
goverview - Get an overview of the list of URLs

MIT License



goverview - Get an overview of the list of URLs


GO111MODULE=on go get


Example Commands

# Only get summary
cat http_lists.txt | goverview probe -N -c 50 | tee only-overview.txt

# Get summary content and store raw response without screenshot
cat http_lists.txt | goverview probe -M -c 50 -o overview  cat http_lists.txt | goverview probe -c 20 -M --json

# Pass all urls to proxy with real browser
cat list_of_urls.txt | goverview screen --proxy

# Do screenshot and store JSON Output
cat http_lists.txt | goverview screen -c 5 --json

# Do screenshot based on success HTTP site
cat overview/ | jq -r '. | select(.status=="200") | .url' | goverview screen -c 5 -o overview -S overview/

# Do screenshot and generated report
cat| goverview screen --json -o /tmp/screenshot/
goverview report -o /tmp/screenshot/


goverview - Get an overview of the list of URLs - beta v1.0.0 by @j3ssiejjj

  goverview [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  probe       Do Probing on target
  report      Generate HTML Report based on screenshot output
  screen      Do Screenshot on target

  -B, --burp                Receive input as base64 burp request
  -c, --concurrency int     Set the concurrency level (default 10)
  -C, --content string      Summary File for Content (default 'out/content-summary.txt')
      --debug               Debug output
  -H, --headers strings     Custom headers (e.g: -H 'Referer: {{.BaseURL}}') (Multiple -H flags are accepted)
  -h, --help                help for goverview
  -I, --inputFile string    Custom headers (e.g: -H 'Referer: {{.BaseURL}}') (Multiple -H flags are accepted)
  -i, --inputs strings      Custom headers (e.g: -H 'Referer: {{.BaseURL}}') (Multiple -H flags are accepted)
  -j, --json                Output as JSON
  -l, --level int           Set level to calculate CheckSum (default: 0)
  -N, --no-output           No output
  -o, --output string       Output Directory (default "out")
  -P, --proxy string        Proxy to send http request
  -L, --redirect            Allow redirect
      --retry int           Number of retry
  -R, --save-redirect       Save redirect URL to overview file too
  -S, --screenshot string   Summary File for Screenshot (default 'out/screenshot-summary.txt')
      --sortTag             Sort HTML tag before do checksum
  -a, --tech string         Technology File (default "technologies.json")
  -t, --threads int         Set the threads level for do screenshot (default 5)
      --timeout int         HTTP timeout (default 15)
  -v, --verbose             Verbose output
  -V, --version             Print version
  -W, --wordlist string     Wordlists File build from HTTP Content (default 'out/wordlists.txt')

Use "goverview [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Checksum Content Level:
  0 - Only check for src in <script> tag
  1 - Check for all structure of HTML tag + src in <script> tag
  2 - Check for all structure of HTML tag + src in <script> <img> <a> tag
  5 - Entire HTTP response


goverview is made with ♥ by @j3ssiejjj and it is released under the MIT license.
