
K3SAIR 🏴‍☠️️ ('Corsair') is a cli for the installation of k3s in an Air-Gapped environment.

APACHE-2.0 License


K3SAIR 🏴‍☠️️ ('Corsair')

k3sair is a cli for the installation of k3s in an Air-Gapped environment.

The idea is born, during the installation attempt in my company. So we are using this cli too, for our own installations. It is build completely on zero-trust, k3sair is not saving anything.

It is inspired by k3sup, which does a great work.


Install via homebrew:

brew tap dirien/homebrew-dirien
brew install k3sair

Linux or Windows user, can directly download (or use curl/wget) the binary via the release page.

Known Limitation 😵

k3sair is still under development and supports at the moment only amd64 architecture and no version selection. It is always the binary you provide.

And there is no HA Setup. The install command is for a single control plane server.

Prerequisite 📚

You should have access to a http server hosting the files from k3s release page. We use Artifactory.

  • k3s
  • k3s-airgap-images-<arch>.tar.gz (See Known Limitation)

Usage ⚙️

Install 💾

k3sair install -h

  k3sair install [flags]

      --additional-k3s-exec-flags string   Add additional k3s exec flags, separate with space
      --arch string                        Enter the target sever os architecture (amd64 supported atm)
      --base string                        Enter the on-site proxy repository url (e.g Artifactory)
  -h, --help                               help for install
      --ip string                          Public ip or FQDN of node
      --mirror string                      Mirrored Registry. (Default: '')
      --port uint                          The ssh port to use (default 22)
      --ssh-key string                     The ssh key to use for remote login
      --sudo                               Use sudo for installation. (Default: true) (default true)
      --tls-san string                     Add additional hostname or IP as a Subject Alternative Name in the TLS cert
      --user string                        Username for SSH login (Default: root (default "root")

    k3sair install \
    --ssh-key /ssh/cluster \
    --arch amd64 \
    --base "https://repo.local/" \
    --ip \
    --user core

Join 🚪

k3sair join -h   

  k3sair join [flags]

      --additional-k3s-exec-flags string   Add additional k3s exec flags, separate with space
      --arch string                        Enter the target sever os architecture (amd64 supported atm)
      --base string                        Enter the on site proxy repository url (e.g Artifactory)
      --control-plane-ip string            Public ip or FQDN of an existing k3s server
      --control-plane-port uint            The ssh port to use (default 22)
  -h, --help                               help for join
      --ip string                          Public ip or FQDN of node
      --k3s-api-port uint                  The kube api server port. (default 6443)
      --mirror string                      Mirrored Registry. (Default: '')
      --port uint                          The ssh port to use (default 22)
      --ssh-key string                     The ssh key to use for remote login
      --sudo                                Use sudo for installation. (Default: true) (default true)
      --user string                        Username for SSH login (Default: root (default "root")
k3sair join \
--ssh-key /ssh/cluster \
--arch amd64 \
--base "https://repo.local/" \
--ip \
--control-plane-ip \
--user core


k3sair kubeconfig -h
Get the kubeconfig from the k3s control plane server

  k3sair kubeconfig [flags]

  -h, --help             help for kubeconfig
      --ip string        Public ip or FQDN of node
      --port uint        The ssh port to use (default 22)
      --ssh-key string   The ssh key to use for remote login
      --sudo              Use sudo for installation. (Default: true) (default true)
      --user string      Username for SSH login (Default: root (default "root")

k3sair kubeconfig \
--ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Contributing 🤝

Contributing via GitHub



Apache License, Version 2.0

Roadmap 🛣️

  • K3s private registry support link
  • tls-san support
  • Kubeconfig: change server address to host ip/name
  • INSTALL_K3S_EXEC support
  • GitHub Actions
  • Release via goreleaser
  • Rework codebase
  • INSTALL_K3S_EXEC support with additional cli flags
  • HA Support
  • Tests
  • ...

Libraries & Tools 🔥