
Process project templates into new projects

MIT License


Apply Templates

Process all template files recursively in a directory. This is useful for project templates, for example, after creating a new repository from a template repository.


All files in the specified directory will be processed as templates. For now, this project assumes all files are UTF-8 encoded. A .git directory or file (worktree) will be skipped.

For every {{param}} found in a template, the user will be prompted to answer unless the named parameter was already in the parameter cache you pass. This cache can be pre-populated as well.

import (


func Example() {
    params := make(map[string]string)
    err := template.Apply("testdata", params,
        template.WithLogger(log.Default(), true),
    if err != nil {


Templates are processed using text/template. Template files contain a mix of text and actions surrounded by {{ and }} e.g.,

# {{param "name" "" "What is the project name?" | titlecase}}

This is an example.


In addition to built-in functions, the following functions are also available:

  • param <name> [<default> [<prompt>]]
    Replace with a parameter named <name>, or prompt using an optional <default>
    with an optional <prompt>. If a <prompt> is not specified, the required
    <name> is used. The type of <default> dictates valid input. Only string
    and int are supported at this time.
  • pluralize <count> <thing>
    Append an "s" to <thing> if <count> is not equal to 1. <count> can be
    either an int or a string representing an int e.g., "1".
  • lowercase <string>
    Change the case of <string> to all lowercase characters.
  • titlecase <string>
    Change the case of <string> to Title Case characters.
  • uppercase <string>
    Change the case of <string> to UPPERCASE characters.
  • replace <from> <to> <source>
    Replaces all occurrences of <from> to <to> in the <source> string.
  • date
    Returns the current UTC date-time.
  • date.Format <layout>
    Formats the date-time according to time.Format.
  • date.Local
    Returns the current local date-time. You can call other date functions
    on the returned value e.g., date.Local.Year.
  • date.Year
    Returns the current UTC year.
  • true
    Returns true. Useful as a default value to accept yes/Y or no/N answers.
  • false
    Returns false. Useful as a default value to accept yes/Y or no/N answers.
  • deleteFile
    Deletes the current file, or a list of file names relative to the repo root.

Note that date functions including Format, Local, and Year are function calls and need to be closed in parenthesis if you want to pipe to another function like printf:

{{param "copyright" ((date.Year) | printf "Copyright %d") "What is the copyright year?"}}

To require an integer when prompting for the copyright parameter, a better example is to pass the int that date.Year returns:

Copyright {{param "copyright" (date.Year) "What is the copyright year?"}}


Licensed under the MIT license.