
Define and run pattern-based custom linting rules.

BSD-3-CLAUSE License




analysis-based Go linter that runs dynamically loaded rules.

You write the rules, ruleguard checks whether they are satisfied.

ruleguard has some similarities with GitHub CodeQL, but it's dedicated to Go only.


  • Custom linting rules without re-compilation and Go plugins
  • Diagnostics are written in a declarative way
  • Quickfix actions support
  • Powerful match filtering features, like expression type pattern matching
  • Not restricted to AST rules; it's possible to write a comment-related rule, for example
  • Rules can be installed and distributed as Go modules
  • Rules can be developed, debugged and profiled using the conventional Go tooling
  • Integrated into golangci-lint

It can also be easily embedded into other static analyzers. go-critic can be used as an example.

Quick start

It's advised that you get a binary from the latest release {linux/amd64, linux/arm64, darwin/amd64, darwin/arm64, windows/amd64, windows/arm64}.

If you want to install the ruleguard from source, it's as simple as:

# Installs a `ruleguard` binary under your `$(go env GOPATH)/bin`
$ go install -v github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/cmd/ruleguard@latest

# Get the DSL package (needed to execute the ruleguard files)
$ go get -v -u github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl@latest

If inside a Go module, the dsl package will be installed for the current module, otherwise it installs the package into the $GOPATH and it will be globally available.

If $GOPATH/bin is under your system $PATH, ruleguard command should be available after that:

$ ruleguard -help
ruleguard: execute dynamic gogrep-based rules

Usage: ruleguard [-flag] [package]

  -rules string
    	comma-separated list of ruleguard file paths
  -e string
    	execute a single rule from a given string
    	apply all suggested fixes
  -c int
    	display offending line with this many lines of context (default -1)
    	emit JSON output

Create a test rules.go file:

//go:build ruleguard
// +build ruleguard

package gorules

import "github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl"

func dupSubExpr(m dsl.Matcher) {
	m.Match(`$x || $x`,
		`$x && $x`,
		`$x | $x`,
		`$x & $x`).
		Report(`suspicious identical LHS and RHS`)

func boolExprSimplify(m dsl.Matcher) {
	m.Match(`!($x != $y)`).Suggest(`$x == $y`)
	m.Match(`!($x == $y)`).Suggest(`$x != $y`)

func exposedMutex(m dsl.Matcher) {
	isExported := func(v dsl.Var) bool {
		return v.Text.Matches(`^\p{Lu}`)

	m.Match(`type $name struct { $*_; sync.Mutex; $*_ }`).
		Report("do not embed sync.Mutex")

	m.Match(`type $name struct { $*_; sync.RWMutex; $*_ }`).
		Report("do not embed sync.RWMutex")

Create a test example.go target file:

package main

import "sync"

type EmbedsMutex struct {
	key int

func main() {
	var v1, v2 int
	println(!(v1 != v2))
	println(!(v1 == v2))
	if v1 == 0 && v1 == 0 {
		println("hello, world!")

Run ruleguard on that target file:

$ ruleguard -rules rules.go -fix example.go
example.go:5:1: exposedMutex: do not embed sync.Mutex (rules.go:24)
example.go:12:10: boolExprSimplify: suggestion: v1 == v2 (rules.go:15)
example.go:13:10: boolExprSimplify: suggestion: v1 != v2 (rules.go:16)
example.go:14:5: dupSubExpr: suspicious identical LHS and RHS (rules.go:7)

Since we ran ruleguard with -fix argument, both suggested changes are applied to example.go.

There is also a -e mode that is useful during the pattern debugging:

$ ruleguard -e 'm.Match(`!($x != $y)`)' example.go
example.go:12:10: !(v1 != v2)

It automatically inserts Report("$$") into the specified pattern.

You can use -debug-group <name> flag to see explanations on why some rules rejected the match (e.g. which Where() condition failed).

The -e generated rule will have e name, so it can be debugged as well.

How does it work?

First, it parses ruleguard files (e.g. rules.go) during the start to load the rule set.

Loaded rules are then used to check the specified targets (Go files, packages).

The rules.go file is written in terms of dsl API. Ruleguard files contain a set of functions that serve as a rule groups. Every such function accepts a single dsl.Matcher argument that is then used to define and configure rules inside the group.

A rule definition always starts with Match(patterns...) method call and ends with Report(message) method call.

There can be additional calls in between these two. For example, a Where(cond) call applies constraints to a match to decide whether it's accepted or rejected. So even if there is a match for a pattern, it won't produce a report message unless it satisfies a Where() condition.


For ruleguard to work the dsl package must be available at runtime. If it's not, you are going to see an error like:

$ ruleguard -rules rules.go .
ruleguard: load rules: parse rules file: typechecker error: rules.go:6:8: could not import github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl (can't find import: "github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl")

This is fixed by adding the dsl package to the module:

$ ruleguard-test go get github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl
go: downloading github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard v0.3.18
go: downloading github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl v0.3.21
go: added github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl v0.3.21
$ ruleguard-test ruleguard -rules rules.go .
.../test.go:6:5: boolExprSimplify: suggestion: 1 == 0 (rules.go:9)

If you have followed past advise of using a build constraint in the rules.go file, like this:

$ ruleguard-test head -4 rules.go
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore

package gorules

you are going to notice that go.mod file lists the dsl as an indirect dependency:

$ grep dsl go.mod
require github.com/quasilyte/go-ruleguard/dsl v0.3.21 // indirect

If you run go mod tidy now, you are going to notice the dsl package disappears from the go.mod file:

$ go mod tidy
$ grep dsl go.mod

This is because go mod tidy behaves as if all the build constraints are in effect, with the exception of ignore. This is documented in the go website.

This is fixed by using a different build constraint, like ruleguard or rules.


Rule set examples

Note: go-critic and go-perfguard embed the rules using the IR precompilation feature.

Extra references

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Top 1.31% on Proxy.golang.org
Extracted from project README