
Golang Starter API with standard Go project layout, central logger, include migration generator, seeder generator, jwt, echo, gorm, i18n


Golang Starter Project

Project layout design influenced by standard go project layout

How to start

By using the Gos Tool

go install github.com/yaza-putu/gos@latest

If it's not accessible, try moving it to the global bin

 mv ~/go/bin/gos /usr/local/bin

Create new project with one command

gos create --echo


git clone https://github.com/yaza-putu/golang-starter-api.git && cd golang-starter-api && rm -rf .git
  • install depedency

    make tidy
    # or
    go mod tidy
  • initialize module name

    make init module=your_module_name
  • copy environment dev, test and set app_status=test for .env.test

    make config
    cp .env.example .env
    cp .env.example .env.test
  • generate key

    make key
  • run dev mode

    make serve
  • build

    make build
  • run test

    make gotest
  • make migration

    make migration table="name_of_table"
  • run migration

    make migrate-up
  • make seeder

    make seeder name="name_of_seeder"
  • run seeder

    make seed-up

Support auto migrate when running app

You only need to set the env variable db_auto_migrate to true to enable this


How to mock gorm and redis

For this template using global variable for database connection and redis connection

  • if you need mock database in unit test you can use
// import
import "github.com/yaza-putu/golang-starter-api/internal/database"

dbMock :=  ...


special setting connection gorm in unit test (mocking) set SkipInitializeWithVersion to true

db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
    SkipInitializeWithVersion: true,
}), &gorm.Config{})
  • if you need mock redis in unit test you can use
// import redis client
import redis_client "github.com/yaza-putu/golang-starter-api/internal/pkg/redis"

redisMock := ...


Default Login

email : [email protected]

pass : Password1

Validation Unique With Struct Tag

  • unique
type v struct {
	Name string `validate:"unique=table_name:column_name"`
// ecample
type v struct {
Name string `validate:"unique=users:name"`
  • unique with ignore
type v struct {
Name string `validate:"unique=table_name:column_name:ignore_with_field_name"`
ID   string `validate:"required"`
// example
type v struct {
Name string `validate:"unique=users:name:ID"`
ID   string `validate:"required" json:"id"`

Validation file upload

type FileHandler struct {
  File multipart.File `validate:"required,filetype=image/png image/jpeg image/jpg"`

fs := FileHandler{}

f, err := ctx.FormFile("file")
if err == nil {
// send file into FileHandler struct to validate
  fs.File, err = f.Open()
  if err != nil {
    return err
// validate with custom validation from go-playground/validator 
val, err := request.Validation(&fs)


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Top 9.42% on Proxy.golang.org