
A Fluentd log agent.

APACHE-2.0 License



A Fluentd log agent.

This agent is inspired by fluent-agent-lite.


  • Tailing log files (like in_tail)
    • enable to handle multiple files in a single process.
    • parse JSON or LTSV format.
  • Forwarding messages to external fluentd (like out_forward)
    • multiple fluentd server can be used. When primary server is down, messages will sent to secondary server.
    • if config.ServerRoundRobin = true, select one server from all servers by round robin.
  • Receiving a fluentd's forward protocol messages via TCP (like in_forward)
    • includes simplified on-memory queue.
  • Stats monitor httpd server
    • serve an agent stats by JSON format.
  • Supports sub-second time
    • Supported by Fluentd 0.14 or later. When you use Fluentd <= 0.12 as forwarded servers, fluentd will not accept records including sub-second time.


Binary releases


go get github.com/fujiwara/fluent-agent-hydra/cmd/fluent-agent-hydra/


Using command line arguments



  • -f="message": fieldname of fluentd log message attribute (DEFAULT: message)
  • -monitor="": monitor httpd daemon address (DEFAULT: -)

Usage example

fluent-agent-hydra -f msg tagname /path/to/foo.log fluentd.example.com:24224
  • Field name: "msg"
  • Filename: "/path/to/foo.log"
  • Primary server: "fluentd.example.com:24224"
  • Secondary server: ""

Using configuration file

fluent-agent-hydra -c /path/to/config.toml

A example of config.toml

# global settings
TagPrefix = "nginx"       # "nginx.access", "nginx.error"
FieldName = "message"     # default "message"
ReadBufferSize = 1048576  # default 64KB.
ServerRoundRobin = true   # default false
SubSecondTime = true      # default false. for Fluentd 0.14 or later only

# tailing log file (in_tail)
File = "/var/log/nginx/access.log"
Tag = "access"
# parse as ltsv format. (see http://ltsv.org/)
# Format = "None"(default) | "LTSV" | "JSON" | "Regexp"
Format = "LTSV"

# If Format is "Regexp", Regexp directive is required.
# Regexp = "(your regexp string)" | "apache" | "nginx" | "syslog"

# convert column data type
# 'column1_name:type,column2_name:type'
# type = "interger" | "float" | "bool" | otherwise as string
Types = "reqtime:float,size:integer,apptime:float,status:integer"

# parse a time string in log lines, and set it as record's timestamp
TimeParse = true      # default false
TimeKey = "timestamp" # default "time"

# TimeFormat is passed to Golang's time.Parse().
# http://golang.org/pkg/time/#Parse
# default time.RFC3339 == "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
# "apache" | "nginx" | "syslog" | "unix" is also available
TimeFormat = "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 Z0700"

File = "/var/log/nginx/error.log"
Tag = "error"

# forwarding fluentd server (out_forward)
Host = "fluentd.example.com"
Port = 24224

Host = "fluentd-backup.example.com"
Port = 24224

# receive fluentd forward protocol daemon (in_forward)
Port = 24224

# stats monitor http daemon
Host = "localhost"
Port = 24223

About special conversion behavior for numerical value

When the Format is JSON, fluent-agent-hydra treats a numerical value as float64 even if its type is integer. For treating a numerical value as integer, set a column data type integer with the Types.

Types = "column_name:integer"

Its type is converted to int64.

Stats monitor

For enabling stats monitor, specify command line option -m host:port or [Monitor] section in config file.

Hydra application stats

curl -s [Monitor.Host]:[Monitor.Port]/ | jq .

An example response.

  "receiver": {
    "buffered": 0,
    "disposed": 0,
    "messages": 123,
    "max_buffer_messages": 1048576,
    "current_connections": 1,
    "total_connections": 10,
    "address": "[::]:24224"
  "servers": [
      "error": "",
      "alive": true,
      "address": "fluentd.example.com:24224"
      "error": "[2014-08-18 18:25:28.965066394 +0900 JST] dial tcp connection refused",
      "alive": false,
      "address": "fluentd-backup.example.com:24224"
  "files": {
    "/var/log/nginx/error.log": {
      "error": "",
      "position": 95039,
      "tag": "nginx.error"
    "/var/log/nginx/access.log": {
      "error": "",
      "position": 112093,
      "tag": "nginx.access"
  "sent": {
    "nginx.error": {
      "bytes": 2578,
      "messages": 8
    "nginx.access": {
      "bytes": 44996,
      "messages": 109

system stats

curl -s [Monitor.Host]:[Monitor.Port]/system | jq .

An example response.

  "time": 1417748153556699400,
  "go_version": "go1.3",
  "go_os": "darwin",
  "go_arch": "amd64",
  "cpu_num": 4,
  "goroutine_num": 17,
  "gomaxprocs": 1,
  "cgo_call_num": 48,
  "memory_alloc": 551840,
  "memory_total_alloc": 17886960,
  "memory_sys": 5310712,
  "memory_lookups": 321,
  "memory_mallocs": 4645,
  "memory_frees": 3622,
  "memory_stack": 131072,
  "heap_alloc": 551840,
  "heap_sys": 2097152,
  "heap_idle": 1253376,
  "heap_inuse": 843776,
  "heap_released": 0,
  "heap_objects": 1023,
  "gc_next": 1083088,
  "gc_last": 1417748153454501600,
  "gc_num": 34,
  "gc_per_second": 0.966939666110773,
  "gc_pause_per_second": 0.641048,
  "gc_pause": [


See benchmark/README .

Thanks to


Fujiwara Shunichiro [email protected]


Copyright 2014 Fujiwara Shunichiro. / KAYAC Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Package Rankings
Top 8.17% on Proxy.golang.org
Extracted from project README