
Cryptographically secure random strings in Go



Cryptographically secure random strings in Go

I was tired of so many Go apps and libraries being modulo-biased when generating random strings. Here's another library to generate cryptographically secure and unbiased strings. Internally this library uses Go's crypto/rand package which reads from the best random generator your system provides.


# Install library
go get -u github.com/leonklingele/randomstring/v2
// .. and use it. Generate a 30 character long string
s, err := randomstring.Generate(30, randomstring.CharsASCII)
// You can even use your own alphabet "abc". Be careful though!
s, err := randomstring.Generate(30, "abc")

Supported alphabets:

  • randomstring.CharsNum: Contains numbers from 0-9
  • randomstring.CharsAlpha: Contains the full English alphabet: letters a-z and A-Z
  • randomstring.CharsAlphaNum: Is a combination of CharsNum and CharsAlpha
  • randomstring.CharsASCII: Contains all printable ASCII characters in code range [32, 126]