
A simple Golang http service that lists the top Github contributors given a location.



A simple Golang http service that lists the top Github contributors given a location.

Features included:

  • Top contributors by a given location.
  • Cached results with a given TTL.
  • Number of results customizable (Max 150).
  • Sort by the amount of repositories, followers or by the date they joined.


From docker:

There is a Docker image called smoya/ghtop. In order to run the service, just do:

docker run --publish 8080:8080 smoya/ghtop:latest -gh-token=<github token>

From source

Ghtop requires Go 1.9 or later.

go get -u


Run the server:

ghtop -gh-token=<github token> -ttl=<ttl in seconds>

The GET /top endpoint should be now mounted.

Curl http://localhost:8080/top?location=barcelona in order to see the top dev contributors in Barcelona area. Replace barcelona with whatever location you want to look at.

curl 'http://localhost:8080/top?location=barcelona'


If authentication is required, the application is ready for use Basic HTTP authentication rfc2617. In further versions JWT could be implemented.

In order to prompt the authentication dialog on the /top endpoint, you must specify the user and password when running the service.

Arguments reference:

name type description required default
-port int Server's listening port no 8080
-env string Sets the environment. Just for logging. no prod
-gh-token string Github personal access token. Create yours from yes
-ttl int The ttl in seconds for the repository cache. no 300
-auth-user string The username for basic Http Authentication. No Auth if empty no
-auth-password string The password for basic Http Authentication. no


Ghtop library tests are split in two:

  • Unit tests
  • End To End tests (features are located in the e2e pkg)

Run make tests and make e2e respectively, or make check in order to run all of them.

Design considerations

  • The code allows us to easy implement a new repository for any other vcs system rather than github.
  • The limit has no fixed values but the max is 150 results (avoiding possible performance issues). I considered that adding the possibility to the user to
    limit the amount of results in each request was better for UX.
  • The Github token is set at application level rather than by the user in each request.
    This is a design decision since I considered this service as a simple API endpoint for a possible nice frontend application.
    However this could be changed handling a given Github token in each GET /top request.


  • Repository cache can be improved by checking if the specified limit is lower or equal than the cached one and use that cache.
  • We could retrieve more data from Github like user full name, email, organizations, etc.
  • Add a multiple repository constructor in order to allow using several repositories (from different vcs) at the same time.
  • Add a proper authentication mechanism (JWT for example). This could be done through an in memory database + a simple http middleware.
  • Adding more tests.