HTML document with the <style> tag included in the <head>
document := elem.Html(nil,
    // ... other body elements

The CSS function within the Style tag helper ensures that CSS is correctly embedded and applied within the HTML document.

elem-go - Version 0.11.0

Published by chasefleming 12 months ago

This update introduces refactoring to the handling of attributes and styles within the elem-go library to resolve naming conflicts and improve the overall structure.

⚠️ Breaking Changes

Below are the breaking changes and examples of how to update your code accordingly:

1. Refactoring elem.Attrs to attrs.Props

To avoid naming conflicts with the HTML attribute names and provide a clearer distinction, elem.Attrs has been renamed to attrs.Props. This change emphasizes that these are properties for elements rather than direct attributes.

Old Usage:

div := elem.Div(elem.Attrs{
    attrs.ID:    "content",
    attrs.Class: "main-content",

New Usage:

div := elem.Div(attrs.Props{
    attrs.ID:    "content",
    attrs.Class: "main-content",

Action Required: Replace all instances of elem.Attrs with attrs.Props.

2. Refactoring elem.Style to styles.Props

To differentiate style properties from other attributes and ensure they are treated distinctly within the library, elem.Style has been refactored to styles.Props. This allows for a more modular approach to styling elements.

Old Usage:

style := elem.Style{
    styles.BackgroundColor: "#fff",
    styles.Color:           "#000",

New Usage:

style := styles.Props{
    styles.BackgroundColor: "#fff",
    styles.Color:           "#000",

Action Required: Replace all instances of elem.Style with styles.Props.

3. Deprecation of ApplyStyle and Introduction of ToInline

The ApplyStyle method, which was used to set style attributes directly on elements, has been deprecated to promote a more streamlined API. We are introducing the ToInline method for the styles.Props type to convert style properties to inline CSS strings more explicitly.

Old Usage with ApplyStyle:

divStyle := elem.Style{
    styles.BackgroundColor: "#f4f4f4",
    // ...other styles

div := elem.Div(elem.Attrs{
    attrs.Style: elem.ApplyStyle(divStyle),

New Usage with ToInline:

divStyle := elem.Style{
    styles.BackgroundColor: "#f4f4f4",
    // ...other styles

div := elem.Div(styles.Props{
    attrs.Style: divStyle.ToInline(),

Action Required: Migrate all usages of ApplyStyle to use the ToInline method on styles.Props and set the resulting string with the attrs.Style key when defining element attributes.

elem-go - Version 0.10.0

Published by chasefleming 12 months ago

✨ New Elements Added

With this update, developers can now easily implement a wider range of elements that cover form, interactive, and script-supporting functionalities, enhancing the interactivity and compliance of web applications with HTML standards.

Form-Related Elements

Enhance your web forms with the following newly supported elements:

  • Fieldset(): Create a <fieldset> element to group related items within a form.
  • Legend(): Use the <legend> element to caption your <fieldset> groups.
  • Datalist(): Implement a <datalist> element providing autocomplete suggestions to users.
  • Meter(): Display a <meter> for representing scalar measurements like disk usage.
  • Output(): Incorporate an <output> element to showcase the results of a calculation.
  • Progress(): Utilize a <progress> bar to indicate the completion status of a task.

Interactive Elements

Introducing functions for interactive elements that improve user engagement:

  • Dialog(): Deploy modal <dialog> elements for interactive pop-ups.
  • Menu(): Construct a <menu> element for custom-built, interactive menu controls.

Script-Supporting Element

For enhanced scripting capabilities:

  • NoScript(): Define alternative content with <noscript> for users without script support in their browsers.
elem-go - Version 0.9.0

Published by chasefleming 12 months ago

🚀 Enhanced Boolean Attribute Handling

Boolean attributes like checked and selected can now be assigned values of "true" or "false". Setting them to true will correctly render these attributes without needing an explicit value. For instance:

// Using boolean attributes
checkbox := elem.Input(elem.Attrs{
    attrs.Type:    "checkbox",
    attrs.Checked: "true",  // This will render as <input type="checkbox" checked>

✨ Added Attributes and Style Property Constants For Type-Safety

In the styles subpackage you'll now find constants for the following:

  • font-variant
  • font-stretch
  • word-wrap
  • font-style
  • text-shadow
  • vertical-align
  • word-spacing
  • word-break
  • text-indent
  • background-position
  • background-attachment
  • background-blend-mode
  • backface-visibility
  • perspective
  • transform-origin
  • outline
  • outline-style
  • outline-color
  • outline-width
  • outline-offset

In the attrs subpackage you'll now find constants for the following:

  • colspan
  • rowspan
  • headers
  • scope
  • is-map
  • novalidate
  • selected

🙏 Thanks to Contributors

  • @whisk
  • @Emm-dev0
  • @sidd3103
  • @chasefleming