
Full-stack example, using JWT, SQLC, Cursor Pagination, Vue 3 and Tailwind


Full-Stack app for creating transactions


  • Backend
    • Golang, Chi Framework
    • JWT for authentication
    • Rate limiting for registration endpoint
    • Payload validation using validate package
    • Cursor Pagination for Users and Transactions endpoints (using uuids and created_at values)
    • SQLC for getting the data, dbmate for managing migrations.
    • If you want to preview the backend endpoints, just copy gomarvin.json content in the editor (Settings -> Import Tab)
  • Frontend
    • Vue 3 + Vite + Tailwind.
    • Registration and Login views
      • Field validation errors are returned from the database
      • Custom Login error messages if the user does not exist or the password is incorrect
    • Home view is guarded by authentication check. If the user has an invalid token, that route is not accessible.
  • Other
    • Deno and Faker used for seeding the database (using the generated gomarvin client
    • Backend code baseline and frontend fetch functions generated with gomarvin.


A lot of parts are rough around the edges and can be improved to avoid code duplication.

  • JWT Auth flow in the frontend is lacking
    • access_token expiration is 15mins, no flow for re-authentication
  • DB tables can be improved
  • There are endpoints which don't execute any queries.
  • Frontend is as minimal as possible
    • No loading states while fetching the data


  • Use the db dump to create the db schemas and rows.
  • Edit /backend/.env if needed
# run backend
cd backend
go mod tidy
go mod download
go run main.go

# run frontend
cd frontend
npm i
npm run dev


# seeder (using deno with faker)
deno run --allow-net ./seeder.ts

# dump database info for test_db
sudo pg_dump -U postgres test_db > ./dump.sql