
a generic object pool for golang

APACHE-2.0 License


Go Commons Pool

The Go Commons Pool is a generic object pool for Golang, direct rewrite from Apache Commons Pool.


  1. Support custom PooledObjectFactory.
  2. Rich pool configuration option, can precise control pooled object lifecycle. See ObjectPoolConfig.
    • Pool LIFO (last in, first out) or FIFO (first in, first out)
    • Pool cap config
    • Pool object validate config
    • Pool object borrow block and max waiting time config
    • Pool object eviction config
    • Pool object abandon config

Pool Configuration Option

Configuration option table, more detail description see ObjectPoolConfig

Option Default Description
LIFO true If pool is LIFO (last in, first out)
MaxTotal 8 The cap of pool
MaxIdle 8 Max "idle" instances in the pool
MinIdle 0 Min "idle" instances in the pool
TestOnCreate false Validate when object is created
TestOnBorrow false Validate when object is borrowed
TestOnReturn false Validate when object is returned
TestWhileIdle false Validate when object is idle, see TimeBetweenEvictionRuns
BlockWhenExhausted true Whether to block when the pool is exhausted
MinEvictableIdleTime 30m Eviction configuration,see DefaultEvictionPolicy
SoftMinEvictableIdleTime math.MaxInt64 Eviction configuration,see DefaultEvictionPolicy
NumTestsPerEvictionRun 3 The maximum number of objects to examine during each run evictor goroutine
TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 0 The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the evictor goroutine, less than 1 mean not run


Use Simple Factory

import (


func Example_simple() {
	type myPoolObject struct {
		s string

	v := uint64(0)
	factory := pool.NewPooledObjectFactorySimple(
		func(context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
			return &myPoolObject{
					s: strconv.FormatUint(atomic.AddUint64(&v, 1), 10),

	ctx := context.Background()
	p := pool.NewObjectPoolWithDefaultConfig(ctx, factory)

	obj, err := p.BorrowObject(ctx)
	if err != nil {

	o := obj.(*myPoolObject)

	err = p.ReturnObject(ctx, obj)
	if err != nil {

	// Output: 1

Use Custom Factory

import (


type MyPoolObject struct {
	s string

type MyCustomFactory struct {
	v uint64

func (f *MyCustomFactory) MakeObject(ctx context.Context) (*pool.PooledObject, error) {
	return pool.NewPooledObject(
				s: strconv.FormatUint(atomic.AddUint64(&f.v, 1), 10),

func (f *MyCustomFactory) DestroyObject(ctx context.Context, object *pool.PooledObject) error {
	// do destroy
	return nil

func (f *MyCustomFactory) ValidateObject(ctx context.Context, object *pool.PooledObject) bool {
	// do validate
	return true

func (f *MyCustomFactory) ActivateObject(ctx context.Context, object *pool.PooledObject) error {
	// do activate
	return nil

func (f *MyCustomFactory) PassivateObject(ctx context.Context, object *pool.PooledObject) error {
	// do passivate
	return nil

func Example_customFactory() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	p := pool.NewObjectPoolWithDefaultConfig(ctx, &MyCustomFactory{})
	p.Config.MaxTotal = 100
	obj1, err := p.BorrowObject(ctx)
	if err != nil {

	o := obj1.(*MyPoolObject)

	err = p.ReturnObject(ctx, obj1)
	if err != nil {

	// Output: 1

For more examples please see pool_test.go and example_simple_test.go, example_customFactory_test.go.


PooledObjectFactory.MakeObject must return a pointer, not value. The following code will complain error.

p := pool.NewObjectPoolWithDefaultConfig(ctx, pool.NewPooledObjectFactorySimple(
    func(context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
        return "hello", nil
obj, _ := p.BorrowObject()

The right way is:

p := pool.NewObjectPoolWithDefaultConfig(ctx, pool.NewPooledObjectFactorySimple(
    func(context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
        s := "hello"
        return &s, nil

For more examples please see example_simple_test.go.



The results of running the pool_perf_test is almost equal to the java version PerformanceTest

go test --perf=true

For Apache commons pool user

  • Direct use pool.Config.xxx to change pool config
  • Default config value is same as java version
  • If TimeBetweenEvictionRuns changed after ObjectPool created, should call ObjectPool.StartEvictor to take effect. Java version do this on set method.
  • No KeyedObjectPool (TODO)
  • No ProxiedObjectPool
  • No pool stats (TODO)



How to contribute

  • Choose one open issue you want to solve, if not create one and describe what you want to change.
  • Fork the repository on GitHub.
  • Write code to solve the issue.
  • Create PR and link to the issue.
  • Make sure test and coverage pass.
  • Wait maintainers to merge.



Go Commons Pool is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.