
Simple Auto Updater service written in Golang.

APACHE-2.0 License



"FaynoSync" is derived from the Ukrainian word "файно" (fayno), which is transliterated as "fayno" in English. In the Ukrainian language, "файно" (fayno) is an informal term used to describe something as excellent, fine, or great, indicating a positive, satisfactory, or enjoyable state or experience.

This application is a simple auto updater service written in Golang. It allows you to upload your application to S3 and set the version number. The client application can then check the version number against the auto updater service API. If the auto updater service has a newer version, it will return a link to the updated service, and the client application will show an alert.


To use this application, you will need to have Golang installed on your machine. You can install it from the official website.

Once you have installed Golang, clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/ku9nov/faynoSync.git


To configure the faynoSync, you will need to set the following environment variables:

STORAGE_DRIVER (`minio` or `aws`)
S3_ACCESS_KEY (Your AWS or Minio access key ID.)
S3_SECRET_KEY (Your AWS or Minio secret access key.)
S3_REGION (The AWS region in which your S3 bucket is located. For Minio this value should be empty.)
S3_BUCKET_NAME (The name of your S3 bucket.)
S3_ENDPOINT= (s3 endpoint, check documentation of your cloud provider)
DASHBOARD_URL= (dashboard url to allow CORS configuration)
PORT (The port on which the auto updater service will listen. Default: 9000)
MONGODB_URL=mongodb://root:[email protected]/cb_faynosync_db?authSource=admin (see docker-compose file)
SYSTEM_KEY= (generated by 'openssl rand -base64 16')
API_KEY= (generated by 'openssl rand -base64 16') Used for SignUp

You can set these environment variables in a .env file in the root directory of the application. You can use the .env.local file, which contains all filled variables.

Docker configuration

To build and run the API with all dependencies, you can use the following command:

docker-compose up --build

You can now run tests using this command (please wait until the s3-service successfully creates the bucket):

docker exec -it faynoSync_backend "/usr/bin/faynoSync_tests"

If you only want to run dependency services (for local development without Docker), use this command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.development.yaml up


To use the auto updater service, follow these steps:

  1. Build the application:
go build -o faynoSync faynoSync.go
  1. Start the auto updater service with migrations:
./faynoSync --migration

Note: To rollback your migrations run:

./faynoSync --migration --rollback
  1. Upload your application to S3 and set the version number in Admin Api.

  2. In your client application, make a POST request to the auto updater service API, passing the current version number as a query parameter:


The auto updater service will return a JSON response with the following structure:

    "update_available": false,
    "update_url_deb": "https://<bucket_name>.s3.amazonaws.com/secondapp/myapp-0.0.1.deb",
    "update_url_rpm": "https://<bucket_name>.s3.amazonaws.com/secondapp/myapp-0.0.1.rpm"

If an update is available, the update_available field will be true, and the update_url field will contain a link to the updated application.

  1. In your client application, show an alert to the user indicating that an update is available and provide a link to download the updated application.


Run e2e tests:

go test

Build test binary file:

go test -c -o faynoSync_tests

Test Descriptions

To successfully run the tests and have them pass, you need to populate the .env file.

The tests verify the implemented API using a test database and an existing S3 bucket.

List of Tests

- TestHealthCheck
- TestLogin
- TestFailedLogin (expected result from API "401")
- TestListApps
- TestListAppsWithInvalidToken (expected result from API "401")
- TestAppCreate
- TestSecondaryAppCreate (expected result from API "failed")
- TestUploadApp
- TestUploadDuplicateApp (expected result from API "failed")
- TestDeleteApp
- TestChannelCreateNightly
- TestChannelCreateStable
- TestUploadAppWithoutChannel (expected result from API "failed")
- TestMultipleUploadWithChannels
- TestSearchApp
- TestCheckVersionLatestVersion
- TestMultipleDelete
- TestDeleteNightlyChannel
- TestDeleteStableChannel
- TestPlatformCreate
- TestUploadAppWithoutPlatform
- TestArchCreate
- TestUploadAppWithoutArch
- TestDeletePlatform
- TestDeleteArch
- TestListArchs
- TestListPlatforms
- TestListChannels
- TestListArchsWhenExist
- TestListPlatformsWhenExist
- TestListChannelsWhenExist
- TestSignUp
- TestFailedSignUp (expected result from API "401")
- TestUpdateSpecificApp
- TestListAppsWhenExist
- TestDeleteAppMeta
- TestUpdateChannel
- TestUpdateApp
- TestUpdatePlatform
- TestUpdateArch

Create new migrations

Install migrate tool here.

cd mongod/migrations
migrate create -ext json name_of_migration

Then run the migrations again.


This application is licensed under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more details

Extracted from project README
Stand With Ukraine Documentation
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