
Simple mimic of async/await for those come from C# world, now you can Cancel(), Wait() on a go routine.

MIT License



Simple mimik of async/await for those come from C# world, so you don't need to dealing with waitGroup/channel in golang.

also the result is strongTyped with go generics, no type assertion is needed.

few chaining method provided:

  • ContinueWith: send task1's output to task2 as input, return reference to task2.
  • AfterBoth : send output of taskA, taskB to taskC as input, return reference to taskC.
  • WaitAll: all of the task have to finish to end the wait (with an option to fail early if any task failed)
  • WaitAny: any of the task finish would end the wait
    // start task
    task := asynctask.Start(ctx, countingTask)
    // do something else
    // get the result
    rawResult, err := task.Wait()
    // or


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