
Finds changed Go lines that were not covered with tests

MIT License



A tool to annotate Go code coverage for changed statements in GitHub pull requests.


When code is changed or introduced in a pull request, it is often difficult to find out if changed statements are sufficiently covered with tests.

Make sure that frequently changing code is covered. While project wide goals above 90% are most likely not worth it, per-commit coverage goals of 99% are reasonable, and 90% is a good lower threshold. We need to ensure that our tests are not getting worse over time.


This tool analyzes changed lines (derived from git diff) against test coverage data and counts coverage ratio only in changed lines. The result is present as annotations pointing to uncovered lines and a summary grouped by file and function.

There is a caveat, such approach would not show coverage change if a test was added or updated, but the tested code was not changed. This case can be handled by reporting global function coverage diff against base (-func-base-cov and -func-cov).


go install github.com/vearutop/gocovdiff@latest
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/gocovdiff --help

Or download binary from releases.

Linux AMD64

wget https://github.com/vearutop/gocovdiff/releases/latest/download/linux_amd64.tar.gz && tar xf linux_amd64.tar.gz && rm linux_amd64.tar.gz
./gocovdiff -version

Macos Intel

wget https://github.com/vearutop/gocovdiff/releases/latest/download/darwin_amd64.tar.gz && tar xf darwin_amd64.tar.gz && rm darwin_amd64.tar.gz
codesign -s - ./gocovdiff
./gocovdiff -version

Macos Apple Silicon (M1, etc...)

wget https://github.com/vearutop/gocovdiff/releases/latest/download/darwin_arm64.tar.gz && tar xf darwin_arm64.tar.gz && rm darwin_arm64.tar.gz
codesign -s - ./gocovdiff
./gocovdiff -version


gocovdiff -help
Usage of gocovdiff:
  -cov string
        Coverage file (default "coverage.txt")
  -delta-cov-file string
        File to store delta coverage message
  -diff string
        Git diff file for changes (optional)
  -exclude string
        Exclude directories by prefix and files by name pattern, comma separated (optional)
  -func-base-cov string
        Base func coverage from 'go tool cover -func', requires -func-cov (optional)
  -func-cov string
        Current func coverage from 'go tool cover -func', requires -func-base-cov or -func-max-cov (optional)
  -func-max-cov float
        Max func coverage from 'go tool cover -func' to keep in report of undercovered functions, requires -func-cov (optional)
  -gha-annotations string
        File to store GitHub Actions annotations
  -mod string
        Module name to strip from file names (optional)
  -parent string
        Parent commit hash (optional)
  -target-delta-cov float
        Target coverage of changed lines, to be used together with -delta-cov-file (default 80)
        Show version and exit

GitHub Action

This tool can produce GitHub Actions annotations to mark changed lines of code that were not covered with tests.

Also, you can comment on the pull request with the report.

      - name: Test
        id: test
        run: |
          make test-unit

      - name: Annotate missing test coverage
        id: annotate
        if: github.event.pull_request.base.sha != ''
        run: |
          git fetch origin master ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
          curl -sLO https://github.com/vearutop/gocovdiff/releases/download/v1.3.4/linux_amd64.tar.gz && tar xf linux_amd64.tar.gz && echo "b351c67526eefeb0671c82e9271ae984875865eed19e911f40f78348cb98347c  gocovdiff" | shasum -c
          REP=$(./gocovdiff -cov unit.coverprofile -gha-annotations gha-unit.txt)
          echo "${REP}"
          cat gha-unit.txt
          echo "::set-output name=rep::$REP"
      - name: Comment Test Coverage
        continue-on-error: true
        if: github.event.pull_request.base.sha != ''
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          header: unit-test
          message: |
            ### Unit Test Coverage
            <details><summary>Coverage of changed lines</summary>
            ${{ steps.annotate.outputs.rep }}

Workflow example.


make test && gocovdiff -cov unit.coverprofile
Running unit tests.
ok      github.com/vearutop/gocovdiff   0.738s  coverage: 71.9% of statements
|           File           |      Function       | Coverage |
| Total                    |                     | 71.86%   |
| diff.go                  |                     | 62.50%   |
| diff.go:13               | gitDiff             | 60.00%   |
| diff.go:37               | getDiff             | 57.14%   |
| func.go                  |                     | 92.31%   |
| func.go:52               | Visit               | 100.00%  |
| func.go:16               | findFuncs           | 85.71%   |
| git.go                   |                     | 35.29%   |
| git.go:11                | forkPointFromLocal  | 75.00%   |
| git.go:27                | forkPointFromGitHub | 0.00%    |
| github_annotations.go    |                     | 20.00%   |
| github_annotations.go:24 | printNotice         | 40.00%   |
| github_annotations.go:13 | printNotTested      | 0.00%    |
| gocovdiff.go             |                     | 74.11%   |
| gocovdiff.go:49          | run                 | 82.00%   |
| gocovdiff.go:20          | parseFlags          | 0.00%    |
| gocovdiff.go:43          | main                | 0.00%    |
| profile.go               |                     | 80.00%   |
| profile.go:25            | parseProfiles       | 76.92%   |
| profile.go:86            | toInt               | 75.00%   |
| report.go                |                     | 96.00%   |
| report.go:11             | printReport         | 92.00%   |

Format func coverage diff against base coverage

git checkout master && make test && go tool cover -func=unit.coverprofile > base.func.txt 
git checkout my-branch && make test && go tool cover -func=unit.coverprofile > cur.func.txt
gocovdiff -func-cov cur.func.txt -func-base-cov base.func.txt
|     File      | Function | Base Coverage | Current Coverage |
| Total         |          | 70.0%         | 56.2% (-13.80%)  |
| sample/bar.go | Bar      | 80.0%         | 71.4% (-8.60%)   |
| sample/foo.go | foo      | 60.0%         | 44.4% (-15.60%)  |

Filter under covered functions from func coverage

go tool cover -func=unit.coverprofile > cur.func.txt
gocovdiff -func-cov cur.func.txt -func-max-cov 70
|     File      | Function | Coverage |
| sample/foo.go | foo      | 44.4%    |