
CLI chat. [Go, GRPC, Cobra, Bubbletea, Mongo, Postgres]. 2 microservices and 1 tui-client in monorepo


πŸš€ GRPC CLI Chat Backend

Welcome to the GRPC CLI Chat Backend! This monorepo houses a powerful chat application comprised of three main services: auth, chat, and a cli client. With a robust authentication system using access and refresh tokens, and independent databases for each service, this project is built to scale and impress. Let's dive into the details! 🌟

Features πŸŽ‰

  • Monorepo Architecture: Three cohesive applications in one repository.
    • auth: Handles user authentication and authorization.
    • chat: Manages chat messages and chat rooms.
    • cli: Command-line interface for interacting with the chat service.
  • Secure Authentication: Utilizes access and refresh tokens for secure communication.
  • Database Independence:
    • PostgreSQL for the authentication service.
    • MongoDB for the chat service.
  • Local file for Token Management: Stores user tokens securely.
  • Comprehensive Makefile: Simplifies setup, testing, and deployment.

Getting Started πŸš€


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Docker & Docker Compose
  • Go (1.22.4)
  • Make

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository
git clone
cd grpc-cli-chat.mono
  1. Environment Configuration
cp .env.example .env
  1. Start Services with Docker Compose
docker-compose up -d
  1. Download proto dependencies
make vendor-proto
  1. Install other cli dependencies
make install-deps

Command Usage πŸš€

CLI Commands Overview (branch feat/cli - deprecated)

Our CLI client now supports various commands to interact with the backend services seamlessly using Cobra and Bubbletea. Here are a few:

  • Auth Service Commands
    • gchat register: Register a new user.
    • gchat login: Login with existing credentials.
    • gchat list-user: List all users.
  • Chat Service Commands
    • gchat create-chat: Create a chat with the specified users.
    • gchat list-chat: List all user chats.
    • gchat connect-chat: Connect to a specific chat by chat ID.

Example commands:

  • Register a New User
go run main.go register --name "John Doe" --email "[email protected]" --password "password" --password-confirm "password"
  • Login
go run main.go login --login "[email protected]" --password "password"
  • List of Users
go run main.go list-user
  • Create a Chat
go run main.go create-chat --user-ids="<uuid>"
  • List of Chats
go run main.go list-chat
  • Connect to a Chat
go run main.go connect-chat --chat-id "chat123"

New Interaction Through Bubbletea

The interaction with our application is now fully integrated with Bubbletea, providing a rich, interactive terminal user interface (TUI). This change enhances user experience and allows for more dynamic and responsive interactions.


  • Login

    The login allows users to enter their credentials and access the chat service.

  • Registration

    The registration enables users to create a new account by providing their name, email, and password.

  • Create Chat

    The create chat allows users to initiate a new chat room by selecting participants and starting conversations.

  • Chat List Screen

    The chat list shows a list of chat rooms the user is part of and allows seamless navigation between them.

  • Chat Interaction

    The chat interaction provides a real-time chat interface where users can send and receive messages.

Architecture Overview πŸ—οΈ

Our project is organized as a monorepository containing three main applications:

Auth Service

  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Functionality: manages user registration, login, and authentication using access and refresh tokens

Chat Service

  • Database: MongoDB
  • Functionality: handles chat functionalities, including connecting to a chat and sending messages

CLI Client

  • Framework: Cobra and Bubbletea
  • Functionality: a command-line interface that allows users to interact with the Auth and Chat services using a rich TUI

Key Features

  • Access and Refresh Tokens: Secure authentication with token-based access control.

  • PostgreSQL and MongoDB: Two separate databases for different services to ensure scalability and maintainability.

  • Service Provider Pattern: A clean and modular approach to managing dependencies and service interactions.

  • Interceptors: Automatically handle token refresh to ensure seamless user experience.

Development πŸ’»

  • Generate Go from Proto
make generate-api
  • Up migrations
make migrations-up
  • Generate migration
name=migration_name make migrations-generate
  • Lint the Code
make lint
  • Build the Project
make build

Deployment βš™οΈ

Kubernetes Deployment

The application is deployed in a Kubernetes cluster, ensuring high availability, scalability, and efficient resource management. The deployment process is automated using GitHub Actions.

VPS Deployment

In addition to Kubernetes, the application can also be deployed on a Virtual Private Server (VPS). This flexibility allows you to choose the deployment target that best fits your infrastructure and scaling needs. The deployment process, whether to Kubernetes or a VPS, is managed through GitHub Actions workflows.

GitHub Actions CI/CD

I use GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment. The workflow includes:

  1. Linting: Code is checked using golangci-lint.
  2. Building Docker Images: Docker images are built for each service.
  3. Pushing Docker Images: The built images are pushed to Docker Hub.
  4. Deploying to Kubernetes: The images are deployed to a Kubernetes cluster using Helm charts.
  5. Deploying to VPS: The application is built, environment variables are configured, and binaries are transferred and set up on the VPS.

Modern Deployment Practices

Deployment setup exemplifies modern DevOps practices by:

  • Automated CI/CD: Minimizing manual intervention and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Environment Configurations: Supporting multiple environments (development, production) with ease.
  • Scalability and Reliability: Leveraging Kubernetes for managing and scaling microservices effectively.
  • Flexibility: Offering deployment options to both Kubernetes and VPS, catering to different infrastructure needs.
  • Security: Storing sensitive information like Docker Hub credentials, Kubernetes config, and VPS SSH keys securely in GitHub Secrets.

Environment Variables

Ensure that the following environment variables are set in your GitHub repository secrets:

  • DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME: Your Docker Hub username.
  • DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD: Your Docker Hub password.
  • KUBE_CONFIG: Your Kubernetes configuration file content.
  • NAMESPACE: Your Kubernetes namespace.
  • VPS_SSH_KEY: Your VPS SSH private key.
  • VPS_USER: Your VPS user.
  • VPS_HOST: Your VPS host address.

Acknowledgments πŸ™Œ

I hope you enjoy using the CLI Chat as much as we enjoyed building it. If you find it useful, give us a ⭐ on GitHub!

Happy chatting! πŸŽ‰πŸš€