
A schema-driven GraphQL zero-dependencies client generator for Go

MIT License


gcg - graphql client generator

This tool takes a GraphQL schema in SDL and generates Go sources for all entities (enums, mutations, types, queries, unions, functions).

The generated types can be used both for composing GraphQL queries and populating response data. Queries and mutations are composed by setting field values in your (nested) structure to a non-zero value. If you need more complex queries than can not be expressed using the types then you can choose to use the types only for capturing the response.

Generated sources have no dependencies outside the standard Go SDK.


Create a configuration file schema-generate.yaml with the following contents:

# the Go package name for the generated files
package: tweet

# the GraphQL schema in SDL (use a converter if you have JSON)
schema: schema.gql

# optionally, map Scalar to your own implementation
	Date: CustomDate


go run
gofmt -w enums.go
gofmt -w mutations.go
gofmt -w types.go
gofmt -w scalars.go
gofmt -w queries.go
gofmt -w unions.go
gofmt -w functions.go
gofmt -w build.go


Schema example (SDL):

type Tweet {
	id: ID!
	body: String
type Query {
	Tweets(limit: Int, skip: Int, sort_field: String, sort_order: String): [Tweet]
type Mutation {
	createTweet (body: String): Tweet	

With generated Go code from this schema, you can write queries and mutations.

Create example:

m := CreateTweetMutation{}

// set non-zero value to mark the field as part of query
m.Data.ID = "?"

// build GraphQLRequest with query,operation and variables
r := m.Build("hello")

Results in query:

mutation createTweet($body:String) {
	createTweet(body: $body) {

Read Tweet ID from response

// use the CreateTweetMutation to capture the data
json.Unmarshal(responseBytes, &m)
id := m.Data.ID

Read example:

q := TweetsQuery{}
q.Data = []TweetsQueryData{
		Tweet: Tweet{ID: "?"},
r := q.Build("testTweets", 1, 0, "id", "desc")

Results in query

query testTweets($limit:Int,$skip:Int,$sort_field:String,$sort_order:String) {
	Tweets(limit: $limit,skip: $skip,sort_field: $sort_field,sort_order: $sort_order) {

Read Tweet ID from response

// use the TweetsQuery to capture the data
json.Unmarshal(responseBytes, &q)
id := q.Data.Tweets[0].ID

how to post a GraphQLRequest

request := aQueryOrMutation.Build(....)
requestBytes, err := json.Marshal(request)
requestReader := bytes.NewReader(requestBytes)

// if you need to pass headers then use http.NewRequest instead
resp , err = http.Post("http://your.service/api", "application/json", requestReader)

inject the schema version

Using a directive, you can provide version information about the schema. The following example shows how to define this

directive @version(name:String="dev") on SCHEMA

schema @version(name:"v1.0.0") {
	query: Query
	mutation: Mutation

Then the generator will initialize a constant in queries.go such as:

const SchemaVersion = "v1.0.0"


Unsupported GraphQL features are:

  • inline fragments
  • directives
  • default values

© 2022+, MIT License. Contributions welcome.