
Allows you to create local aliases within directory/repository with proper assertions upon executions.

APACHE-2.0 License


Go Aliases

Allows you to create local aliases withing directory/repository with proper assertions upon executions.


  • Simplify executing scoped repetitive commands
  • Avoid executing commands on wrong environment (e.g. kubectl, terraform, helm, etc.)
  • Automatically generate OpsDoc from available goals. No need to read through whole README file to start operating on your infrastructure.


Install via brew:

# Will be simplified
brew tap aaabramov/goal https://github.com/aaabramov/goal
brew install aaabramov/goal/goal


Run goal init in directory where aliases will be used. This will generate example goal.yaml file. Use it as a reference to define your own aliases.

$ goal init
⌛ Generating default goal.yaml file
✅ Generated default goal.yaml file. Try running `goal` to see available goals.

List goals

Simply type goal to see list of available goals and their dependencies:

$ goal
Available goals:
|        GOAL         | ENVIRONMENT |                               CLI                               |         DESCRIPTION         |                    ASSERTIONS                    |
| gcloud-ssh          | dev         | gcloud compute ssh dev-vm --zone=us-central1-c                  | SSH to dev                  | 1. gcloud.project == "dev-project"               |
+                     +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
|                     | stage       | gcloud compute ssh stage-vm --zone=us-central1-c                | SSH to stage                | 1. gcloud.project == "stage-project"             |
| helm-upgrade        | dev         | helm upgrade release-name -f values.yaml -f values/dev.yaml .   | helm upgrade on dev         | 1. kubectl.context == "gke_project_region_dev"   |
+                     +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
|                     | stage       | helm upgrade release-name -f values.yaml -f values/stage.yaml . | helm upgrade on stage       | 1. kubectl.context == "gke_project_region_stage" |
| k8s-apply           | dev         | kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml                                | kubectl apply on dev        | 1. kubectl.context == "gke_project_region_dev"   |
|                     |             |                                                                 |                             | 2. Manual approval                               |
+                     +-------------+                                                                 +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
|                     | stage       |                                                                 | kubectl apply on stage      | 1. kubectl.context == "gke_project_region_stage" |
|                     |             |                                                                 |                             | 2. Manual approval                               |
| terraform-apply     | dev         | terraform apply -var-file vars/dev.tfvars                       | Terraform apply on dev      | 1. terraform.workspace == "dev"                  |
+                     +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
|                     | stage       | terraform apply -var-file vars/stage.tfvars                     | Terraform apply on stage    | 1. terraform.workspace == "stage"                |
| terraform-workspace |             | terraform workspace show                                        | Current terraform workspace |                                                  |
| test                |             | go test -v ./...                                                | Run go tests                |                                                  |

Define simple local aliases

  desc: Get nginx pods
  cmd: kubectl
    - get
    - pods
    - -l
    - app=nginx
  desc: Get nginx services
  cmd: kubectl
    - get
    - svc
    - -l
    - app=nginx

Define goal with assertions

# This example demonstrates how to use custom assertions upon executions.

  desc: Ultimate Question of Life?
  cmd: echo
    - -n
    - $((40 + 2))
  desc: The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life
    - desc: If answer is 42..
      ref: my-assertion # references another goal
      expect: '42'
      fix: # CLI on how to fix
    - approve: yes # ask user to config execution  
  cmd: echo
    - The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42

Built-in assertions

Tool Example
approval examples/kubectl
kubectl examples/kubectl
helm examples/helm
terraform examples/terraform
gcloud examples/gcloud

goal vs Makefile


Project plan

  • Pipe STDIN for "yes/no" inputs, etc.
  • Add assert.fix. Display when assertion failed, e.g. terraform workspace select dev
  • Add "environment" management to avoid tf-plan-dev, tf-plan-stage, tf-plan-prod, etc. E.g. goal tf-apply --on dev
    & goal.env: dev matches
  • Support -f my-goal.yaml
  • Validate empty goal cmd
  • Validate empty assertion ref
  • Add goal init which simply generated example goal.yaml
  • Add predefined assertions:
    • k8s_cluster
    • terraform_workspace
    • gcloud_project
  • Check if current kubectl context is "gke_project_region_stage" -> kubectl.context == "gke_project_region_stage"
  • Assertions
    • ref output
    • support multiple assertions
    • recursive assertions?
    • raw CLI output -- bad pattern?
  • Simpler brew tap aaabramov/goal
  • Manual approvals for proceeding like assert.approval
  • Add "depends on" other task like switch to dev?
    • Recursive dependencies
  • Global aliases in $HOME directory?
  • Self-autocompletion via https://github.com/posener/complete library
  • Support both goal.yaml & goal.yml
  • Generate simple markdown file from goal.yaml (ops-doc)
  • goal add GOAL_NAME -- check if already exists
  • rework Fatal with err
  • suggest fix? when precondition failed with yes/no prompt
  • shared description from goal.name if there is no specific for env goal
  • add to readme about source <(goal completion zsh)
  • did you forget "--on env" when command name is found but env is required
  • highlight commands & errors using https://github.com/fatih/color
  • templating env-dependant goals with {{ .Env }}?