
An alternative git CLI for Windows, macOS, and Linux

MIT License



⚠️ Gut is still in alpha which means that there may be some features that are missing

To read about the future of Gut, check this blog post

Gut is an alternative CLI for Git. It provides a consistent naming of commands and a useful set of features.

If you have years of muscle memory, gut is probably not for you.

Table of contents


cd my-awesome-project

# Init a new git repo
gut init

# Do some changes
touch my-billion-dollar-idea.txt

# Commit your new file
gut save # Alias of gut commit

# Sync your changes with the upstream
gut sync


  • Built-in credentials manager
  • Consistent naming of commands
  • Integration with cloud platforms (merge and diff opens in the web UI)
  • gut fix command helps you fix your mistakes with git
  • .gitignore template downloader
  • Simplified authentication with GitHub

Main Useful Commands

  • gut save - Commits changes using gitmoji
  • gut sync - Syncs changes with your remote repository
  • gut goto - Lets you rewind the state of your project to a particular commit by temporarily modifying the working tree
  • gut fix - Helps you fix your mistakes with git
  • gut revert - Reverts your project to a previous state to fix a bug introduced n commits ago
  • gut undo - Discards changes made since the last commit
  • gut ignore - Downloads templates of .gitignore
  • gut whereami - Shows where your HEAD points to (no more rev-parse)
  • gut switch - Creates a new branch or switches to an existing one



To install gut on Windows, run

scoop bucket add gut
scoop install gut/gut


To install gut on macOS, open the Terminal and run

brew tap julien040/gut && brew install gut


echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gut.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gut


sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/gut.repo <<EOF
name=Gut Repository
sudo yum update
sudo yum install gut

AUR (Arch Linux)

Note: The AUR packages are not maintained by me. If you have any issues with them, please contact the maintainer of the package.

Compile yourself

yay -S gut

Use pre-compiled binary

yay -S gut-bin

Build from source

You need to have go installed on your machine

go install


Integration with cloud

We have several tools like GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket. So, why not use them to their fullest? When you attempt to merge a branch, gut will open a page to create a pull request. If you want to compare two commits, gut will open the compare view in your favorite repository hosting.

No rewriting of history

Gut will never allow you to modify the history pushed to a remote repository.

If you want to cancel your changes, run gut revert. It will create a new commit containing the state of the commit selected.

If you made a typo in your commit message, gut will only allow you to change it if it hasn’t been pushed yet. The same thing applies if you attempt to amend files of a commit.

Staging area isn’t a thing

Everything git tracks will be saved in your next commit.

Gut tracks all files unless they are listed on your .gitignore. After all, it exists for a reason.

Detached HEAD isn’t scary

With gut, getting into a detached HEAD is pretty trivial. Just run gut goto <commit id> to change your working tree according to that commit. But gut won’t leave you there.

In detached HEAD, every operation is blocked until you do something with that commit. You can come back to a branch or create a new one from that commit. By blocking operations, you won’t create several commits before realizing they aren’t linked to anything.

Great user experience

If you make a mistake, gut will try to figure it out and prompt you again. And if gut can’t help you, it will do its best to guide you to solve the issue.

I believe that when learning new technology, it's best to start with a high-level understanding and then gradually delve deeper over time. Specifically, when it comes to Git, I find that it can seem complex right from the beginning (such as setting and

Coexist with Git

While gut is a useful CLI tool, it's not intended to replace the git CLI. In fact, if Git were to disappear, gut would no longer function since it heavily relies on Git commands internally.

That being said, I believe that gut is an excellent choice for simple tasks, while Git can still be utilized for more complex tasks.




Why was this project built?

In my two years of learning how to code, I found git to be extremely frustrating. I was always scared of doing the wrong thing and not being able to revert it. This is why I built gut - so that everyone can use git without the headaches.

How can I contact the developer?

To discuss a new feature you would like to see, open a new discussion on GitHub.

For a bug, open a new issue.

For anything related to security, commercial or press, send an email to [email protected].

Can I contribute?

Of course, you can!


  • Create and delete tags.
  • Conflict resolution.
  • gut restore to checkout specific files.
  • gut commit sparsely to create a commit with specified files rather than all files.
  • gut time-machine to go back in time (e.g. reverse a pull).
  • Open a new discussion if you want your feature to be added here!





Contributions are always welcome!

See for ways to get started.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.