
SQL Schema Management in Go, inspired by `sqlalchemy/alembic`

APACHE-2.0 License



SQL Schema Management in Go, inspired by sqlalchemy/alembic


If a *golembic.Migrations sequence has been formed, then a binary can be created as follows:

func run() error {
	cmd, err := command.MakeRootCommand(examples.AllMigrations)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return cmd.Execute()

func main() {
	err := run()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)

NOTE: For usage in Go code (vs. as a binary), see examples/postgres-script/main.go.

The root command of this binary has a subcommand for each provider

$ go build -o golembic ./examples/cmd/main.go
$ ./golembic --help
Manage database migrations for Go codebases

  golembic [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  mysql       Manage database migrations for a MySQL database
  postgres    Manage database migrations for a PostgreSQL database

      --dev                     Flag indicating that the migrations should be run in development mode
  -h, --help                    help for golembic
      --metadata-table string   The name of the table that stores migration metadata (default "golembic_migrations")
      --sql-directory string    Path to a directory containing ".sql" migration files

Use "golembic [command] --help" for more information about a command.

and the given subcommands have the same set of actions they can perform (as subcommands)

$ ./golembic postgres --help
Manage database migrations for a PostgreSQL database.

Use the PGPASSWORD environment variable to set the password for the database connection.

  golembic postgres [command]

Available Commands:
  describe    Describe the registered sequence of migrations
  up          Run all migrations that have not yet been applied
  up-one      Run the first migration that has not yet been applied
  up-to       Run all the migrations up to a fixed revision that have not yet been applied
  verify      Verify the stored migration metadata against the registered sequence
  version     Display the revision of the most recent migration to be applied

      --connect-timeout duration     The timeout to use when waiting on a new connection to PostgreSQL, must be exactly convertible to seconds
      --dbname string                The database name to use when connecting to PostgreSQL (default "postgres")
      --driver-name string           The name of SQL driver to be used when creating a new database connection pool (default "postgres")
  -h, --help                         help for postgres
      --host string                  The host to use when connecting to PostgreSQL (default "localhost")
      --idle-connections int         The maximum number of idle connections (in a connection pool) to PostgreSQL (default 16)
      --lock-timeout duration        The lock timeout to use when connecting to PostgreSQL, must be exactly convertible to milliseconds (default 4s)
      --max-connections int          The maximum number of connections (in a connection pool) to PostgreSQL (default 32)
      --max-lifetime duration        The maximum time a connection (from a connection pool) to PostgreSQL can remain open
      --port string                  The port to use when connecting to PostgreSQL (default "5432")
      --schema string                The schema to use when connecting to PostgreSQL
      --ssl-mode string              The SSL mode to use when connecting to PostgreSQL
      --statement-timeout duration   The statement timeout to use when connecting to PostgreSQL, must be exactly convertible to milliseconds (default 5s)
      --username string              The username to use when connecting to PostgreSQL

Global Flags:
      --dev                     Flag indicating that the migrations should be run in development mode
      --metadata-table string   The name of the table that stores migration metadata (default "golembic_migrations")
      --sql-directory string    Path to a directory containing ".sql" migration files

Use "golembic postgres [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Some of the "leaf" commands have their own flags as well, but this is uncommon:

$ ./golembic postgres up-to --help
Run all the migrations up to a fixed revision that have not yet been applied

  golembic postgres up-to [flags]

  -h, --help              help for up-to
      --revision string   The revision to run migrations up to
      --verify-history    If set, verify that all of the migration history matches the registered migrations

Global Flags:
      --connect-timeout duration     The timeout to use when waiting on a new connection to PostgreSQL, must be exactly convertible to seconds
      --dbname string                The database name to use when connecting to PostgreSQL (default "postgres")
      --dev                          Flag indicating that the migrations should be run in development mode
      --driver-name string           The name of SQL driver to be used when creating a new database connection pool (default "postgres")
      --host string                  The host to use when connecting to PostgreSQL (default "localhost")
      --idle-connections int         The maximum number of idle connections (in a connection pool) to PostgreSQL (default 16)
      --lock-timeout duration        The lock timeout to use when connecting to PostgreSQL, must be exactly convertible to milliseconds (default 4s)
      --max-connections int          The maximum number of connections (in a connection pool) to PostgreSQL (default 32)
      --max-lifetime duration        The maximum time a connection (from a connection pool) to PostgreSQL can remain open
      --metadata-table string        The name of the table that stores migration metadata (default "golembic_migrations")
      --port string                  The port to use when connecting to PostgreSQL (default "5432")
      --schema string                The schema to use when connecting to PostgreSQL
      --sql-directory string         Path to a directory containing ".sql" migration files
      --ssl-mode string              The SSL mode to use when connecting to PostgreSQL
      --statement-timeout duration   The statement timeout to use when connecting to PostgreSQL, must be exactly convertible to milliseconds (default 5s)
      --username string              The username to use when connecting to PostgreSQL



NOTE: If GOLEMBIC_CMD is not provided to the Makefile, the default is up.

$ make restart-postgres
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up
Applying c9b52448285b: Create users table
Applying f1be62155239: Seed data in users table
Applying dce8812d7b6f: Add city column to users table
Applying 0430566018cc: Rename the root user [MILESTONE]
Applying 0501ccd1d98c: Add index on user emails (concurrently)
Applying e2d4eecb1841: Create books table
Applying 432f690fcbda: Create movies table

After creation, the next run does nothing

$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up
No migrations to run; latest revision: 432f690fcbda

If we manually delete one, the last migration will get run

$ make psql
golembic=> DELETE FROM golembic_migrations WHERE revision = '432f690fcbda';
golembic=> DROP TABLE movies;
golembic=> \q
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up
Applying 432f690fcbda: Create movies table


$ make restart-postgres
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying c9b52448285b: Create users table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying f1be62155239: Seed data in users table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying dce8812d7b6f: Add city column to users table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying 0430566018cc: Rename the root user [MILESTONE]
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying 0501ccd1d98c: Add index on user emails (concurrently)
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying e2d4eecb1841: Create books table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying 432f690fcbda: Create movies table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
No migrations to run; latest revision: 432f690fcbda


$ make restart-postgres
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-to GOLEMBIC_ARGS="--revision c9b52448285b"
Applying c9b52448285b: Create users table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-to GOLEMBIC_ARGS="--revision 0501ccd1d98c"
If a migration sequence contains a milestone, it must be the last migration; revision 0430566018cc (3 / 4 migrations)
exit status 1
make: *** [run-postgres-cmd] Error 1
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-to GOLEMBIC_ARGS="--revision 0430566018cc"
Applying f1be62155239: Seed data in users table
Applying dce8812d7b6f: Add city column to users table
Applying 0430566018cc: Rename the root user [MILESTONE]
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-to GOLEMBIC_ARGS="--revision dce8812d7b6f"
No migrations to run; latest revision: 0430566018cc [MILESTONE]
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-to GOLEMBIC_ARGS="--revision 432f690fcbda"
Applying 0501ccd1d98c: Add index on user emails (concurrently)
Applying e2d4eecb1841: Create books table
Applying 432f690fcbda: Create movies table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-to GOLEMBIC_ARGS="--revision 432f690fcbda"
No migrations to run; latest revision: 432f690fcbda


$ make restart-postgres
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=version
No migrations have been run

Then run all of the migrations and check the version

$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=version
432f690fcbda: Create movies table (applied 2024-06-14 02:30:35.121731 +0000 UTC)


$ make restart-postgres
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=verify
0 | c9b52448285b | Create users table (not yet applied)
1 | f1be62155239 | Seed data in users table (not yet applied)
2 | dce8812d7b6f | Add city column to users table (not yet applied)
3 | 0430566018cc | Rename the root user [MILESTONE] (not yet applied)
4 | 0501ccd1d98c | Add index on user emails (concurrently) (not yet applied)
5 | e2d4eecb1841 | Create books table (not yet applied)
6 | 432f690fcbda | Create movies table (not yet applied)
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying c9b52448285b: Create users table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=verify
0 | c9b52448285b | Create users table (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:01.255611 +0000 UTC)
1 | f1be62155239 | Seed data in users table (not yet applied)
2 | dce8812d7b6f | Add city column to users table (not yet applied)
3 | 0430566018cc | Rename the root user [MILESTONE] (not yet applied)
4 | 0501ccd1d98c | Add index on user emails (concurrently) (not yet applied)
5 | e2d4eecb1841 | Create books table (not yet applied)
6 | 432f690fcbda | Create movies table (not yet applied)
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up-one
Applying f1be62155239: Seed data in users table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=verify
0 | c9b52448285b | Create users table (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:01.255611 +0000 UTC)
1 | f1be62155239 | Seed data in users table (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:11.797511 +0000 UTC)
2 | dce8812d7b6f | Add city column to users table (not yet applied)
3 | 0430566018cc | Rename the root user [MILESTONE] (not yet applied)
4 | 0501ccd1d98c | Add index on user emails (concurrently) (not yet applied)
5 | e2d4eecb1841 | Create books table (not yet applied)
6 | 432f690fcbda | Create movies table (not yet applied)
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=up GOLEMBIC_ARGS="--dev"
Ignoring error in development mode
  If a migration sequence contains a milestone, it must be the last migration; revision 0430566018cc (2 / 5 migrations)
Applying dce8812d7b6f: Add city column to users table
Applying 0430566018cc: Rename the root user [MILESTONE]
Applying 0501ccd1d98c: Add index on user emails (concurrently)
Applying e2d4eecb1841: Create books table
Applying 432f690fcbda: Create movies table
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=verify
0 | c9b52448285b | Create users table (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:01.255611 +0000 UTC)
1 | f1be62155239 | Seed data in users table (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:11.797511 +0000 UTC)
2 | dce8812d7b6f | Add city column to users table (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:22.438631 +0000 UTC)
3 | 0430566018cc | Rename the root user [MILESTONE] (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:22.440512 +0000 UTC)
4 | 0501ccd1d98c | Add index on user emails (concurrently) (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:22.442373 +0000 UTC)
5 | e2d4eecb1841 | Create books table (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:22.447998 +0000 UTC)
6 | 432f690fcbda | Create movies table (applied 2024-06-14 02:32:22.450277 +0000 UTC)

We can artificially introduce a "new" migration and see failure to verify

$ make psql
golembic=> INSERT INTO golembic_migrations (serial_id, revision, previous) VALUES (7, 'not-in-sequence', '432f690fcbda');
golembic=> \q
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=verify
Migration stored in SQL doesn't match sequence; sequence has 7 migrations but 8 are stored in the table
exit status 1
make: *** [run-postgres-cmd] Error 1

Similarly, if we can introduce an unknown entry "in sequence"

$ make psql
golembic=> DELETE FROM golembic_migrations WHERE revision IN ('not-in-sequence', '432f690fcbda');
golembic=> INSERT INTO golembic_migrations (serial_id, revision, previous) VALUES (6, 'not-in-sequence', 'e2d4eecb1841');
golembic=> \q
$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=verify
Migration stored in SQL doesn't match sequence; stored migration 6: "not-in-sequence:e2d4eecb1841" does not match migration "432f690fcbda:e2d4eecb1841" in sequence
exit status 1
make: *** [run-postgres-cmd] Error 1

Luckily more painful cases such as one migration being deleted "in the middle" are protected by the constraints on the table:

$ make psql
golembic=> DELETE FROM golembic_migrations WHERE revision = '0430566018cc';
ERROR:  update or delete on table "golembic_migrations" violates foreign key constraint "fk_golembic_migrations_previous" on table "golembic_migrations"
DETAIL:  Key (revision)=(0430566018cc) is still referenced from table "golembic_migrations".
golembic=> \q


$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=describe
0 | c9b52448285b | Create users table
1 | f1be62155239 | Seed data in users table
2 | dce8812d7b6f | Add city column to users table
3 | 0430566018cc | Rename the root user [MILESTONE]
4 | 0501ccd1d98c | Add index on user emails (concurrently)
5 | e2d4eecb1841 | Create books table
6 | 432f690fcbda | Create movies table


$ make
Makefile for `golembic` project

   make dev-deps                Install (or upgrade) development time dependencies
   make vet                     Run `go vet` over source tree
   make shellcheck              Run `shellcheck` on all shell files in `./_bin/`
PostgreSQL-specific Targets:
   make start-postgres          Starts a PostgreSQL database running in a Docker container and set up users
   make stop-postgres           Stops the PostgreSQL database running in a Docker container
   make restart-postgres        Stops the PostgreSQL database (if running) and starts a fresh Docker container
   make require-postgres        Determine if PostgreSQL database is running; fail if not
   make psql                    Connects to currently running PostgreSQL DB via `psql`
   make psql-superuser          Connects to currently running PostgreSQL DB via `psql` as superuser
   make run-postgres-cmd        Run `./examples/cmd/main.go` with `postgres` subcommand
   make run-postgres-example    Run `./examples/postgres-script/main.go`
MySQL-specific Targets:
   make start-mysql             Starts a MySQL database running in a Docker container and set up users
   make stop-mysql              Stops the MySQL database running in a Docker container
   make restart-mysql           Stops the MySQL database (if running) and starts a fresh Docker container
   make require-mysql           Determine if MySQL database is running; fail if not
   make mysql                   Connects to currently running MySQL DB via `mysql`
   make mysql-superuser         Connects to currently running MySQL DB via `mysql` as superuser
   make run-mysql-cmd           Run `./examples/cmd/main.go` with `mysql` subcommand
   make run-mysql-example       Run `./examples/mysql-script/main.go`
SQLite-specific Targets:
   make run-sqlite3-example     Run `./examples/sqlite3-script/main.go`

Resources and Inspiration

  • alembic tutorial
  • goose package
  • Blog post: Move fast and migrate things: how we automated migrations
    in Postgres (in particular, the notes about lock timeouts)
  • Blog post: Update your Database Schema Without Downtime
  • Blog post: Multiple heads in alembic migrations - what to do
  • StackOverflow answer about setting a lock timeout and
    statement timeout in Postgres
    SET LOCAL lock_timeout TO '4s';
    SET LOCAL statement_timeout TO '5s';
    SELECT * FROM users;
  • Blog post: When Postgres blocks: 7 tips for dealing with locks