
Solutions and implementations of Leetcode problems in Go.

MIT License



Solutions and implementations of Leetcode problems in Go. May the code be with you.

Challenges completed

  • Tries: Link

    • : Trie Representation
    • : Trie Operations
    • : Map Sum
    • : ReplaceWords
    • : AddSearch
    • : FindMaximumXOR
    • : WordSearch
  • Binary Search: Link

    • : Binary Search
    • : Sqrt
    • : SearchRotated
    • : FindPeakElement
    • : FindMinInRotatedArray
    • : SearchRange
    • : Find K Closest Elements
    • : Pow
    • : IsPerfectSquare
    • : NextGreatestLetter
    • : FindMin
    • : ArrayIntersection
    • : ArrayIntersection2
    • : TwoSum
    • : FindDuplicateNumber
    • : FindMedianSortedArrays
    • : Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance
    • : Split Array Largest Sum
    • : Find Peak Element 2d
  • [] List:

    • : Reverse a Linked List
    • : Find Middle Element
    • : Remove Duplicates from Unsorted/Sorted List
    • : Linked List Implementation
    • : Double Linked List Implementation
  • [] Array:

    • : Find common elements in K sorted arrays
    • : Pascals Triangle
    • : Array permutations
    • : Find kth largest/smallest element in unsorted list
    • : K-th Element of Two Sorted Arrays
  • Stack:

    • : Implement Stack using Queue
    • : Sort Stack using temp stack
  • Queue:

    • : Implement Queue using Stack
  • Heap:

    • : Implement a MinHeap
  • Searching:

    • : Rabin-Karp Searching
  • Graph:

    • : Implement an UndirectedGraph
    • : Implement an DirectedGraph
    • : BFS
    • : DFS
    • : Topological sort
  • Cache:

    • : Implement LFU Cache using Double List
    • : Implement LRU Cache using Double List
  • [] Tree:

    • : Reverse a Binary Tree
    • : Preorder Traversal
    • : Inorder Traversal
    • : Postorder Traversal
    • : Levelorder Traversal
    • : Binary Search Tree Delete
    • : Binary Search Tree Search
    • : Binary Search Tree Lowest Common Ancestor
    • : Binary Search Tree Print nodes K distance from root
    • : Binary Search Tree Subtree of Another Tree
    • : Binary Search Tree Trees are mirror
  • Hash Table:

    • : Hash table Implementation
  • Sorting:

    • : Counting Sort
    • : Radix Sort
    • : Merge Sort
  • Dynamic Programming:

    • : Fibonacci Dynamic
    • : Knapsack
  • [] Uncategorized:

    • : Add two numbers
    • : Length Of Longest Substring
    • : Defanging an IP Address
    • : First Unique Character in a String
    • : Longest prefix which is also suffix
    • : Best time to buy and sell stock - With explanation
    • : Add binary - With explanation
    • : Two Sum - With explanation
    • : Valid Palindrome
    • : Subarray Sum Equals K
    • : Check string chars can be rearranged to form palindrome


Copyright © 2019 Theo Despoudis MIT license