
gRPC service config without service discovery.

MIT License


gRPC Service Config

gRPC service config without service discovery, by specifying the service config via file annotations and including it in the generated code.

How to

Step 1: Add a service config file annotation to your package

For example einride/serviceconfig/example/v1/default_service_config.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

package einride.serviceconfig.example.v1;

import "einride/serviceconfig/v1/annotations.proto";

option (einride.serviceconfig.v1.default_service_config) = {
  method_config: {
    name: {}
    timeout: {
      seconds: 10
    retry_policy: {
      initial_backoff: {
        nanos: 200000000 // 0.2s
      max_backoff: {
        seconds: 60
      max_attempts: 5
      backoff_multiplier: 2
      retryable_status_codes: UNAVAILABLE
      retryable_status_codes: UNKNOWN

Step 2: Run the protoc plugin

Use the optional validate option to validate that the service config format is valid. Use the optional required option to require every service to have a service config.

  -I src \
  --go_out=gen/go \
  --go-grpc_out=gen/go \
  --go-grpc-service-config_out=gen/go \
  --go-grpc-service-config_opt=validate=true \

Your generated code output will now have a Go file corresponding to every service config JSON file.

For example example_grpc_service_config.pb.go:

package examplev1

// DefaultServiceConfig is the default service config for all services in the package.
const DefaultServiceConfig = `{
  "methodConfig": [
      "name": [{}],
      "timeout": "10s",
      "retryPolicy": {
        "initialBackoff": "0.200s",
        "maxBackoff": "60s",
        "maxAttempts": 5,
        "backoffMultiplier": 1.3,
        "retryableStatusCodes": ["UNAVAILABLE"]

Step 3: Use your bundled service config when dialing

conn, err := grpc.DialContext(