
Organises Kubernetes manifests into a standard format

APACHE-2.0 License



kfmt takes input files and directories containing Kubernetes manifests and organises them into a standard format.

Inspiration is taken from a number of other tools:


GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/dippynark/kfmt

kfmt is also distributed as a binary and a Docker image.


The simplest usage is to format manifests coming from stdin:

cat <<EOF | kfmt -o output
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: test
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: test
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: test
  namespace: test

The full help text is show below:

kfmt organises Kubernetes manifests into a standard format.

  kfmt [flags]

      --clean                       Remove metadata.namespace field from non-namespaced resources
      --comment                     Comment each output file with the path of the corresponding input file
      --create-missing-namespaces   Create missing Namespace manifests
  -d, --discovery                   Use API Server for discovery
  -f, --filter stringArray          Filter Kind.group from output manifests (e.g. Deployment.apps or Secret)
  -g, --gvk-scope stringArray       Add GVK scope mapping Kind.group/version:Cluster or Kind.group/version:Namespaced to discovery
  -h, --help                        Print help text
  -i, --input stringArray           Input files or directories containing manifests. If no input is specified /dev/stdin will be used
  -k, --kubeconfig string           Path to the kubeconfig file used for discovery (default "/.kube/config")
  -n, --namespace string            Set metadata.namespace field if missing from namespaced resources (default "default")
  -o, --output string               Output directory to write organised manifests
      --overwrite                   Overwrite existing output files
      --remove                      Remove processed input files
      --strict                      Require metadata.namespace field is not set for non-namespaced resources
  -v, --version                     Print version

Namespaced resources can be annotated as follows:

kfmt.dev/namespaces: "namespace1,namespace2,..."

The resource will be copied into each named Namespace that does already contain a matching resource of the same name. Note that each Namespace must be present in the manifests being processed, either due to a Namespace resource being defined or any namespaced resource being in that Namespace. Alternatively, the special value * can be used and the resource will be copied into every Namespace; prefixing a Namespace name with - excludes that Namespace.


kfmt needs to know whether a particular GVK maps to a namespaced resource or not to know how to organise the input manifests. kfmt understands core Kubernetes resources and supports discovering mappings for custom resources by reading CRDs in the input manifests, using the --gvk-scope flag or reading cached discovery information, which can be produced by writing it to disk:

kubectl api-resources > api-resources.txt

Similarly, this cached discovery information can be augmented with all available versions:

kubectl api-versions > api-versions.txt

In addition, kfmt supports the --discovery flag to enable use of the Kubernetes discovery API. kfmt will only attempt to use the Kubernetes discovery API if the required discovery information is not provided using another method.


The standard format used by kfmt is as follows:

# kfmt output directory
|   # Directory containing non-namespaced resources
├── cluster
|   |   # Each non-namespaced resource is given a directory named after its kind and group. The
|   |   # group is used to prevent clashes between resources with the same kind in different groups
|   |   # but is omitted for core resources
│   └── <pluralised-kind>.<group>
|       |   # Files are named after the resource name
│       └── <name>.yaml
|   # Directory containing namespaced resources
└── namespaces
    |   # Each Namespace is given its own directory named after its name
    └── <namespace-name>
        |   # Files are named after the resource name, kind and group. The group is used to prevent
        |   # clashes between resources with the same kind and name in different groups but is
        |   # ommitted for core resouces
        └── <kind>.<group>-<name>.yaml

Use Cases

kfmt is useful in any situation where it's beneficial to have a collection of manifests organised into a standard format. This could be to tidy up a large collection of manifests or just to make them easier to browse.

GitOps tools such as Flux and Anthos Config Management that sync manifests from a Git repository could also benefit from kfmt by running it as a final step in CI, taking in all the manifests to be synced and verifying there are no clashes. Using the kfmt.dev/namespaces annotation can also be used to copy policy resources across Namespaces and having a standard format may make any changes easier to review.