
agrep-like fuzzy matching, but made faster using Golang and precomputation.

MIT License



There are situations where you want to take the user's input and match a primary key in a database. But, immediately a problem is introduced: what happens if the user spells the primary key incorrectly? This fuzzy string matching program solves this problem - it takes any string, misspelled or not, and matches to one a specified key list.


goagrep requires building a precomputed database from the file that has the target strings. Then, when querying, goagrep splits the search string into smaller subsets, and then finds the corresponding known target strings that contain each subset. It then runs Levenshtein's algorithm on the new list of target strings to find the best match to the search string. This greatly decreases the search space and thus increases the matching speed.

The subset length dictates how many pieces a word should be cut into, for purposes of finding partial matches for mispelled words. For instance example: a subset length of 3 for the word "olive" would index "oli", "liv", and "ive". This way, if one searched for "oliv" you could still return "olive" since subsets "oli" and "liv" can still grab the whole word and check its Levenshtein distance (which should be very close as its only missing the one letter).

A smaller subset length will be more forgiving (it allows more mispellings), thus more accurate, but it would require more disk and more time to process since there are more words for each subset. A bigger subset length will help save hard drive space and decrease the runtime since there are fewer words that have the same, longer, subset. You can get much faster speeds with longer subset lengths, but keep in mind that this will not be able to match strings that have an error in the middle of the string and are have a length < 2*subset length - 1.

Why use goagrep?

It seems that agrep really a comparable choice for most applications. It does not require any database and its comparable speed to goagrep. However, there are situations where goagrep is more useful:

  1. goagrep can search much longer strings: agrep is limited to 32 characters while goagrep is only limited to 500. tre-agrep is not limited, but is much slower.
  2. goagrep can handle many mistakes in a string: agrep is limited to edit distances of 8, while goagrep has no limit.
  3. goagrep is fast (see benchmarking below), and the speed can be tuned: You can set higher subset lengths to get faster speeds and less accuracy - leaving the tradeoff up to you


Benchmarking using the 319,378 word dictionary (3.5 MB), run with perf stat -r 50 -d <CMD> or using go test -bench=Match using AMD FX(tm)-8350.

Program Runtime Memory usage
goagrep in memory, subset size = 5 0.2 ms 90 MB ram
goagrep DB, subset size = 5 0.9 ms 64 MB disk
goagrep in memory, subset size = 3 18 ms 90 MB ram
goagrep DB, subset size = 3 71 ms 64 MB disk
agrep 7 ms 3.5 MB disk
tre-agrep 613 ms 3.5 MB disk


go get github.com/schollz/goagrep


You can either build a hard-disk database or use it in memory (i.e. in a program or as a TCP client). See main.go or tests for examples.

TCP server example

Start a server with a list:

> $GOPATH/bin/goagrep serve -l ../example/testlist
2016/07/23 07:05:35 Creating server with address localhost:9992

And then you can match words using netcat or similar:

> echo heroint | nc localhost 9992

Standalone cli utility

Build a database with a list:

> $GOPATH/bin/goagrep build -l ../example/testlist
Generating 'words.db' from '../example/testlist' with subset size 3
Finished building db

And then you can match by telling the program where the database is:

> $GOPATH/bin/goagrep match -d words.db -w heroint


  • Make commmand line stuff with github.com/codegangsta/cli
  • Command line help
  • Command line for generating cache
  • Convert to lowercase for converting
  • Vastly increased DB building by decreasing size of partials (make([]string, 500)) and making extra buckets
  • Handle case that word definetly does not exist
  • Save searches, so caching can be used to find common searches easily
  • Use channels for faster searching?
  • Add in agrep options