
Turn any gRPC stream into a Go `net.Conn` implementation.

MIT License


go-grpc-net-conn Godoc

go-grpc-net-conn is a Go library that creates a net.Conn implementation on top of gRPC streams. If the stream is bidirectional (both the request and response of an RPC is a stream) then the net.Conn is a full-duplex connection.


Standard go get:

$ go get github.com/mitchellh/go-grpc-net-conn

Usage & Example

For usage and examples see the Godoc.

A brief example is shown below. Note that the only minor complexity is populating the required fields for the Conn structure. This package needs to know how to encode and decode the byte slices onto your expected protobuf message types.

Imagine a protobuf service that looks like the following:

syntax = "proto3";

package example;

service ExampleService {
  rpc Stream(stream Bytes) returns (stream Bytes);

message Bytes {
  bytes data = 1;

You can use this in the following way:

// Call our streaming endpoint
resp, err := client.Stream(context.Background())

// We need to create a callback so the conn knows how to decode/encode
// arbitrary byte slices for our proto type.
fieldFunc := func(msg proto.Message) *[]byte {
	return &msg.(*example.Bytes).Data

// Wrap our conn around the response.
conn := &grpc_net_conn.Conn{
	Stream: resp,
	Request: &example.Bytes{},
	Response: &example.Bytes{},
	Encode: SimpleEncoder(fieldFunc),
	Decode: SimpleDecoder(fieldFunc),

// conn implements net.Conn so use it as you would!