
Swiss army knife for Golang developers



Swiss army knife for Golang developers


  • Async tasks
  • Async tasks with results
  • Async Pub/Sub Queue
  • Command exec utils
  • Zero alloc string-byte conversion
  • Function execution elapsed time util
  • Time utils
  • Array utils

Async tasks

    func () {
        a = 1
    }, func () {
        b = 1

Async tasks with results

results := NewAsyncWorkWithResult[int]().TaskWithResult(
    func() int {
        return 5
    }, func() int {
        return 11

Queue acts as a non-blocking message queue backing with unbuffered channel. Publish/Subscribe functions are not blocks code execution.

q := NewQueue[int]()
q.Publish(context.Background(), 1)
q.Publish(context.Background(), 2)

q.Subscribe(context.Background(), func(data int) {
	fmt.Println("data readed ", data)

<-make(chan struct{})

You can also give timeout to both message publish and subscribe functions:

q := NewQueue[int]()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
defer cancel()
q.Publish(context.Background(), 1)
q.Publish(ctx, 2)

q.Subscribe(ctx, func(data int) {
	fmt.Println("data readed ", data)

<-make(chan struct{})

Run posix command and get output as byte array

out := Exec("echo", "test")

Run posix command with pipes

strReader := strings.NewReader("hello world")

outWriter := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
errWriter := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)

ExecPipe(strReader, outWriter, errWriter, "echo", "test")
outputStr := outWriter.String()

String to byte array zero allocation

str := String([]byte("test"))

Byte to string

byteArr := Byte("test")

Function execution elapsed time utility

elapsedTime := ElapsedTime(func() {
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

Getting All Dependencies

To get all Dependencies in project run go mod tidy in root of project