
Logger for serverless Golang applications

MIT License


logger is a configuration for Golang slog developed for easy to use within serverless applications (e.g. logging to AWS CloudWatch).


The library outputs log messages as JSON object. The configuration enforces output filename and line of the log statement to facilitate further analysis.

2023-10-26 19:12:44.709 +0300 EEST:
    "level": "INFO",
    "source": {
        "function": "main.example",
        "file": "example.go",
        "line": 143
    "msg": "some output",
    "key": "val",

The configuration inherits best practices of telecom application, it enhances existing Debug, Info, Warn and Error levels with 3 additional, making fine grained logging with 7 levels:

  1. EMERGENCY, EMR: system is unusable, panic execution of current routine or application, it is not possible to gracefully terminate it.
  2. CRITICAL, CRT: system is failed, response actions must be taken immediately, the application is not able to execute correctly but still able to gracefully exit.
  3. ERROR, ERR: system is failed, unable to recover from error. The failure do not have global catastrophic impacts but local functionality is impaired, incorrect result is returned.
  4. WARN, WRN: system is failed, unable to recover, degraded functionality. The failure is ignored and application still capable to deliver incomplete but correct results.
  5. NOTICE, NTC: system is failed, error is recovered, no impact.
  6. INFO, INF: output informative status about system.
  7. DEBUG, DEB: output debug status about system.

Getting started

The latest version of the configuration is available at main branch of this repository. All development, including new features and bug fixes, take place on the main branch using forking and pull requests as described in contribution guidelines. The stable version is available via Golang modules.

Import configuration and start logging using slog api. The default config is optimized for logging within Serverless application.

import (

	_ "github.com/fogfish/logger/v3"

// 2023-10-26 19:12:44.709 +0300 EEST:
//  {
//    "level": "INFO",
//    "source": {
//      "function": "main.example",
//      "file": "example.go",
//      "line": 143
//    },
//    "msg": "some output",
//    "key": "val",
//    ...    
//  }
slog.Info("some message", "key", "val")

Use custom log levels if application requires more log levels

import (

  log "github.com/fogfish/logger/v3"

slog.Log(context.Background(), log.EMERGENCY, "system emergency")


The default configuration is AWS CloudWatch friendly. It applies INFO level logging, disables timestamps and messages are emitted to standard error (os.Stderr). Use logger.New to create custom logger config.

import (

  log "github.com/fogfish/logger/v3"


Config Log Level from Env

Use environment variable CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL to change log level of the application at runtime


Enable DEBUG for single module

The logger allows to define a log level per module. It either explicitly defined via config option or environment variables. The logger uses each string as prefix to match it against source code path:

  • github.com/fogfish/logger/logger.go defines log level for single file
  • github.com/fogfish/logger defines log level for entire module
  • github.com/fogfish defines log level for all modules by user
import (

  log "github.com/fogfish/logger/v3"

      "github.com/fogfish/logger": log.INFO,
      "github.com/you/application": log.DEBUG,

Use environment variable CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_{LEVEL_NAME}

export CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG=github.com/you/application:github.com/
export CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL_INFO=github.com/fogfish/logger

AWS CloudWatch

The logger output events in the format compatible with AWS CloudWatch: each log message corresponds to single CloudWatch event. Therefore, it simplify logging in AWS Lambda functions. Use the logger together with CloudWatch Insight (e.g. utility awslog) for the deep analysis. For example, search events with logs insight queries:

fields @timestamp, @message
| filter level = "INFO" and foo = "bar"
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

How To Contribute

The library is MIT licensed and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

The build and testing process requires Go version 1.16 or later.

build and test library.

git clone https://github.com/fogfish/logger
cd logger

commit message

The commit message helps us to write a good release note, speed-up review process. The message should address two question what changed and why. The project follows the template defined by chapter Contributing to a Project of Git book.


If you experience any issues with the library, please let us know via GitHub issues. We appreciate detailed and accurate reports that help us to identity and replicate the issue.
