
Japi is a fast & simple HTTP API library that automatically marshals JSON payloads and uses RFC7807 for problem details

MIT License


japi is a JSON HTTP API go library

Japi is a fast & simple HTTP API library that will automatically marshal JSON payloads to/from your request and response structs. It follows RFC7807 standard for returning useful problem details.

This library focuses on happy path to minimize code and dependencies. For more complex use cases, we recommend sticking to a larger web framework. However, this library supports the standard net/http ecosystem.

This library requires Go 1.18 to work as it utilizes generics.

This library was forked from https://github.com/AbeMedia/go-don


Basic Example

package main

import (


type GreetRequest struct {
  Name string `path:"name"`         // Get name from the URL path.
  Age  int    `header:"X-User-Age"` // Get age from HTTP header.

type GreetResponse struct {
  // Remember to add tags for automatic marshalling
  Greeting string `json:"data"`

func Greet(ctx context.Context, req GreetRequest) (*GreetResponse, error) {
  if req.Name == "" {
    return nil, problem.Validation(map[string]string{
      "name": "required",
  res := &GreetResponse{
    Greeting: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s, you're %d years old.", req.Name, req.Age),

  return res, nil

func Pong(context.Context, japi.Empty) (string, error) {
  return "pong", nil

func main() {
  r := japi.New(nil)
  r.Get("/ping", japi.H(Pong)) // Handlers are wrapped with `japi.H`.
  r.Post("/greet/:name", japi.H(Greet))


Japi is configured by passing in the Config struct to japi.New. We recommend you setup ProblemConfig at a minimum.

r := japi.New(&japi.Config{
  ProblemConfig: problem.ProblemConfig{
    ProblemTypeUrlFormat: "https://example.com/errors/%s",
    ProblemInstanceFunc: func(ctx context.Context) string {
      return fmt.Sprintf("https://example.com/trace/%d", time.Now().UnixMilli())


A function to easily log the route name and route variables.


A function to easily log when problems occur.


The format for the problem details type URI. See RFC7807


A function for generating a unique trace URI. Defaults to a timestamp. See RFC7807

Request parsing

Automatically unmarshals values from headers, URL query, URL path & request body into your request struct.

type MyRequest struct {
  // Get from the URL path.
  ID int64 `path:"id"`

  // Get from the URL query.
  Filter string `query:"filter"`

  // Get from the JSON or form body.
  Content float64 `form:"bar" json:"bar"`

  // Get from the HTTP header.
  Lang string `header:"Accept-Language"`

Please note that using a pointer as the request type negatively affects performance.

Customize Response

Implement the StatusCoder and Headerer interfaces to customise headers and response codes.

type MyResponse struct {
  Foo  string `json:"foo"`

// Set a custom HTTP response code.
func (nr *MyResponse) StatusCode() int {
  return 201

// Add custom headers to the response.
func (nr *MyResponse) Header() http.Header {
  header := http.Header{}
  header.Set("foo", "bar")
  return header


Return a problem.Problem error when something goes wrong. For example:

return nil, problem.Unexpected(err) // 500
// or
return nil, problem.NotFound() // 404
// or
return nil, problem.NotPermitted(username) // 403
// or
return nil, problem.Validation(map[string]string{ // 400
  "name": "required",
// or
return nil, problem.RuleViolantion("item is on backorder") // 400
// or
return nil, problem.NotCurrent() // 407


You can create sub-routers using the Group function:

r := japi.New(nil)
sub := r.Group("/api")


Japi uses the standard http middleware format of func(http.RequestHandler) http.RequestHandler.

For example:

func loggingMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
  return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)  {

It is registered on a router using Use e.g.

r := japi.New(nil)
r.Post("/", japi.H(handler))

Middleware registered on a group only applies to routes in that group and child groups.

r := japi.New(nil)
r.Get("/login", japi.H(loginHandler))
r.Use(loggingMiddleware) // applied to all routes

api := r.Group("/api")
api.Get("/hello", japi.H(helloHandler))
api.Use(authMiddleware) // applied to routes `/api/hello` and `/api/v2/bye`

v2 := api.Group("/v2")
v2.Get("/bye", japi.H(byeHandler))
v2.Use(corsMiddleware) // only applied to `/api/v2/bye`

To pass values from the middleware to the handler extend the context e.g.

func myMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
  return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)  {
    ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), ContextUserKey, "my_user")
    next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))

This can now be accessed in the handler:

user := ctx.Value(ContextUserKey).(string)