
mya's collection of Golang (Go) utilities for building distributed systems



My collection of Golang (Go) utilities for building distributed systems. Over the last few months, I've started to consolidate some common code across my repositories into this single collection. It's allowed me to delete some smaller repositories I have in favor of a single one with more of the common code I like to work with.

This isn't really intended to be used by others, but feel free explore, try things out, or submit issues if you find them.

  • auth contains common authentication code.
  • authors contains code for parsing AUTHORS file contents.
  • browser contains code for interacting with browsers across platforms.
  • clocks contains code for working with clocks on contexts.
  • cluster contains code for forming pools of nodes into clusters.
  • config contains code for working with a variety of configuration file formats.
  • dirset contains code for obtaining platform based, application state directories to cache, store, or log data to.
  • encoding contains common encoding schemes used by configuration and for transport.
  • flagset contains opinionated code for parsing Go structs into urfave/cli flags.
  • headers provides logic for handling headers in a semi-agnostic way.
  • lazy provides code for lazy loading values until success.
  • leaderless forms a farm128 consistent hash ring to coordinate work within a cluster without the need for election.
  • libctx is a collection of common context utilities.
  • lifecycle provides hooks into the lifecycle of an application.
  • livetls provides a tls.Config that periodically reloads the underlying configuration.
  • logger is a collection of logging utilities for zap.
  • paxos provides a paxos implementation.
  • plugin provides code for writing command-line based plugins.
  • ulid provides code for generating variable length unique, lexigraphic identifiers (ULID) with programmable fills.
  • vfs provides code for working with file systems on contexts using afero.
  • vue contains helpers for VueJS applications.
  • wal provides a minimal write-ahead log.
  • yarpc is yet another RPC framework, built on top of Hashicorp Yamux with the simplicity of http.


  • (required) go. See go.mod for required version information.
  • (required) openssl is used to generate certificates for tests in the livetls package.
  • (optional) addlicense prepends files with appropriate license information.