
gorky - powerful & bitter utility library in golang

MIT License


gorky - powerful & bitter utility library

gorky is a library of generic utility code for golang. When the author (it's me) was creating OSS projects, I copied the code into the project many times. I felt this process was a waste of time. For this reason, I have put together a generic code as the gorky library.

Packages within gorky

package name description
errfmt format the error message
file check the file type and checks for the existence of files.
nameconv converts string naming conventions(e.g. snake case to camel case)
path extracts specified string from a file path string. This package define only those features not provided by package path/filepath.
str implement string manipulations not provided by the golang standard package (strings package)
golden golden file test utility

Support OS & go version

  • Linux (main target)
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • go version 1.16 to 1.19


If you would like to send comments such as "find a bug" or "request for additional features" to the developer, please use one of the following contacts.

GitHub Issue


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are not only related to development. For example, GitHub Star motivates me to develop!



The nameconv project is the mixed-license.

  • MIT License(casee*.go and camelcase*.go)
  • Apache License Version 2.0(All codes other than the above)

The authors of the MIT license source code are pinzolo and Fatih Arslan. The code written by each author clearly states the full MIT license and Copyright.


The golden project is licensed under the terms of MIT LICENSE. Original author is Sebastian Dahlgren.



Origin of name (gorky)

gorky was taken from Pokémon and a Russian writer (Maxim Gorky). gorky evolves by exchanging Pokémon with other people's Pokémon. Similarly, I hoped that the use of the gorky library in other codes would make them better.

In Russia, gorky is both the name of the writer and a word meaning "bitter". I thought gorky meant very well, as there will be hard times on the road to a better library.