

Is this Testground?

This repo is a result of going through a mental excercise of trying to understand what the minimal set of components is that we could call Testground. It is an answer to a hypothetical question: if I only had a week to build a Testground, what would I do?

How to run the test?

docker compose up

What happens during a test run?

  1. The coordinator container starts. It is connected to the control bridge network.
  2. 2 runner containers start. They are connected to the control bridge network and the data bridge network.
  3. The runner containers modify their data network interfaces. They add 1000ms of latency.
  4. The runner containers retrieve their own IP addresses for the data network and the control network.
  5. The runner containers send their addresses as registration to the coordinator container through the control network.
  6. Once the coordinator receives all the registrations it's been waiting for, it sends them to each runner container through control network.
  7. The runner containers ping each other through the data network.
  8. The runner containers send done message to the coordinator container through the control network.
  9. Once the coordinator receives all the done messages it's been waiting for, it sends _shutdownmessage to eachrunnercontainer throughcontrol` network and exits.
  10. The runnner containers exit.



The coordinator covers the following responsibilities:

  • waiting for all runners to register
  • advertising the registration data of all runners to all runners
  • waiting for all runners to report results


The runner covers the following responsibilities:

  • registering with the coordinator
  • waiting for the coordinator to advertise the registration data of all runners
  • running the test
  • reporting results to the coordinator


  • runners need to be able to communicate with the coordinator
  • the coordinator needs to be able to communicate with the runners
  • eth0 is the control network interface (eth1 happens to be the data network interface but it does not have to be a hard requirement)


  • if runners implemented a healthcheck endpoint, the coordinator could monitor the health of the runners without assuming any specific environment (e.g. Docker)
  • this example uses docker compose to set up the test but it could be "setup" agnostic
  • neighter the coordinator nor runners have to be docker containers
  • the Testground composition we know today could become a competitor to docker compose
  • the network interface manipulation could be abstracted away in the SDK (and registration, healthz, result reporting, etc.)
  • the runner doesn't even have to be a single process, it could be a cluster of processes
  • how does the coordinator know when the test can be started? i.e. what is all the runners? would giving a number of registrations to expect be enough?
  • the control network interface name could be configurable too

Next steps

There's no next steps. This is just an excercise to understand what minimal Testground could be and how it could split responsibilities and abstractions.

Actual Testground

Breakdown by function

function component description required complexity alternatives value
building daemon building test nodes optional complex because of the need to support multiple languages and runtimes (builders) docker build, go build ?
orchestration daemon starting and stopping test nodes optional complex because of the need to support multiple environemnts (runners) docker compose, nomad, kubernetes ?
network setup daemon creating networks over which test nodes communicate optional only applicable to a subset of environments docker network, cni ?
synchronisation sync facilitating communication between test nodes essential ? this is what makes a test run in a distributed environment
network configuration sidecar modifying network characteristics essential complex because of the need to support multiple environments (runners) tc, iptables an abstraction that differentiates testground
collection daemon collecting test results (from the sync) essential ? restults reporting is a pretty important part of testing framework
metrics sync collecting test node application, runtime metrics nice to have prometheus makes performance tests possible
logging daemon collecting test node application logs optional docker logs, fluentd makes debugging tests easier

Breakdown by component

component function
cli init, wait
daemon building, orchestration, network setup, collection
sync synchronisation, metrics
sidecar network configuration
test node test logic
sdk glue
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