
Go microservices example using Kubernetes

MIT License



How to Run the Application

This document explains how to run the application using Minikube. Follow the steps below to start Minikube, deploy the necessary services, and manage ingress settings.


  • Minikube installed and set up on your local machine.
  • Kubernetes command-line tool (kubectl) installed and configured.

Step 1: Start Minikube

Start Minikube by running the following command:

minikube start

This initializes a local Kubernetes cluster using Minikube.

Step 2: Apply Kubernetes Resources

Once Minikube is running, apply the necessary Kubernetes configurations in the following order:

  1. Apply shared configurations and MySQL services:

    kubectl apply -f shared-configmap.yaml
    kubectl apply -f shared-mysql-statefulset.yaml
    kubectl apply -f shared-mysql-service.yaml
  2. Deploy the customer service:

    kubectl apply -f customer-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f customer-service.yaml
  3. Deploy the catalog service:

    kubectl apply -f catalog-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f catalog-service.yaml
  4. Deploy the order service:

    kubectl apply -f order-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f order-service.yaml
  5. Deploy the commerce-gateway service:

    kubectl apply -f commerce-gateway-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f commerce-gateway-service.yaml
  6. Apply ingress configuration:

    kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

This sets up the necessary deployments, services, and ingress rules for the application.

Step 3: Access the Application

Option 1: Use Ingress

If your ingress is working correctly, you should be able to access the application via the ingress settings. Check the ingress rules by running:

kubectl get ingress

Option 2: Access Directly via Minikube (If Ingress Fails)

If the ingress does not work as expected, you can access the services directly using Minikube's service command. For example, to access the commerce-gateway service, run:

minikube service commerce-gateway-service

This will open the service in your default web browser.

Troubleshooting Ingress

If you're encountering issues with ingress, ensure that the ingress controller is installed and running. You can check the status by running:

kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx

If not installed, you can install the ingress controller using the following command:

minikube addons enable ingress