


A hacked together terminal-based feed reader, created for my own use. Designed to tick away in a window and surface recent items of interest in a chat-like view.

Configure desired feeds in the config file at ~/.config/happen.yaml (will be created with default settings after running once.)


Install with go:

go install github.com/liamg/happen@latest

Key Bindings

Key Description
up/k Move selection up
down/j Move selection down
pageup Page selection up
pagedown Page selection down
home/g/0 Move up to oldest item
end/G/$ Move down to newest item
esc Clear selection
enter Open selected item in default browser
i Open image for selected item (if it has one)
/ Filter/search items. Use enter to confirm and escape to cancel/clear
r Refresh feeds
q Exit

Config File

showDescriptions: true # show a description/content preview under each item
showHelp: true # show the help strip at the bottom of the window, showing shortcuts + time to next update
maxBadgeSize: 16 # max length of badge names
pollInterval: 1m # how often to poll - can use h/m/s
subreddits: # list of subreddits to add to the feed
  - blueteamsec
  - cloudsecurity
  - blackhat
  - cyber
  - cybersecurity
  - exploitdev
  - malware
  - redteamsec
  - pwned
sources: # list of generic feed sources - all parameters are optional except url
    - name: BBC
      url: https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml
      bg: '#930000' # badge background colour
      fg: '#e4e6e9' # badge foreground colour
      maxAge: 4h # oldest items to display from the feed
    - name: Hacker News
      url: https://hnrss.org/newest?points=20
      bg: '#cc5200'
      fg: '#e4e6e9'
      maxAge: 8h
    - name: lobste.rs
      url: https://lobste.rs/rss
      bg: '#5e0000'
      fg: '#ffffff'
      maxAge: 24h
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Top 13.04% on Proxy.golang.org