
Build cross-platform binaries for Go

MIT License


gogo-release is a simple POSIX shell script to:

  1. Cross-compile binaries to various different targets.
  2. Optionally compress the binaries.

It's the simpler and unix-beardy brother of go-releaser.

Configure it by just editing the source or adding a .gogo-release file; this is simply a shell script that's sourced and can be used to set/override some variables. Here is an example. See the gogo-release script for a list of things you can set with documentation.


  1. [Mad coding].
  2. Hide yo wife, hide yo kids, commit yo code.
  3. Create a new tag.
  4. gogo-release
  5. Create new GitHub release, upload contents of dist.
  6. Have a celebratory beer, release party, drug binge, orgy, Satanic sacrifice.


  1. The current commit must have a tag, so if you want to build v1.2.0:

    $ git checkout v1.2.0
    $ gogo-release

    You can also add a version as a commandline argument; this will only put the version in the name, and won't check out the git commit:

    $ gogo-release v1.2.0

    This is mostly intended for testing.

  2. Cross-compiling code that uses cgo is tricky as cross-compiling C code is tricky; I wrote a bit more about that over here: Statically compiling Go programs. In brief:

    1. Make sure you have the required C compiler cross-build tools installed;
      you can usually install these from your distro's package manger (names
      vary; searching for -linux- should work).
    2. Make sure CGO_ENABLED=1 is set, e.g. by adding export CGO_ENABLED=1 to
    3. Make sure the right compiler is used by adding CC=.. to the build
    4. You probably want to add -ldflags='-extldflags=-static' to create
      statically linked binaries. Otherwise, make sure to use an older libc
      version for best compatability.

    An alternative might be xgo, which may be a bit easier to cross-compile cgo code depending on what you want and personal preferences.

  3. Define a gogo_before_exit function in your .gogo-release to run something after everything is done. Just add the lines to the script if you want to run something before the building starts; for example:

    start=$(date +%s)
    gogo_before_exit() {
        echo "Took $(( $(date +%s) - $start )) seconds"
        ls -lh "$tmp" | awk '{print $5 " " $9}'
  4. A previous version also included code for automatically creating a GitHub release and uploading it. I later removed this as I felt it was a bit too complex and automagic. Uploading is just a few clicks anyway, so it doesn't really save that much effort (I got carried away). You can still add it in gogo_before_exit if you want.