
Google Cloud Storage upload relay/gateway with destination path rewrite support & zero disk allocation ⚡


gstransfer [WIP]

Google Cloud Storage upload relay/gateway with destination path rewrite support & zero disk allocation, unstable version.


Currently we only provide .deb package, get it here, or Build from source


there is two part of gstransfer, server and client/uploader

define -bind flag if you want to use server mode
Usage of ./gstransfer:
  -bind string
    	set gstransfer bind ip and port
  -bucket string
    	your bucket name
  -db-path string
    	full path to database folder, will automatically craete if not exist (default "/tmp/gstransfer")
  -dst-rule string
    	dir-0 is root of chosen directory, and so on, and 'filename' is your file original filename, you can add custom prefix (default "dir-0/../filename")
  -id string
    	define process id, this will enable re-upload without duplicate file on app crash
  -max-size int
    	size in MB (default 100)
  -server string
    	your server url
  -source string
    	full path to your source directory


For server, make sure you had access to bucket target, define GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var with path to .json auth file, for more, read Getting started with authentication

$ # start gstransfer server
$ gstransfer -bind -max-size 150


$ ./gstransfer -source /full/path/to/dir -bucket name -server http://gstorage-server:8003 -id test-1 -dst-rule dir-0/../file

-dst-rule explanation

for example you have this full path, /home/codenoid/Documents/codenoid/gstransfer/ with file located in /home/codenoid/Documents/codenoid/gstransfer/.git/hooks/post-update.sample, let's note the .git/hooks/post-update.sample

  1. -dst-rule dir-0/file become .git/post-update.sample object
  2. -dst-rule dir-0/../file become .git/hooks/post-update.sample object
  3. -dst-rule dir-1/../file become hooks/post-update.sample object
  4. -dst-rule dir-4/../file become error, because current listed file not match with the rule
  5. -dst-rule file become post-update.sample object

Building from source

You need to install Go, for linux, read here

git clone
cd gstransfer
go build -trimpath


Q: What if the app crash/exit in the middle progress ?

don't worry, just define your existing -id, for recovering from server-crash put -db-path anywhere besides /tmp

Q: What good server spec for the server mode ?

most of my file are lower than 50MB, i can just go with GCP f1-micro