
A bot works with OpenAI GPT models to provide insights for your info flows.

MIT License


A bot works with OpenAI GPT models to provide insights for your info flows.


Supported IMs

  • Telegram
  • Slack
  • Discord



Insights Bot ships with a set of commands, you can use /help to get a list of available commands when talking to the bot in Telegram. You can also use /cancel to cancel any ongoing actions with the bot.

Summarize webpages

Command: /smr

Arguments: URL, Replied message with only URL


/smr [Reply to a message with only URL]

By sending /smr command with a URL or replying to a message that only contains a URL, the bot will try to summarize the webpage and return the result.

Configure chat history recapturing

Warning This command is not available in Slack/Discord integration currently.

Command: /configure_recap

Arguments: None


By sending /configure_recap command, the bot will send you a message with options you can interact with. Click the buttons to choose the settings you want to configure.

Summarize chat histories or Recap

Warning This command is not available in Slack/Discord integration currently.

Command: /recap

Arguments: None


By sending /recap command, the bot will try to summarize the chat histories and return the result you choose later.

Subscribe to chat histories recap for a group

Warning This command is not available in Slack/Discord integration currently.

Command: /subscribe_recap

Arguments: None


By sending /subscribe_recap command, the bot will start to capture the messages from the group you subscribed and then send a copy of the recap message to you through private chat when it is available.

Unsubscribe to chat histories recap for a group

Warning This command is not available in Slack/Discord integration currently.

Command: /unsubscribe_recap

Arguments: None


By sending /unsubscribe_recap command, the bot will no longer send the copy of the recap message for the group you subscribe.

Summarize forwarded messages in private chat

Warning This command is not available in Slack/Discord integration currently.

Commands: /recap_forwarded_start, /recap_forwarded

Arguments: None

<Forwarded messages>

By sending /recap_forwarded_start command, the bot will start to capture the forwarded messages you send later in private chat and try to summarize them when you send /recap_forwarded command afterwards.


Run with binary

You will have to clone this repository and then build the binary by yourself.

git clone
go build -a -o "build/insights-bot" ""

Then copy the .env.example file to build directory and rename it to .env, and then fill in the environment variables.

cd build
cp ../.env.example .env
vim .env
# assign executable permission to the binary
$ chmod +x ./insights-bot
# run the binary
$ ./insights-bot

Run with docker

docker run -it --rm -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<Telegram Bot API Token> -e OPENAI_API_SECRET=<OpenAI API Secret Key> -e DB_CONNECTION_STR="<PostgresSQL connection URL>" insights-bot

Run with Docker Compose

Clone this project:

git clone

Or only copy or download the necessary .env.example and docker-compose.yml files (but you will only be able to run the bot with pre-bundled docker image):

curl -O
curl -O

Create your .env by making a copy of the contents from .env.example file. The .env file should be placed at the root of the project directory next to your docker-compose.yml file.

cp .env.example .env

Replace your OpenAI token and other environment variables in .env, and then run:

docker compose --profile hub up -d

If you prefer run docker image from local codes (which means build it manually, you will need the entire source code of this project), then run:

docker compose --profile local up -d --build

Build on your own

Build with go

go build -a -o "release/insights-bot" ""

Build with Docker

docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 -t <tag> -f Dockerfile .

Ports we use

Port Description
6060 pprof Debug server
7069 Health check server
7070 Slack App/Bot webhook server
7071 Telegram Bot webhook server
7072 Discord Bot webhook server


Environment variables

Name Required Default Description
TIMEZONE_SHIFT_SECONDS false 0 Timezone shift in seconds used for auto generating recap messages for groups, default is 0.
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN true Telegram Bot API token, you can create one and obtain the token through @BotFather
TELEGRAM_BOT_WEBHOOK_URL false Telegram Bot webhook URL and port, you can use or Cloudflare tunnel to expose your local server to the internet.
TELEGRAM_BOT_WEBHOOK_PORT false 7071 Telegram Bot Webhook server port, default is 7071
OPENAI_API_SECRET true OpenAI API Secret Key that looks like sk-************************************************, you can obtain one by signing in to OpenAI platform and create one at
OPENAI_API_HOST false OpenAI API Host, you can specify one if you have a relay or reversed proxy configured. Such as
OPENAI_API_MODEL_NAME false gpt-3.5-turbo OpenAI API model name, default is gpt-3.5-turbo, you can specify one if you want to use another model. Such as gpt-4
OPENAI_API_TOKEN_LIMIT false 4096 OpenAI API token limit used to computed the splits and truncations of texts before calling Chat Completion API generally set to the maximum token limit of a model, and let insights-bot to determine how to process it, default is 4096
OPENAI_API_CHAT_HISTORIES_RECAP_TOKEN_LIMIT false 2000 OpenAI chat histories recap token limit, token length of generated and response chat histories recap message, default is 2000, this will leave OPENAI_API_TOKEN_LIMIT - 2000 tokens for actual chat context.
DB_CONNECTION_STR true postgresql://postgres:123456@db_local:5432/postgres?search_path=public&sslmode=disable PostgreSQL database URL. Such as postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres. You could also suffix with ?search_path=<schema name> if you want to specify a schema.
SLACK_CLIENT_ID false Slack app client id, you can create a slack app and get it, see: tutorial
SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET false Slack app client secret, you can create a slack app and get it, see: tutorial
SLACK_WEBHOOK_PORT false 7070 Port for Slack Bot/App Webhook server, default is 7070
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN false Discord bot token, you can create a discord app and get it, see: Get started document
DISCORD_BOT_PUBLIC_KEY false Discord bot public key, you can create a discord app and get it, see: Get started document, required if DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN provided.
DISCORD_BOT_WEBHOOK_PORT false 7072 Port for Discord Bot Webhook server, default is 7702
REDIS_HOST true localhost Redis host connects to, default is localhost
REDIS_PORT true 6379 Redis port, default is 6379
REDIS_TLS_ENABLED false false Redis TLS enabled, default is false
REDIS_USERNAME false Redis username.
REDIS_PASSWORD false Redis password.
REDIS_DB false 0 Redis database, default is 0
REDIS_CLIENT_CACHE_ENABLED false false Redis client cache enabled, default is false, read more about client cache at and for more details.
LOG_FILE_PATH false <insights-bot_executable>/logs/insights-bot.log Log file path, you can specify one if you want to specify a path to store logs when executed and ran with binary. The default path is /var/log/insights-bot/insights-bot.log in Docker volume, you can override the defaults -e LOG_FILE_PATH=<path> when executing docker run command or modify and prepend a new LOG_FILE_PATH the docker-compose.yml file.
LOG_LEVEL false info Log level, available values are debug, info, warn, error
LOCALES_DIR false locales Locales directory, default is locales, it is recommended to configure as an absolute path.


  • Project logo was generated by Midjourney
  • OpenAI for providing the GPT series models