
Mustache templating language in Go

MIT License



This is an implementation of the mustache templating language in Go.

It is inspired by hoisie/mustache however it's not a fork, but rather a re-implementation with improved spec conformance, and a more flexible API (e.g. support for io.Writer and io.Reader).

It is built using lexing techniques described in the slides on lexical scanning in Go, and functional options as described in the blog post on self-referential functions and the design of options.

This package aims to cover 100% of the mustache specification tests, however, by the time of this writing, it is not complete.

For more information on mustache check the official documentation and the mustache spec.


Install with go get


The API documentation is available at


The core of this package is the Template, and its Parse and Render functions.

template := mustache.New()
template.Parse(strings.NewReader("Hello, {{subject}}!"))
template.Render(os.Stdout, map[string]string{"subject": "world"})


There are additional Parse and Render helpers to deal with different kinds of input or output, such as string, []byte or io.Writer/io.Reader.

Parse(r io.Reader) error
ParseString(s string) error
ParseBytes(b []byte) error
Render(w io.Writer, context interface{}) error
RenderString(context interface{}) (string, error)
RenderBytes(context interface{}) ([]byte, error)


f, err := os.Open("template.mustache")
if err != nil {
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to open file: %s\n", err)
t, err := Parse(f)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to parse template: %s\n", err)
t.Render(os.Stdout, nil)

Note: in the example above, we used Parse which wraps the t := New() and t.Parse() functions for conciseness.


t := mustache.New()
err := t.ParseString("Hello, {{subject}}!")
if err != nil {
    // handle error
s, _ := t.RenderString(map[string]string{"subject": "world"})
if err != nil {
    // handle error


It is possible to define some options on the template, which will alter the way the template will parse, render or fail.

The options are:

  • Name(n string) Option sets the name of the template. This option is useful
    when using the template as a partial to another template.
  • Delimiters(start, end string) Option sets the start and end delimiters of
    the template.
  • Partial(p *Template) Option sets p as a partial to the template. It is
    important to set the name of p so that it may be looked up by the parent
  • SilentMiss(silent bool) Option sets missing variable lookup behavior.

Options can be defined either as arguments to New or using the Option function.


Partials are templates themselves and can be defined using the Partial option.

Note: It is important to name the partial using the Name option which should match the mustache partial tag {{>name}} in the parent template.

title := New(
    Name("header")        // instantiate and name the template
    Delimiters("|", "|")) // set the mustache delimiters to | instead of {{

title.ParseString("|title|") // parse a template string

body := New()

template := New(
    SilentMiss(false), // return an error if a variable lookup fails
    Partial(title),    // register a partial
    Partial(body))     // and another one...


context := map[string]interface{}{
    "title":   "Mustache",
    "content": "Logic less templates with Mustache!",

template.Render(os.Stdout, context)


When rendering, context can be either a map or a struct. Following are some examples of valid context arguments.

ctx := map[string]interface{}{
    "foo": "Hello",
    "bar": map[string]string{
        "baz": "World",
mustache.Render("{{foo}} {{bar.baz}}", ctx) // Hello World
type Foo struct { Bar string }
ctx := &Foo{ Bar: "Hi, from a struct!" }
mustache.Render("{{Bar}}", ctx) // Hi, from a struct!
type Foo struct { bar string }
func (f *Foo) Bar() string { return }
ctx := &Foo{"Hi, from a method!"}
mustache.Render("{{Bar}}", ctx) // Hi, from a method!
type Foo struct { Bar string `tag:"bar"` }
ctx := &Foo{ Bar: "Hi, from a struct tag!" }
mustache.Render("{{bar}}", ctx) // Hi, from a struct tag!


Run go test as usual. If you want to run the spec tests against this package, make sure you've checked out the specs submodule. Otherwise, spec tests will be skipped.

Currently, certain spec tests are skipped as they fail due to an issue with how standalone tags and empty lines are being handled. Inspecting them manually, one can see that the templates render correctly but with some additional \n which should have been omitted. See issue #1.

See for a breakdown of which spec tests pass and fail.


If you would like to contribute, head on to the issues page for tasks that need help.