
Examples for writing GTK4 applications in Go

ISC License


gotk4 Examples

This repository provides examples on using GTK4 and GTK3 using the gotk4 bindings.


GTK4 examples are in ./gtk4. A simple Hello World example is in ./gtk4/simple.

Getting Started

Before running any of these examples, you must grab the dependencies in your operating system or distribution.

Installing GTK

Below are instructions for getting the needed dependencies for GTK on certain distros. Most distros and operating systems will be missing from this list, so PRs are welcomed.

Linux/macOS - Nix

# Nix channels:
nix-shell -p gtk4 gtk3 gobject-introspection pkg-config

# Nix flakes (very slow):
nix shell nixpkgs#gtk4 nixpkgs#gtk3 nixpkgs#gobject-introspection nixpkgs#pkg-config

Linux - Arch

sudo pacman -S gtk4 gobject-introspection

Linux - Ubuntu

sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev # 18.04 (bionic) or later
sudo apt install libgtk-4-dev # 21.04 (hirsuit) or later

Linux - Fedora

sudo dnf install gtk4-devel gobject-introspection-devel

Linux - openSUSE

sudo zypper install gtk4-devel gobject-introspection-devel


brew install gtk4 gtk+3 gobject-introspection pkg-config

Windows - Msys2

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk4 mingw-w64-x86_64-gobject-introspection

Installing Go

The minimum Go version required to run gotk4 is 1.21. If your distribution or operating system does not have 1.21, follow the steps under the "Other OS/distros" section.

Linux/macOS - Nix

# Installing just Go:
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.go

# Dropping into a shell with Go:
nix-shell -p go

# Using gotk4-nix's shell, which will also grab GTK dependencies:

Linux - Ubuntu

Snippet taken from the Go wiki:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
sudo apt update
sudo apt install golang-go # or golang-1.17

Linux - Fedora

sudo dnf install golang

The packaged version of Go on Fedora is usually a few versions behind upstream on non-rawhide branches, so you might want to manually install Go using the installation instructions mentioned below.

Linux - openSUSE

sudo zypper install go

Other OS/distros

Follow doc/install for more information.

Running Examples

This snippet assumes that you've already cloned this repository down and are currently inside the repository.

go run -v ./gtk4/simple

Important: if you don't run with -v, you might start wondering if go run is hung or not. Always keep in mind that building gotk4 will be very slow at first, and the slow building is normal.