
⚠️ WIP Skin server for the Minetest engine

GPL-3.0 License


Minetest Skin Server

[!IMPORTANT] This server is still in development and is not ready for production use. Breaking changes may occur at any time.

This server is made for serving Minetest skins to Minetest servers. It is licensed under GPLv3.

  • ✅ Easy to use and powerful API
  • ✅ Skins compatible with both MineClone2 and Minetest Game
  • ✅ Fast and reliable, thanks to Docker, Golang, Fiber and PostgreSQL
  • ✅ Optimised images using OptiPNG


The server is build with the Go language on-top of the Fiber framework.

It uses also the GORM library for interacting with the database.

The frontend is build with the React library, the Vite framework and the following libraries:

Running Server

Development (Docker)

1. Install docker

Follow the official guide for your OS.

[!NOTE] The installation links are from Docker Engine, which works only under Linux.

Docker Desktop can be used on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

It runs a Linux VM in the background and isn't as performant as the native version, but it's easier to install and use.

[!WARNING] You need a BuildKit enabled version of Docker to build the image.

2. Download source code

git clone https://github.com/AFCMS/minetest-skin-server && cd minetest-skin-server

3. Configure server

cp exemple.env .env

Edit the .env file with the config you want.

A typical production config would be:



4. Run services

docker compose -f compose.dev.yml up --build

You will now have access to the app (both frontend and API) at http://localhost:8080. Doing changes to the frontend files will trigger fast refresh without needing to restart the entire app.

Development (host, not recommended)

It's possible to run the server without Docker, but it's not recommended.

1. Install Go and NodeJS

Follow the official guides for you OS.

I recommend using NodeJS v20 installed using nvm under linux.

2. (Optional) Install OptiPNG

If you want to enable OptiPNG, you need to install it.

On Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt install optipng

On Fedora/RHEL:

sudo dnf install optipng

3. Download source code

git clone https://github.com/AFCMS/minetest-skin-server && cd minetest-skin-server

4. Install Go dependencies

go mod download

5. Install NodeJS dependencies

cd frontend && npm install --include=dev && cd ..

6. Configure server

cp exemple.env .env

Edit the .env file with the config you want.

A typical development config would be:



You need a PostgreSQL database running on the given host and port.

7. Frontend

The frontend served by the Fiber backend can be build before running the app and served statically, the Vite development server can also be proxied by the backend to avoid rebuilding everytime.

Static files can be built like this before launching the server:

cd frontend && npm run build && cd ..

If you want to use Vite's development server, you can run it like this:

cd frontend && npm run dev

With the following additional configuration in the .env file:


[!CAUTION] The Vite server configuation makes it exposed on your local network by default to make it accessible in Docker, you can change this behaviour in the Vite configuration.

8. Build and run backend

go build && ./minetest-skin-server


There is an exemple production Docker Compose file in the repository.

It uses the production image built by the GitHub Actions workflow, which supports amd64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x, 386 architectures.

docker pull ghcr.io/afcms/minetest:master
docker compose -f compose.prod.yml up

You can verify that the image have been really built by the GitHub Actions workflow and find the build log using the GitHub CLI:

gh attestation verify oci://ghcr.io/afcms/minetest-skin-server:master --repo AFCMS/minetest-skin-server


For production the server supports some more configuration variables.

Google Search Console Verification

The server can use the HTML tag verification method for the Google Search Console (URL prefix).

You can set the MT_SKIN_SERVER_VERIFICATION_GOOGLE_SEARCH_CONSOLE environment variable to Google's verification token.

You can also use the DNS record method if you want, please checkout Google's documentation for more information.


The server supports OAuth2 for authentication, you can set the following environment variables to enable it.

If one of the two variables (client id, client secret) for a provider are not set, OAuth2 will be disabled for that provider.

  • MT_SKIN_SERVER_OAUTH_REDIRECT_HOST: the host where the OAuth2 callback will be redirected to
  • ContentDB:
    • MT_SKIN_SERVER_OAUTH_CONTENTDB_CLIENT_ID: the OAuth2 client ID for the ContentDB API
    • MT_SKIN_SERVER_OAUTH_CONTENTDB_CLIENT_SECRET the OAuth2 client secret for the ContentDB API
    • MT_SKIN_SERVER_OAUTH_CONTENTDB_URL: the URL of the ContentDB instance, default to https://content.minetest.net
    • Create Application
  • GitHub:
    • MT_SKIN_SERVER_OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: the OAuth2 client ID for the GitHub API
    • MT_SKIN_SERVER_OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET the OAuth2 client secret for the GitHub API
    • Create Application

Development Tools

I recommand using either VSCode or GoLand.

There are multiple VSCode extensions marked as recommended for the workspace.