
6502 CPU emulator, assembler, disassembler, debugger and host written in go

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



go6502 is a collection of go packages that emulate a 6502 or 65C02 CPU. It includes a CPU emulator, a cross-assembler, a disassembler, a debugger, and a host that wraps them all together.

The interactive go6502 console application in the root directory provides access to all of these features.

Building the application

Install go 1.18 or later, and then run go build to build the application.


Start by considering the go6502 sample.cmd script:

load monitor.bin $F800
assemble file sample.asm
load sample.bin
d .

We'll describe what each of these commands does in greater detail later, but for now know that they do the following things:

  1. Load the monitor.bin binary file at memory address F800.
  2. Assemble the sample.asm file using the go6502 cross-assembler, generating
    a sample.bin binary file and a sample.map source map file.
  3. Load the sample.bin binary file and its corresponding sample.map source
    map file. The binary data is loaded into memory at the origin address
    exported during assembly into the sample.map file.
  4. Set the program counter register to value of the START address, which
    was exported during assembly into the sample.map file.
  5. Disassemble the first few lines of machine code starting from the program
    counter address.

To run this script, type the following on the command line:

go6502 sample.cmd

You should then see:

Loaded 'monitor.bin' to $F800..$FFFF.
Assembled 'sample.asm' to 'sample.bin'.
Loaded source map from 'sample.bin'.
Loaded 'sample.bin' to $1000..$10FF.
Register PC set to $1000.
Breakpoint added at $1020.
1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE
1002-   A9 05       LDA   #$05
1004-   20 19 10    JSR   $1019
1007-   20 1C 10    JSR   $101C
100A-   20 36 10    JSR   $1036
100D-   20 46 10    JSR   $1046
1010-   F0 06       BEQ   $1018
1012-   A0 3B       LDY   #$3B
1014-   A9 10       LDA   #$10
1016-   A2 56       LDX   #$56

1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE      A=00 X=00 Y=00 PS=[------] SP=FF PC=1000 C=0

The output shows the result of running each sample script command. Once the script has finished running, go6502 enters interactive mode and displays a * prompt for further input.

Just before the prompt is a line starting with 1000-. This line displays the disassembly of the instruction at the current program counter address and the state of the CPU registers. The C value indicates the number of CPU cycles that have elapsed since the application started.

Getting help

Let's enter our first interactive command. Type help to see a list of all commands.

go6502 commands:
    annotate         Annotate an address
    assemble         Assemble commands
    breakpoint       Breakpoint commands
    databreakpoint   Data breakpoint commands
    disassemble      Disassemble code
    evaluate         Evaluate an expression
    execute          Execute a go6502 script file
    exports          List exported addresses
    load             Load a binary file
    memory           Memory commands
    quit             Quit the program
    register         View or change register values
    run              Run the CPU
    set              Set a configuration variable
    step             Step the debugger


To get more information about a command, type help followed by the command name. In some cases, you will be shown a list of subcommands that must be used with the command. Let's try help step.

* help step
Step commands:
    in               Step into next instruction
    over             Step over next instruction


This response indicates that the step command has two possible subcommands. For example, if you wanted to step the CPU into the next instruction, you would type step in.

Now let's get help on the step in command.

* help step in
Usage: step in [<count>]

   Step the CPU by a single instruction. If the instruction is a subroutine
   call, step into the subroutine. The number of steps may be specified as an

Shortcut: si


Every command has help text like this. Included in the help text is a description of the command, a list of shortcuts that can be used to invoke the command, and a usage hint indicating the arguments accepted by the command. Usage arguments appear inside <angle-brackets>. Optional usage arguments appear inside square [<brackets>].

Abbreviating commands

The go6502 application uses a "shortest unambiguous match" parser to process commands. This means that when entering a command, you need only type the smallest number of characters that uniquely identify it. For instance, instead of typing quit, you can type q since no other commands start with the letter Q.

Most commands also have shortcuts. To discover a command's shortcuts, use help.

Stepping the CPU

Let's use one of the step commands to step the CPU by a single instruction. Type step in.

1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE      A=00 X=00 Y=00 PS=[------] SP=FF PC=1000 C=0
* step in
1002-   A9 05       LDA   #$05      A=00 X=EE Y=00 PS=[N-----] SP=FF PC=1002 C=2

By typing step in, you are telling the emulated CPU to execute the LDX #$EE instruction at address 1000. This advances the program counter to 1002, loads the value EE into the X register, and increases the CPU cycle counter by 2 cycles.

Each time go6502 advances the program counter interactively, it disassembles and displays the instruction to be executed next. It also displays the current values of the CPU registers and cycle counter.

The shortcut for the step in command is si. Let's type si 4 to step the CPU by 4 instructions:

1002-   A9 05       LDA   #$05      A=00 X=EE Y=00 PS=[N-----] SP=FF PC=1002 C=2
* si 4
1004-   20 19 10    JSR   $1019     A=05 X=EE Y=00 PS=[------] SP=FF PC=1004 C=4
1019-   A9 FF       LDA   #$FF      A=05 X=EE Y=00 PS=[------] SP=FD PC=1019 C=10
101B-   60          RTS             A=FF X=EE Y=00 PS=[N-----] SP=FD PC=101B C=12
1007-   20 1C 10    JSR   $101C     A=FF X=EE Y=00 PS=[N-----] SP=FF PC=1007 C=18

This output shows that the CPU has stepped the next 4 instructions starting at address 1002. Each executed instruction is disassembled and displayed along with the CPU's register values at the start of each instruction. In this example, a total of 18 CPU cycles have elapsed, and the program counter ends at address 1007. The instruction at 1007 is waiting to be executed.

Note that the step in command stepped into the JSR $1019 subroutine call rather than stepping over it. If you weren't interested in stepping through all the code inside the subroutine, you could have used the step over command instead. This would have caused the debugger to invisibly execute all instructions inside the subroutine, returning the prompt only after the RTS instruction has executed.

Since the CPU is about to execute another JSR instruction, let's try the step over command (or s for short).

1007-   20 1C 10    JSR   $101C     A=FF X=EE Y=00 PS=[N-----] SP=FF PC=1007 C=18
* s
100A-   20 36 10    JSR   $1036     A=00 X=EE Y=00 PS=[-Z----] SP=FF PC=100A C=70

After stepping over the JSR call at address 1007, all of the instructions inside the subroutine at 101C have been executed, and control has returned at address 100A after 52 additional CPU cycles have elapsed.

Another shortcut: Hit Enter!

One shortcut you will probably use frequently is the blank-line short cut. Whenever you hit the Enter key instead of typing a command, the go6502 application repeats the previously entered command.

Let's try hitting enter twice to repeat the step over command two more times.

100A-   20 36 10    JSR   $1036     A=00 X=EE Y=00 PS=[-Z----] SP=FF PC=100A C=70
100D-   20 46 10    JSR   $1046     A=00 X=00 Y=00 PS=[-Z----] SP=FF PC=100D C=103
1010-   F0 06       BEQ   $1018     A=00 X=00 Y=00 PS=[-Z----] SP=FF PC=1010 C=136

go6502 has stepped over two more JSR instructions, elapsing another 66 CPU cycles and leaving the program counter at 1010.

Disassembling code

Now let's disassemble some code at the current program counter address to get a preview of the code about to be executed. To do this, use the disassemble command or its shortcut d.

* d .
1010-   F0 06       BEQ   $1018
1012-   A0 3B       LDY   #$3B
1014-   A9 10       LDA   #$10
1016-   A2 56       LDX   #$56
1018-   00          BRK
1019-   A9 FF       LDA   #$FF
101B-   60          RTS
101C-   A9 20       LDA   #$20
101E-   A5 20       LDA   $20
1020-   B5 20       LDA   $20,X

Note the . after the d command. This is shorthand for the current program counter address. You may also pass an address or mathematical expression to disassemble code starting from any address:

* d START+2
1002-   A9 05       LDA   #$05
1004-   20 19 10    JSR   $1019
1007-   20 1C 10    JSR   $101C
100A-   20 36 10    JSR   $1036
100D-   20 46 10    JSR   $1046
1010-   F0 06       BEQ   $1018
1012-   A0 3B       LDY   #$3B
1014-   A9 10       LDA   #$10
1016-   A2 56       LDX   #$56
1018-   00          BRK

By default, go6502 disassembles 10 instructions, but you can disassemble a different number of instructions by specifying a second argument to the command.

* d . 3
1010-   F0 06       BEQ   $1018
1012-   A0 3B       LDY   #$3B
1014-   A9 10       LDA   #$10

If you hit the Enter key after using a disassemble command, go6502 will continue disassembling code from where it left off.

1016-   A2 56       LDX   #$56
1018-   00          BRK
1019-   A9 FF       LDA   #$FF

If you don't like the number of instructions that go6502 is configured to disassemble by default, you can change it with the set command:

* set DisasmLines 20

Annotating code

It's often useful to annotate a line of code with a comment. I use annotations to leave notes to myself when I'm trying to understand how some piece of machine code works.

Let's consider again the code loaded by the sample script.

* d $1000
1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE
1002-   A9 05       LDA   #$05
1004-   20 19 10    JSR   $1019
1007-   20 1C 10    JSR   $101C
100A-   20 36 10    JSR   $1036
100D-   20 46 10    JSR   $1046
1010-   F0 06       BEQ   $1018
1012-   A0 3B       LDY   #$3B
1014-   A9 10       LDA   #$10
1016-   A2 56       LDX   #$56

The JSR instruction at address 1007 calls a subroutine that uses all the addressing mode variants of the LDA command. Let's add an annotation to that line of code to remind ourselves later what its purpose is.

* annotate $1007 Use different forms of the LDA command

Now whenever we disassemble code that includes the instruction at address 1007, we will see our annotation.

* d $1000
1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE
1002-   A9 05       LDA   #$05
1004-   20 19 10    JSR   $1019
1007-   20 1C 10    JSR   $101C     ; Use different forms of the LDA command
100A-   20 36 10    JSR   $1036
100D-   20 46 10    JSR   $1046
1010-   F0 06       BEQ   $1018
1012-   A0 3B       LDY   #$3B
1014-   A9 10       LDA   #$10
1016-   A2 56       LDX   #$56

To remove an annotation, use the annotate command with an address but without a description.

Dumping memory

Another common task is dumping the contents of memory. To do this, use the memory dump command, or m for short.

* m $1000
1000- A2 EE A9 05 20 19 10 20   "n). ..
1008- 1C 10 20 36 10 20 46 10   .. 6. F.
1010- F0 06 A0 3B A9 10 A2 56   p. ;)."V
1018- 00 A9 FF 60 A9 20 A5 20   .).`) %
1020- B5 20 A1 20 B1 20 AD 00   5 ! 1 -.
1028- 02 AD 20 00 BD 00 02 B9   .- .=..9
1030- 00 02 8D 00 03 60 A2 20   .....`"
1038- A6 20 B6 20 AE 00 02 AE   & 6 ....

Memory dumps include hexadecimal and ASCII representations of the dumped memory, starting from the address you specified. By default, the memory dump shows 64 bytes, but you can specify a different number of bytes to dump with a second argument.

* m $1000 16
1000- A2 EE A9 05 20 19 10 20   "n). ..
1008- 1C 10 20 36 10 20 46 10   .. 6. F.

As with the disassemble command, you can enter a blank line to continue dumping memory from where you left off:

1010- F0 06 A0 3B A9 10 A2 56   p. ;)."V
1018- 00 A9 FF 60 A9 20 A5 20   .).`) %
1020- B5 20 A1 20 B1 20 AD 00   5 ! 1 -.
1028- 02 AD 20 00 BD 00 02 B9   .- .=..9

To change the default number of bytes that are dumped by a memory dump command, use the set command:

* set MemDumpBytes 128

Modifying memory

To change the contents of memory, use the memory set command, or ms for short.

* ms 0x800 $5A $59 $58 $57
* m 0x800 4
0800- 5A 59 58 57               ZYXW

A sequence of memory values must be separated by spaces and may include simple hexadecimal values like shown in the example above, or mathematical expressions like in the following:

* ms 0x800 12*2 'A' 1<<4 $0F^$05
* m 0x800 4
0800- 18 41 10 0A               .A..

Aside: Number formats

go6502 accepts numbers in multiple formats. In most of the examples we've seen so far, addresses and byte values have been specified in base-16 hexadecimal format using the $ prefix.

The following table lists the number-formatting options understood by go6502:

Prefix Format Base Example Comment
(none) Decimal 10 -151 See note about hex mode.
$ Hexadecimal 16 $FDED
0x Hexadecimal 16 0xfded
% Binary 2 %01011010
0b Binary 2 0b01011010
0d Decimal 10 0d128 Useful in hex mode.

If you prefer to work primarily with hexadecimal numbers, you can change the "hex mode" setting using the set command.

* set HexMode true

In hex mode, numeric values entered without a prefix are interpreted as hexadecimal values. However, because hexadecimal numbers include the letters A through F, the interpreter is unable to distinguish between a number and an identifier. So identifiers are not allowed when interpreting expressions in hex mode.

Inspecting and changing registers

The 6502 registers can be inspected using the register command, or r for short.

* r
1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE      A=00 X=00 Y=00 PS=[------] SP=FF PC=1000 C=0

If you wish to change a register value, simply add additional arguments.

* r A $80
Register A set to $80.
1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE      A=80 X=00 Y=00 PS=[------] SP=FF PC=1000 C=0

Registers you can change this way include A, X, Y, PC and SP.

You can also change the CPU's status flags. Simply provide one of the flag names (N, Z, C, I, D or V) instead of a register name.

* r Z 1
Status flag ZERO set to true.
1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE      A=80 X=00 Y=00 PS=[-Z----] SP=FF PC=1000 C=0
* r Z 0
Status flag ZERO set to false.
1000-   A2 EE       LDX   #$EE      A=80 X=00 Y=00 PS=[------] SP=FF PC=1000 C=0

Further info about the register command can be found by typing help register.

Evaluating expressions

Sometimes it's useful to have a calculator on hand to compute the result of a simple math expression. go6502 has a built-in expression evaluator in the form of the evaluate command, or e for short. The evaluator understands most C expression operators.

* e 1<<4
* e ($FF ^ $AA) | $0100
* e ('A' + 0x20) | 0x80
* e 0b11100101
* e -151

Because go6502 is written for an 8-bit CPU with a 16-bit address space, the results of all evaluations are displayed as 16-bit values.

Assembling source code

go6502 has a built-in cross-assembler. To assemble a file on disk into a raw binary file containing 6502 machine code, use the assemble file command (or a for short).

* a sample.asm
Assembled 'sample.asm' to 'sample.bin'.

The assemble file command loads the specified source file, assembles it, and if successful outputs a raw .bin file containing the machine code into the same directory. It also produces a .map source map file, which is used to store (1) the "origin" memory address the machine code should be loaded at, (2) a list of exported address identifiers, and (3) a mapping between source code lines and memory addresses.

Once assembled, the binary file and its associated source map can be loaded into memory using the load command.

* load sample.bin
Loaded source map from 'sample.map'.
Loaded 'sample.bin' to $1000..$10FF.

To be continued...