
"curl | tar xf" as a static binary - ADD compressed tarball url on Docker scratch



A static binary that mimics the ADD and extract Dockerfile's command for remote tarballs.


FROM moul/go-dl-extract
MAINTAINER Manfred Touron <[email protected]> (@moul)
# by inheriting the moul/go-dl-extract, the first RUN means a remote ADD
RUN http://archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz
CMD ["/bin/sh"]

Avanced usage

FROM scratch
ADD ssl.tar /
ADD go-dl-extract-Linux-x86_64 /bin/sh
RUN --md5=5f9cbd2728532c16ac28a501b3a59b7e https://github.com/jpetazzo/docker-busybox/raw/buildroot-2014.02/tarmaker-buildroot/rootfs.tar

RUN echo "Hello World"


The way to create a distribution/base image is to ADD a local tarball to a FROM scratch Dockerfile.

The way to create a trusted ditribution image is to put the tarball in the Github repository with the Dockerfile. Github prevents the files >100MB to be uploaded.

During a short period, the ADD command was also extracting remote tarballs, but it changed with this PR.

Security note

The main advantage to keep the tarball in the Github repository is to create a trusted build that will always give the same result and also provides the ability to be analyzed. (example)

go-dl-extract will print the tarball checksum and can also do a comparison with --md5=THECHECKSUM.

If the code is using a -latest.tar.gz kind of tarball, it is recommended to mirror the tarball somewhere and tag the tarball with the today date.

Cross platform

This project was built using the golang:1.3-cross image and was cross-compiled for 5 systems and architectures (Docker images availables):

System Architecture Docker image size Comment Docker image
Darwin x86_64 5.8MB Works with boot2docker moul/go-dl-extract:Darwin-x86_64
Linux x86_64 5.4MB Also latest tag moul/go-dl-extract:Linux-x86_64
Linux i386 4.4MB moul/go-dl-extract:Linux-i386
Linux armel 4.4MB moul/go-dl-extract:Linux-armel
Linux armhf 4.4MB Works on Online-Labs C1 moul/go-dl-extract:Linux-armhf

The compiled binaries are also available in the dist branch.

Example (with archlinux-disk)


FROM moul/go-dl-extract
MAINTAINER Manfred Touron <[email protected]> (@moul)
# by inheriting the moul/go-dl-extract, the first RUN means a remote ADD
RUN --md5=cd5567f945366fd4bda65700d139fbbd http://archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

Trusted build logs:

Step 0 : FROM moul/go-dl-extract 
Pulling image (latest) from moul/go-dl-extract, endpoint: https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/ f282d2dd8f61
Download complete 511136ea3c5a
Download complete bd3399809cf6
Download complete 4350b113b173
Download complete f282d2dd8f61
Download complete f282d2dd8f61
Status: Downloaded newer image for moul/go-dl-extract:latest 
---> f282d2dd8f61 
Step 1 : MAINTAINER Manfred Touron <[email protected]> (@moul) 
---> Running in b42e3e9b4b28 
---> e5677b73bd71 
Removing intermediate container b42e3e9b4b28 
Step 2 : RUN --md5=cd5567f945366fd4bda65700d139fbbd http://archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz 
---> Running in 40075a08d812 
MD5 checksum: cd5567f945366fd4bda65700d139fbbd (matches) 
---> 2da36da19561 
Removing intermediate container 40075a08d812 
Step 3 : CMD /bin/bash 
---> Running in e66cd52e3d6c 
---> 6f78f4fe962c 
Removing intermediate container e66cd52e3d6c 
Successfully built 6f78f4fe962c 
The push refers to a repository [armbuild/archlinux-disk] (len: 1) 
Sending image list 
Pushing repository armbuild/archlinux-disk (1 tags) 
511136ea3c5a Pushing 
2da36da19561 Pushing [==================================================>] 453.6 MB/453.6 MB
2da36da19561 Image successfully pushed 
Pushing tag for rev [6f78f4fe962c] on {https://cdn-registry-1.docker.io/v1/repositories/armbuild/archlinux-disk/tags/latest} 


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