
A tool to measure speed of new lines arrival

MIT License



A small tool (used to be ~25 lines of code) to calculate the rate of lines in STDOUT and group them by count with alphanumeric filter.


go install github.com/vearutop/lograte@latest

or download prebuilt binary from releases.

wget https://github.com/vearutop/lograte/releases/latest/download/linux_amd64.tar.gz && tar xf linux_amd64.tar.gz && rm linux_amd64.tar.gz
./lograte -version


Pipe the verbose output (for example tail of logs) to lograte

tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log | lograte

Once a second, the rate of lines is printed together with the last line in that second.

2022/03/03 23:44:17 [error] 30064#30064: *27785232 open() "/home/ubuntu/tbex.ru/w/0!8816!www.sibmail.com!c.js" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: tbex.ru, request: "GET /w/0!8816!www.sibmail.com!c.js?rev=4-1646347458270 HTTP/1.1", host: "c.tbex.ru", referrer: "http://www.sibmail.com/"
18 lines since Mar  3 23:43:43, 0.52 per second

You can also check the rate of remote logs filtered with grep.

ssh -C log-collector.acme.com 'tail -f /var/log/app-error.log | grep "my feature" | grep -v "well known error"' | lograte
2022/03/03 22:46:42.368373 EVENT failed to pass with ID foo
6218 lines since Mar  3 23:46:32, 604.20 per second
2022/03/03 22:46:43.933489 EVENT failed to pass with ID bar
6862 lines since Mar  3 23:46:32, 605.47 per second

Or show top filtered messages by count or total size.

NOTE: Filtered messages have all case insensitive sequences of [a-z]-_% with at least one digit or all digits replaced with X. This is usually enough to remove dynamic data from message and decrease cardinality. Filtered messages are collected in a limited number of buckets, once the limit is met all other messages are collected into the Other bucket.

tail -f /var/log/quick.log | lograte -top 5 -t 1s -by-size
foo-bar-18 i2 2022/09/03 08:22:17.206522 <recent log entry>
271382 lines since Sep  3 08:22:14, 90447.4 per second, 68.3 MB/s, 791 B/avg
------ Top 5 -------------------------
29810 lines, 9935.2 lps (11.0%), 14.7 MB/s (21.5%), 1546 B/avg: X X X/X/X X:X:X.X filtered entry X.X
26559 lines, 8851.7 lps (9.8%), 9.1 MB/s (13.4%), 1083 B/avg: X X X/X/X X:X:X.X another filtered X entry

If you want to analyze existing log files, you can use lograte with cat or something similar to read them. For such case you can use -parse-time-format and -parse-time-regex to parse time from log line instead of current clock.

For example such command would read all *.zst files in current directory, filter them with zstdgrep and then analyze using time.RFC3339Nano format for the first value between space and tab as a timestamp.

zstdgrep "fancy error" *.zst | ~/lograte -top 100 -buckets 1000 -parse-time-regex " ([\d-T:.Z]+)\t" -parse-time-format "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"

or if you want to analyze lines/bytes distribution without time, use -no-time

zstdgrep "fancy error" *.zst | ~/lograte -top 100 -buckets 1000 -no-time


lograte -help
Usage of lograte:
  -buckets int
        max number of buckets to track filtered messages (default 500)
        order messages by size instead of count
  -dbg-cpu-prof string
        write first 10 seconds of CPU profile to file
  -len int
        limit message length (default 120)
  -line-buf int
        line token buffer size (default 10000000)
  -max-lines int
        stop after a number of processed lines
        do not use time metrics, for non tailing mode
  -parse-time-format string
        format to parse time from log line
  -parse-time-regex string
        regex to parse time value from log line
  -skip-lines int
        number of lines to skip at the beginning
  -t duration
        reporting interval (default 1s)
  -top int
        show top filtered messages ordered by rate
        print version and exit