
(Neo)Vim plugin to navigate todos in Go projects with ease

MIT License


Godo - Browse todos in your Go source code


Godo is a plugin that allows you navigate through the todo messages in your Go project.

Godo in action It makes use of astitodo underneath.


  • Fast browsing of todos.
  • Todos
    • View all todos in a specific file with :Godo.
    • View todos in a file sorted by assignees with :Godo assignee_name (e.g :Godo adelowo .)
    • View todos sorted by multiple assignees with :Godo assignee_name1 assignee_name2
    • Find all todos in the current folder opened.
    • Navigate to the source code line housing the todo message.
    • Show a nice warning message if there aren't any todo in the file.
  • Install astitodo binary by running :GodoInstallBinary.
  • Update astitodo binary by running :GodoUpdateBinary.


I recommend you use Vim-Plug to manage your vim plugins.

With Vim-Plug installed, put the following lines in your vimrc:

Plug 'adelowo/godo', { 'do': ':GodoInstallBinary' }

Then execute :PlugInstall in command mode.

GodoInstallBinary would fetch the astitodo library used for matching/finding todos.


" Config for :GodoInstallBinary and :GodoUpdateBinary
" This values defaults to 0

let g:go_get_update = 1 " Make use of the -u flag when installing the astitodo library.
let g:godo_install_verbose = 1 " Make use of the -v flag when installing the astitodo library..

" The flags above are passed to `go get`. You would want to refer to the official godoc for `go get` to understand what this flags stand for

g:go_get_update is actually the same config defined by vim-go. If it doesn't exist, it is set to 0 anyways.

Todo Browsing

godo doesn't come with key mapping defaults..

To view todos in a file, open a file buffer and :Godo in command mode.. To map this to a key, you add this to your init.vim (.vimrc).

nmap <Leader>. :Godo<CR>

To filter todos in a file by assignees, you make use of :Godo assignee_name.

:Godo adelowo " Would show all todos assigned to adelowo

:Godo adelowo lanre username " Would show all todos assigned to the specificied usernames
