
📚 MyBooks API written in Go

MIT License


MyBooks API Documentation


Welcome to the documentation for the MyBooks API. MyBooks is a SaaS project designed to help users organize their personal library. This API provides endpoints for managing libraries, books, user profiles, billing, and loan status.

File structure

|-- /cmd
|   |-- /api
|   |   |-- main.go
|   |
|-- /docs
|   |-- main.go
|   |-- swagger.json
|   |-- swagger.yaml
|   |
|-- /internal
|   |-- /domain
|   |   |-- /models
|   |   |   |-- auth_model.go
|   |   |   |-- book_model.go
|   |   |   |-- library_model.go
|   |   |   |-- loan_model.go
|   |   |   |-- user_model.go
|   |   |-- /repositories
|   |   |   |-- auth_repository.go
|   |   |   |-- book_repository.go
|   |   |   |-- library_repository.go
|   |   |   |-- loan_repository.go
|   |   |-- /services
|   |   |   |-- auth_service.go
|   |   |   |-- book_service.go
|   |   |   |-- library_service.go
|   |   |   |-- loan_service.go
|   |
|   |-- /infrastructure
|   |   |-- /api
|   |   |   |-- /handlers
|   |   |   |   |-- auth_handler.go
|   |   |   |   |-- books_handler.go
|   |   |   |   |-- library_handler.go
|   |   |   |   |-- loans_handler.go
|   |   |   |-- /middlewares
|   |   |   |   |-- auth_middleware.go
|   |   |   |   |-- cors_middleware.go
|   |   |   |-- server.go
|   |   |-- /config
|   |   |   |-- database.go
|   |   |-- /constants
|   |   |   |-- constants.go
|   |   |-- /helpers
|   |   |   |-- get_user_from_context.go
|   |   |   |-- handle_error.go
|   |
|-- /pkg
|   |-- generate_random_id.go
|   |-- send_email.go
|   |-- validate_model_struct.go
|-- Dockerfile
|-- docker-compose.yml
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
|-- makefile



Authentication is required for most endpoints. MyBooks supports credentials authentication and authentication via Google account.


  • POST v1/auth/signup/credentials: Create user with credentials.
  • POST v1/auth/signin/credentials: Authentication user with credentials.
  • POST v1/auth/signout: Logout user.
  • POST v1/auth/forgot-password: Forgot password.
  • POST v1/auth/reset-password/{token}: Create a new password.
  • GET v1/auth/validate: Validate access_token cookie.


Manage libraries where users can organize their books.


  • GET v1/libraries: Get all libraries.
  • GET v1/libraries/{libraryId}: Get library by ID.
  • POST v1/libraries: Create a new library.
  • PUT v1/libraries/{libraryId}: Update a library.
  • DELETE v1/libraries/{libraryId}: Delete a library.
  • POST v1/libraries/{libraryId}/books/{bookId}: Add book to a library.
  • DELETE v1/libraries/{libraryId}/books/{bookId}: Remove book from a library.


Manage books within libraries.


  • GET v1/books: Get all books.
  • GET v1/books/{bookId}: Get book by ID.
  • POST v1/books: Create a new book.
  • PUT v1/books/{bookId}: Update a book.
  • DELETE v1/books/{bookId}: Delete a book.


Manage user profiles.


  • PUT v1/profile/photo: Update profile photo.
  • PUT v1/profile: Update name, email, and password.
  • DELETE v1/profile: Delete the account.


Manage billing details and subscription plans.


  • GET v1/billing: Get billing details for the account ($5 per account).
  • POST v1/subscribe: Subscribe to a plan.


Manage loan status of books.


  • POST v1/loans: Create a loan
  • GET v1/loans: Get all loans
  • PUT v1/loans/:loanId/return: Mark loan as returned



  • Should be able to authenticate using credentials;
  • Should be able to logout;
  • Should be able to reset password;
  • Should be able to refresh token;
  • Should be able to authenticate using Google account;

Library ✅

  • Should be able to create a new library;
  • Should be able to get all libraries;
  • Should be able to get a library by id;
  • Should be able to update a library;
  • Should be able to delete a library;
  • Should be able to add book in a library;
  • Should be able to remove book from a library;

Books ✅

  • Should be able to create a new book;
  • Should be able to get all books;
  • Should be able to get all books with params;
    • Should be able to filter books by title
    • Should be able to filter books by author
    • Should be able to filter books by genre
    • Should be able to filter books by ISBN
    • Should be able to filter books by language
    • Should be able to filter books by read
  • Should be able to get book by id;
  • Should be able to update a book;
  • Should be able to delete a book;


  • Should be able to update the profile photo;
  • Should be able to update name, email, and password if they exist;
  • Should be able to delete the account;


  • Should be able to get billing details for the account ($5 per account);
  • Should be able to subscribe to a plan;

Loan ✅

  • Should be able to create a loan and indicate to whom;
  • Should be able to get all loans;
  • Should be able to mark a loan as returned;


To use this project, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install the dependencies: go mod download
  3. Build the application: go build
  4. Run the application: ./cmd/api/main.go

Running local with Air

To run the service locally, you can use Air for hot-reloading. Run the following command:


Makefile Commands

The project includes a Makefile to help you manage common tasks more easily. Here's a list of the available commands and a brief description of what they do:

  • make run: Run the application without generating API documentation.
  • make run-with-docs: Generate the API documentation using Swag, then run the application.
  • make build: Build the application and create an executable file named gopportunities.
  • make test: Run tests for all packages in the project.
  • make docs: Generate the API documentation using Swag.
  • make clean: Remove the gopportunities executable and delete the ./docs directory.

To use these commands, simply type make followed by the desired command in your terminal. For example:

make run

Docker and Docker Compose

This project includes a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file for easy containerization and deployment. Here are the most common Docker and Docker Compose commands you may want to use:

  • docker build -t your-image-name .: Build a Docker image for the project. Replace your-image-name with a name for your image.
  • docker run -p 8080:8080 -e PORT=8080 your-image-name: Run a container based on the built image. Replace your-image-name with the name you used when building the image. You can change the port number if necessary.

If you want to use Docker Compose, follow these commands:

  • docker compose build: Build the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file.
  • docker compose up: Run the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

To stop and remove containers, networks, and volumes defined in the docker-compose.yml file, run:

docker-compose down

For more information on Docker and Docker Compose, refer to the official documentation:

Used Tools

This project uses the following tools:

  • Golang for backend development
  • Go-Gin for route management
  • GoORM for database communication
  • Swagger for API documentation and testing


To contribute to this project, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  3. Make your changes and commit them using Conventional Commits
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  5. Submit a pull request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


This project was created by vinniciusgomes.

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