
A proxy for AWS's metadata service that gives out scoped IAM credentials from STS

MIT License



The go-metadataproxy is used to allow containers to acquire IAM roles. By metadata we mean EC2 instance meta data which is normally available to EC2 instances. This proxy exposes the meta data to containers inside or outside of EC2 hosts, allowing you to provide scoped IAM roles to individual containers, rather than giving them the full IAM permissions of an IAM role or IAM user.


From inside of the repo run the following commands:

go get ./...
go install


The go-metadataproxy has 1 mode of operation, running in AWS where it simply proxies most routes to the real metadata service.

AWS credentials

go-metadataproxy relies on AWS Go SDK for its AWS credentials. If metadata IAM credentials are available, it will use this. Otherwise, you'll need to use .aws/credentials or environment variables to specify the IAM credentials before the service is started.

Role assumption

For IAM routes, the go-metadataproxy will use STS to assume roles for containers. To do so it takes the incoming IP address of metadata requests and finds the running docker container associated with the IP address. It uses the value of the container's IAM_ROLE environment variable as the role it will assume. It then assumes the role and gives back STS credentials in the metadata response.

STS-attained credentials are cached and automatically rotated as they expire.

Container-specific roles

To specify the role of a container, simply launch it with the IAM_ROLE environment variable set to the IAM role you wish the container to run with.

docker run -e IAM_ROLE=my-role ubuntu:14.04

Configurable Behavior

There are a number of environment variables that can be set to tune metadata proxy's behavior. They can either be exported by the start script, or set via docker environment variables.

Variable Type Default Description
DEFAULT_ROLE String Role to use if IAM_ROLE is not set in a container's environment. If unset the container will get no IAM credentials.
DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID String The default account ID to assume roles in, if IAM_ROLE does not contain account information. If unset, go-metadataproxy will attempt to lookup role ARNs using iam:GetRole.
LOG_LEVEL String "info" Change the log level (debug, info, warning, error, fatal, panic)
LOG_FORMAT String "text" Change the log format (text, json, gelf)
DOCKER_URL String unix://var/run/docker.sock Url of the docker daemon. The default is to access docker via its socket.
ROLE_CACHE_OFFSET String (Optional) Time to substract from Role cache (default: 15m) (Example: 5m, 60s, 5m30s)
NEWRELIC_APP_NAME String (Optional) NewRelic application name.
NEWRELIC_LICENSE String (Optional) NewRelic license key.
COPY_DOCKER_LABELS String (Optional) a comma separated list of optional case-senstivie Docker labels to copy into telemetry labels. When copied to telemetry label, the string is automatically lower-cased. (example COPY_DOCKER_LABELS=PROJECT_VERSION,SOMETHING_ELSE)
COPY_DOCKER_ENV String (Optional) a comma separated list of optional case-senstivie Docker env key/value to copy into telemetry labels. When copied to telemetry label, the string is automatically lower-cased. (example COPY_DOCKER_ENV=PROJECT_VERSION,SOMETHING_ELSE)
STATSITE_ADDR String (Optional) Address for a statsite server.
STATSD_ADDR String (Optional) Address for a statsd server.
DATADOG_ADDR String (Optional) Address for a DataDog statsd server.
ENABLE_PROMETHEUS Bool (Optional) Enable Prometheus endpoint. Exposed at /metrics endpoint


Labels will be emitted as tags for backends using that.

  • api_version will be set if for all requests expect / (which don't contain the meta-data version in the url path)
  • handler_name will be set to the internal method being used to serve the request
    • iam-info-handler will be used for /{api_version}/meta-data/iam/info
    • iam-security-credentials-name will be used for /{api_version}/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/
    • iam-security-crentials-for-role will be used for /{api_version}/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/{requested_role}
    • metrics will be used for /metrics
    • passthrough will be used for all other requests
  • role_name will be included if go-metadataproxy found a IAM role during the request
  • request_path is the full URL path for the request
  • remote_addr is the remote address requesting the metadata api (typically the container IP)
  • response_code is the response code to the client connecting to go-metadataproxy. All failures result in a 404 code, otherwise 200
    • error_description If the response_code is 404, this label will contain a description of why - otherwise omitted
  • service Always set to go-metadataproxy

Additional labels from COPY_DOCKER_LABELS and COPY_DOCKER_ENV will be appended to the list above.

Key Type Labels Description
metadataproxy.http_request counter api_version, request_path, response_code, error_description, role_name, handler_name, service Emitted for each HTTP request proxied, availbility of the labels depend on the request and AWS response
metadataproxy.aws_response_time gauage api_version, request_path, response_code, role_name, handler_name, service The full request time (in nanoseconds) when talking to AWS meta-data endpoint.
metadataproxy.aws_request_time gauge api_version, request_path, response_code, role_name, handler_name, service The request time (in nanoseconds) when talking to AWS meta-data endpoint.
metadataproxy.aws_connection_time gauge api_version, request_path, response_code, role_name, handler_name, service The connect time (in nanoseconds) when talking to AWS meta-data endpoint.

Default Roles

When no role is matched, go-metadataproxy will use the role specified in the DEFAULT\_ROLE go-metadataproxy environment variable. If no DEFAULT_ROLE is specified as a fallback, then your docker container without an IAM\_ROLE environment variable will fail to retrieve credentials.

Role Formats

The following are all supported formats for specifying roles:

  • By Role:

  • By Role@AccountId

  • By ARN:


Role structure

A useful way to deploy this go-metadataproxy is with a two-tier role structure:

  1. The first tier is the EC2 service role for the instances running your containers. Call it DockerHostRole. Your instances must be launched with a policy that assigns this role.

  2. The second tier is the role that each container will use. These roles must trust your own account ("Role for Cross-Account Access" in AWS terms). Call it ContainerRole1.

  3. go-metadataproxy needs to query and assume the container role. So the DockerHostRole policy must permit this for each container role. For example:

     "Statement": [ {
         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Action": [
         "Resource": [
     } ]
  4. Now customize ContainerRole1 & friends as you like

Note: The ContainerRole1 role should have a trust relationship that allows it to be assumed by the user which is associated to the host machine running the sts:AssumeRole command. An example trust relationship for ContainRole1 may look like:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::012345678901:root",
        "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com"
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Routing container traffic to go-metadataproxy

Using iptables, we can forward traffic meant to from docker0 to the go-metadataproxy. The following example assumes the go-metadataproxy is run on the host, and not in a container:

/sbin/iptables \
  --append PREROUTING \
  --destination \
  --protocol tcp \
  --dport 80 \
  --in-interface docker0 \
  --jump DNAT \
  --table nat \
  --to-destination \

If you'd like to start the go-metadataproxy in a container, it's recommended to use host-only networking. Also, it's necessary to volume mount in the docker socket, as go-metadataproxy must be able to interact with docker.

Be aware that non-host-mode containers will not be able to contact in the host network stack. As an alternative, you can use the meta-data service to find the local address. In this case, you probably want to restrict proxy access to the docker0 interface!


/sbin/iptables \
  --append PREROUTING \
  --destination \
  --protocol tcp \
  --dport 80 \
  --in-interface docker0 \
  --jump DNAT \
  --table nat \
  --to-destination $LOCAL_IPV4:8000 \

/sbin/iptables \
  --wait \
  --insert INPUT 1 \
  --protocol tcp \
  --dport 80 \
  \! \
  --in-interface docker0 \
  --jump DROP

If you run Docker containers within their own bridge network, the network interface will be in format br-<network-id> rather than docker0.

For example, if a Docker network is created:

docker network create some-network

You may have network interface br-d180d436e9c4.

You can setup iptables to forward traffic from any such bridge network with a wildcard +:


/sbin/iptables \
  --append PREROUTING \
  --destination \
  --protocol tcp \
  --dport 80 \
  --in-interface br-+ \
  --jump DNAT \
  --table nat \
  --to-destination $LOCAL_IPV4:8000 \

Run go-metadataproxy without docker

In the following we assume _my_config_ is a bash file with exports for all of the necessary settings discussed in the configuration section.

source my_config
cd /srv/go-metadataproxy
go run main.go

Run go-metadataproxy with docker

For production purposes, you'll want to kick up a container to run. You can build one with the included Dockerfile. To run, do something like:

docker run --net=host \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \


This project is a ~1:1 port of lyft/metadataproxy, done in Go.


File issues in Github

In general all enhancements or bugs should be tracked via github issues before PRs are submitted. We don't require them, but it'll help us plan and track.

When submitting bugs through issues, please try to be as descriptive as possible. It'll make it easier and quicker for everyone if the developers can easily reproduce your bug.

Submit pull requests

Our only method of accepting code changes is through github pull requests.