
Component-based UI-framework for command-line tools. Easily create highly dynamic CLI interfaces using shared, easily testable components.

MIT License


go-glint Godoc

Glint is a component-based UI framework specifically targeted towards command-line interfaces. This allows you to create highly dynamic CLI interfaces using shared, easily testable components. Glint uses a Flexbox implementation to make it easy to lay out components in the CLI, including paddings, margins, and more.

API Status: Unstable. We're still actively working on the API and may change it in backwards incompatible ways. See the roadmap section in particular for work that may impact the API. In particular, we have integrated this library into Waypoint, and the experience of using this library in the real world will likely drive major changes.


The example below shows a simple dynamic counter:

func main() {
	var counter uint32
	go func() {
		for {
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
			atomic.AddUint32(&counter, 1)

	d := glint.New()
			glint.TextFunc(func(rows, cols uint) string {
				return fmt.Sprintf("%d tests passed", atomic.LoadUint32(&counter))



Glint is still an early stage project and there is a lot that we want to improve on. This may introduce some backwards incompatibilities but we are trying to stabilize the API as quickly as possible.

  • Non-interactive interfaces. We want to add support for rendering to non-interactive interfaces and allowing components to provide custom behavior in these cases. For now, users of Glint should detect non-interactivity and avoid using Glint.

  • Windows PowerShell and Cmd. Glint works fine in ANSI-compatible terminals on Windows, but doesn't work with PowerShell and Cmd. We want to make this work.

  • Dirty tracking. Glint currently rerenders the entire frame on each tick. I'd like components to be able to report if there are changes (if they are "dirty") and need to be rerendered. We could then more efficiently recalculate layouts and rerender outputs.

  • User Input. Glint should be able to query for user input and render this within its existing set of components.

  • Expose styling to custom renderers. Currently the Style component is a special-case for the terminal renderer to render colors. I'd like to expose the styles in a way that other renderers could use it in some meaningful way.


This library is heavily inspired by the Ink project. I saw this project and thought that having a central render loop along with a full layout engine was a fantastic idea. Most of my projects are in Go so I wanted to be able to realize these benefits with Go. Thank you!