
Simple way to use Gemini from Go, including function calls / tools

APACHE-2.0 License


Gemini Client

A simple way to use the Gemini API.

Features and limitations

  • It is possible to submit a prompt and receive a response.
  • The package can run both locally (calling the Gemini API) and in Google Cloud (for example as a Google Cloud Run instance).
  • Supports multi-modal prompts (prompts where you can add text, images or data to the prompt).
  • Supports tool / function calling where you can supply custom Go functions to the Gemini client, and Gemini can call the functions as needed (but only for 1 tool/function, for now).
  • This package is a work in progress!
  • The only currently known issue is that when adding more than 1 tool/function, it appears to not work, ref. the multicall branch.
  • The functions starting with Must are alternatives to the ones that return a value and an error. These functions will just return the value, but panic if it fails. This is handy for testing and quick examples, but larger applications should probably not use them.

Example use

  1. Run gcloud auth login and/or gcloud auth application-default login, if needed.
  2. Get the Google Project ID at
  3. export GCP_PROJECT=123, where "123" is your own Google Project ID.
  4. (optionally) export GCP_LOCATION=us-west1, if "us-west1" is the location you prefer.
  5. Create a directory for this experiment, for instance: mkdir -p ~/geminitest && cd ~/geminitest.
  6. Create a main.go file that looks like this (0.4 is the temperature, 0.0 is less creative, 1.0 is more creative):
package main

import (


func main() {
    fmt.Println(geminiclient.MustAsk("Write a haiku about cows.", 0.4))
  1. Prepare a simple go.mod project file with ie. go mod init cows
  2. Fetch the dependencies (this geminiclient package) with go mod tidy
  3. Build and run the executable: go build && ./cows
  4. Observe the output, that should look a bit like this:
Black and white patches,
Chewing grass in sunlit fields,
Mooing gentle song.

A note about Google Cloud

If an application that uses geminiclient is deployed to ie. Google Cloud Run, then creating a new service account with "Vertex AI User" permissions is probably needed. This can be created in the "IAM & Admin" section. The service account can then be selected when deploying to Cloud Run.

Function calling / tool use

package main

import (


func main() {
    gc := geminiclient.MustNew()

    // Define a custom function for getting the weather, that Gemini can choose to call
    getWeatherRightNow := func(location string) string {
        fmt.Println("getWeatherRightNow was called")
        switch location {
        case "NY":
            return "It's sunny in New York."
        case "London":
            return "It's rainy in London."
            return "Weather data not available."

    // Add the weather function as a tool
    err := gc.AddFunctionTool("get_weather_right_now", "Get the current weather for a specific location", getWeatherRightNow)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to add function tool: %v", err)

    // Query Gemini with a prompt that requires using the custom weather tool
    result, err := gc.Query("What is the weather in NY?")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to query Gemini: %v", err)

    // Check and print the weather response
    if !strings.Contains(result, "sunny") {
        log.Fatalf("Expected 'sunny' to be in the response, but got: %v", result)
    fmt.Println("Weather AI Response:", result)

    gc.Clear() // Clear the current prompt parts, tools and functions

    // Define a custom function for reversing a string
    reverseString := func(input string) string {
        fmt.Println("reverseString was called")
        runes := []rune(input)
        for i, j := 0, len(runes)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
            runes[i], runes[j] = runes[j], runes[i]
        return string(runes)

    // Add the string reversal function as a tool
    err = gc.AddFunctionTool("reverse_string", "Reverse the given string", reverseString)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to add function tool: %v", err)

    // Query Gemini with a prompt that requires using the string reversal tool
    result, err = gc.Query("Reverse the string 'hello'. Reply with a single word.")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to query Gemini: %v", err)

    // Check and print the string reversal response
    expected := "olleh"
    if !strings.Contains(result, expected) {
        log.Fatalf("Expected '%s' to be in the response, but got: %v", expected, result)
    fmt.Println("Response:", result)

Multimodal prompts / analyzing images

package main

import (


func main() {
    const (
        multiModalModelName = "gemini-1.0-pro-vision" // "gemini-1.5-pro" also works, if only text is sent
        temperature         = 0.4
        descriptionPrompt   = "Describe what is common for these two images."

    gc, err := geminiclient.NewMultiModal(multiModalModelName, temperature)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Could not initialize the Gemini client with the %s model: %v\n", multiModalModelName, err)

    // Build a prompt
    if err := gc.AddImage("frog.png"); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Could not add frog.png: %v\n", err)

    // Count the tokens that are about to be sent
    tokenCount, err := gc.CountTokens()
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Sending %d tokens.\n\n", tokenCount)

    // Submit the images and the text prompt
    response, err := gc.Submit()
    if err != nil {

    // Format and print out the response
    if lines, err := wordwrap.WordWrap(response, 79); err == nil { // success
        for _, line := range lines {


Producing JSON

package main

import (


func main() {
    const (
        prompt      = `What color is the sky? Answer with a JSON struct where the only key is "color" and the value is a lowercase string.`
        modelName   = "gemini-1.5-pro"
        temperature = 0.0
        timeout     = 10 * time.Second

    gc, err := geminiclient.NewWithTimeout(modelName, temperature, timeout)
    if err != nil {


    result, err := gc.Query(prompt)
    if err != nil {

  • gemini-1.5-flash is the default model.
  • gemini-1.5-pro is smarter, but slower and more expensive.

Environment variables

These environment variables are supported:

  • GCP_PROJECT_ID or PROJECT_ID for the Google Cloud Project ID
  • GCP_LOCATION or PROJECT_LOCATION for the Google Cloud Project location (like us-west1)
  • MODEL_NAME for the Gemini model name (like gemini-1.5-flash or gemini-1.5-pro)
  • MULTI_MODAL_MODEL_NAME for the Gemini multi-modal name (like gemini-1.0-pro-vision)

General info

  • Version: 1.7.0
  • License: Apache 2
  • Author: Alexander F. Rødseth
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