
Dictionary Password Validation for Go

MIT License



Dictionary Password Validation for Go.

Protect your bcrypt/scrypt/PBKDF encrypted passwords against dictionary attacks.

Motivated by Password Requirements Done Better - or why password requirements help hackers

This library will help you import a password dictionary and will allow you to validate new/changed passwords against the dictionary.

You are able to use your own database and password dictionary. Currently the package supports importing dictionaries similar to CrackStation's Password Cracking Dictionary, and has "drivers" for MongoDB, BoltDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL. For a feasible in-memory database see the Bloom filter driver


As always, the package is installed with go get


With this library you can:

  1. Import a password dictionary into your database
  2. Check new passords against the dictionary
  3. Sanitize passwords before authenticating a user

All of the 3 functionality parts can be used or replaced as it suits your application. In particular you probably do not want to import dictionaries on your webserver, so you can separate that functionality into a separate command.

setting up a database

To use the built-in drivers, see the documentation for them. But here is an example of how to set up a Bolt database:


	// Open the database using the Bolt driver
	// You probably have this elsewhere if you already use Bolt
  	db, err := bolt.Open("password.db", 0666, nil)
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

So far pretty standard. We open the database as we always would. This is used by the driver in to write and check passwords.

	// Use the driver to read/write to the bucket "commonpwd"
	chk, err := boltpw.New(db, "commonpwd")
	if err != nil {

The object we get back can then be used to check passwords, assuming you have imported a database.

	err = password.Check(chk, "SecretPassword", nil)
	if err != nil {
		// Password failed sanitazion or was in database.

importing a dictionary

Example that will import the crackstation into memory. Replace testdb.NewMemDBBulk() with a constructor to the database you want to use.

import (

func Import() {
	r, err := os.Open("crackstation-human-only.txt.gz")
	if err != nil {
	mem := testdb.NewMemDBBulk()
	in, err := tokenizer.NewGzLine(r)
	if err != nil {
	err = password.Import(in, mem, nil)
	if err != nil {

checking a password

This is an example of checking and preparing a password to be stored in the database. Passwords allowed to be full UTF8, and are compared case insensitively.

func PreparePassword(db password.DB, toCheck string)  (string, error) {
	err := password.Check(db, toCheck, nil)
	if err != nil {
		// Password failed sanitazion or was in database.
		return "", err
	// We use the default sanitizer to sanitize/normalize the password
	toStore, _ := password.Sanitize(toCheck, nil)
	if err != nil {
		// Shouldn't happen, since we already passed sanitaztion in the check once
		// File a bug if it does.

	// bcrypt the result and return it
	return bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(toStore), 12)


You can replace the sanitizer with your own when checking passwords. This can be used to reject passwords that match username, email, you site name and similar information you might have on the user. For an example of that, see the Sanitizer interface.

You can use different sanitizers for importing a dictionaries and checking individual passwords. You should run the sanitizer on all passwords before checking or encrypting them for storage, as proposed in the "checking a password" above.


CrackStation's Password Cracking Dictionary

Contains a very good dictionary. Their "Human Passwords Only" is very good at catching common bad passwords, and is a good base dicitonary. Can be opened with tokenizer.NewGzLine.

Here is a HTTP download provided by me, please use only if you cannot download torrents. I have recompressed them for a smaller download size:

License is CC-by-SA. This license allows you to use the data commercially.

SkullSecurity Passwords

Mostly small and varying quality. Can be opened with tokenizer.NewBz2Line.

g0tmi1k Dictionaries + Wordlists.

Hard to download. 18-in-1 has a lot of sameword1; sameword2, etc. Mostly ascii passwords. Needs to be uncompressed or recompressed.

• klauspost "paranoid passwords" dictionary

I have created a dictionary by combining 'Crackstation', 'g0tmi1k' and 'WPA-PSK WORDLIST 3 Final'. The passwords are all in lower-case, unicode KD-normalized, unique and sorted.

• Download dictionary. 1123 Million entries, 3.1GB gzipped.

Note: This dictionary cannot be used for password retrival. Released as CC-by-SA.


Unless security related issues should show up, the interfaces and functions should not change in this package. If it is impossible to remain compatible, it will always be shown by a compiler error. So if the library compiles after an update it will remain compatible.


This code is published under an MIT license. See LICENSE file for more information.