
[MIRROR] Execute scripts on IMAP mailbox changes (new/deleted/updated messages) using IDLE, golang version.

GPL-3.0 License


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Execute scripts on IMAP mailbox changes (new/deleted/updated messages) using IDLE, golang version.

Please read the CHANGELOG file to know what's new.

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This application is mostly compatible with the configuration of imapnotify made with Python (be sure to change password_eval to passwordCMD, see issue #3), the following are all options available for the configuration:

        host: example.com
        port: 143
        tls: true
            rejectUnauthorized: false
            starttls: true
        username: USERNAME
        alias: ExampleCOM
        password: PASSWORD
        xoAuth2: false
                mailbox: INBOX
                onNewMail: 'mbsync examplecom:INBOX'
                onNewMailPost: SKIP
        port: 993
        tls: true
            rejectUnauthorized: true
            starttls: true
        username: ''
        usernameCMD: ''
        password: ''
        passwordCMD: ''
        xoAuth2: false
        onNewMail: ''
        onNewMailPost: ''
        onDeletedMail: ''
        onDeletedMailPost: ''
                mailbox: INBOX
                onNewMail: 'mbsync examplenet:INBOX'
                onNewMailPost: SKIP
                mailbox: Junk
                onNewMail: 'mbsync examplenet:Junk'
                onNewMailPost: SKIP

On first start, the application will run onNewMail and onNewMailPost and then wait for events from your IMAP server.

  • onNewMail: is an executable or script to run when new mail has arrived.
  • onNewMailPost: is an executable or script to run after onNewMail has ran.
  • onDeletedMail: is an executable or script to run when mail has been delete.
  • onDeletedMailPost: is an executable or script to run after onDeletedMail has ran.
  • hostCMD: is an executable or script that retrieves your host from somewhere, we cannot pass arguments to this command from Stdin.
  • usernameCMD: is an executable or script that retrieves your username from somewhere, we cannot pass arguments to this command from Stdin.
  • passwordCMD: is an executable or script that retrieves your password from somewhere, we cannot pass arguments to this command from Stdin.
  • xoAuth2: is an option that allow us to login on your IMAP using OAuth2, be aware: the token is retrieve from passwordCMD (see shackra/goimapnotify#9).
  • wait: is the delay in seconds before the mail syncing is trigger (see shackra/goimapnotify#10).
  • boxes: List of mailboxes. If none is defined, all will be monitored.

The application will use TLS as long as the IMAP server advertises this capability. If you use self-signed certificates or something, be sure to set rejectUnauthorized as false. To enable TLS connection, set tls as true and starttls as false

If your host do not offer IDLE, a sane default of checking every 15 minutes will take place instead.

You can also use xoAuth2 instead of password based authentication by setting the xoAuth2 option to true and the output of a tool which can provide xoAuth2 encoded tokens in passwordCMD. Examples: Google oauth2l or xoauth2 fetcher for O365.


go install gitlab.com/shackra/goimapnotify@latest


Usage of goimapnotify:
  -conf string
        Configuration file (default "${HOME}/.config/goimapnotify/goimapnotify.conf")
        Output all network activity to the terminal (!! this won't leak your credentials !!)
        List all mailboxes and exit
  -wait int
        Period in seconds between IDLE event and execution of scripts (default 1)

As you can notice, -list can help you figure out the mailbox hierarchy of your mail server.


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Generating and editing the CHANGELOG

When I started this project, I was naive and inexperienced with the fundamentals of software development, that has make most commits in this project have inconsistent titles that make it harder for tools like git-chglog help with CHANGELOG generation. I generated an "old" CHANGELOG that contains all information until tag 2.3.13. So, from now on, generate the CHANGELOG from tag 2.3.14 onwards, please and thank you!.