
A general purpose golang CLI template for Github and Gitlab

MIT License



Table of Contents


Project Layout

  • assets/ => docs, images, etc
  • cmd/ => commandline configurartions (flags, subcommands)
  • pkg/ => packages that are okay to import for other projects
  • internal/ => packages that are only for project internal purposes

How to use this template

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FalcoSuessgott/golang-cli-template/master/install.sh)

In order to make the CI work you will need to have the following Secrets in your repository defined:

Repository -> Settings -> Secrets & variables -> CODECOV_TOKEN, DOCKERHUB_TOKEN & DOCKERHUB_USERNAME

Demo Application

$> golang-cli-template -h
golang-cli project template demo application

  golang-cli-template [flags]
  golang-cli-template [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  example     example subcommand which adds or multiplies two given integers
  help        Help about any command
  version     golang-cli-template version

  -h, --help   help for golang-cli-template

Use "golang-cli-template [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$> golang-cli-template example 2 5 --add

$> golang-cli-template example 2 5 --multiply

Makefile Targets

$> make
bootstrap                      install build deps
build                          build golang binary
clean                          clean up environment
cover                          display test coverage
docker-build                   dockerize golang application
fmt                            format go files
help                           list makefile targets
install                        install golang binary
lint                           lint go files
pre-commit                     run pre-commit hooks
run                            run the app
test                           display test coverage


If you find issues in that setup or have some nice features / improvements, I would welcome an issue or a PR :)